The Feeling part 2: ...well...the feeling, i guess

Ok, so hopefully you read part 1 already. You did?! Well, good for you! Those who didn't, i won't love you till you go back and read it.So during the night, I do this thing called daydreaming. You've all probably done it. Making up a story in your head, using either another character or one of your own and creating a plot and watching it run in your head like a movie, instead of writing it down. I...
August 22nd, 2010 at 01:08am

The Feeling part 1: Being Low

Ok, this is ongoing as i add more details, but i gotta start somewhere. As most of you don't know, i'm a diabetic (type 1). And as a diabetic, i get low bloodsugar. Now, there are certain kinds of low bloodsugar and what feelings denote them. There's the kind where you don't know that you're low, and so you don't feel anything. Then there's the kind where you are so hyper and yet utterly exhausted...
August 22nd, 2010 at 12:42am