puke / Comments

  • omg I SAW UR TEXTS
    October 9th, 2012 at 04:00am
  • olmg like no school tomorrow tuesday?? omg yay for u
    October 9th, 2012 at 03:56am
  • samE this whole weekend has been thanksgiving so i went to my aunts on saturday (almost died i swear To GOD) they are the most boring people ever im not kidding they can be talking about something they are genuinely interested in and stil sound uninterested i haTE it but i didn't have school today so bless the canadian holidays hola
    omg thats terrible i feel for u i do im always broke i seriosuly am and my cash flow from my dad is GoNE since my new phone ahh Cry

    i saw taken2 today dawg it was LAright but i knew what was gonna happen from the beginning but i was entertained most of the time (i did laugh at the end part where liam neeson was fighting that istanbul guy on the circle uplift thing idk what its called ayyy)

    omg u liar hehe not really i hhhhhATE canadian netlfix (we dont have workaholics) jeus CHRISt

    ahhh yes i used to write like shitty little romances in a notebook and omg my one friend would read them and i was so stupid when i wrote a """""kiss"""" scene which was literally "his lips touched mine" bc i hadn't a fcuking clue baout kissing but i'd grab the notebook and skip that page and say "its too 14a for you to read" i was sucha loser it hurts
    but i told my mom the other day and she was like can i read it and im like no bc then id have to censor mind suicide nad id probably get therapy or s/t

    omg no that sounds coooooooool idk what im being for halloween wahts a cool idea helP me (if u guys do the yin yang thing send me pics ok)


    omfg back dimples id cry right there and then that sounds beAUTIFUL is wes the guy thats really tlal with nice teeth and peterpan like or is that james omg idk BUT YOU HAVE menTIONED HIM before and james (when i get pictures of the guys in my life you will be the first to see them ok ok)

    no one laugehd either (well they laughed at me but just they wait in 2 months EVERYOne will be saying it)
    October 9th, 2012 at 03:56am
  • i will i will!!

    omg i saw on instragram your picture and i was just like is she doing what think she is cause i saw an apple and then i chuckled a little ha ha ha ive always wanted to do that tbh but i dont have the need anymore bc i bought a pipe way back when
    your life is so mcuh cooler where i live we dont have tunnels or free ranging golf courts lets switch lives u will h8 mine i swear

    how was taken 2?? i liked the first but im not sure about tthe second

    omg i loved watching the debate it was so interesting but i was basically making fun of romney the whole time and hes my phoen background now bc someone photoshopped a baby hand instead of his and i laughed for a long time but no one gets it sigh

    omg i feel u my friend was watching me as i opened up my messages and she wasl ike "melinda????" and i lied and said i knew you from church l o l only my best friend knows about the """writing"" thing kind of i told her i made it on project fiction but thats about it
    i feel so embarrassed when i talk about it because if they ever read it theyd be like what the fuck and i dont think they'd think that i write about what i do u kno

    its ok talk about him!! (you guys are perfect) keep me updated with him hah whats workaholics should i watch it i feel like i should ha ah

    omg last tuesday i went to the football game and cheered on literally the hottest guy ever (not really but hes so cute and like hIlARIous too) but after me and my friend were walking and he gave us this hot smirk and im in love with him and yeah but the guy on my bus (i swear i love too many boys i need help) we were sitting and we have the same humor and it was really casual and fun and hes so hot it hurts

    i used it the other day and no one laughed but i did because its funny just ..

    catch yOU on the flipside Scooter
    October 8th, 2012 at 04:53am
  • ehhh I got an iphone! we can facetime (:::: Mr. Green
    October 7th, 2012 at 05:43am
  • http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbeaw2GYwY1qzi58t.gif
    October 6th, 2012 at 07:28am
  • ahghghg it went pretty good!!! my mouth hasn't hurt at all since its happened and im so happy bc before it hurt a lot and ):

    did you watch the debate tonight didya cause i did and i live in canada but it was mainly me making fun of romney hehehe

    omg tell me how they taste!! ive always wanted to make edibles but it stink up my house and id probably get killed so thats probably never happening isgh

    omfg baby gonz im crying i feel u though maybe government is like social but not really but man do i hate social its so boring and tomorrow i have a source analysis that i dont even know how to properly do cause i missed two days of school but life i dont know how people fall asleep in classes do you do ya because eveyrone talks about it but i dont think i could idk i usually go to bed at 9 and wake up at 7 ok

    are government and us history the same class cause then would be the equivalent of social studies then ha

    omg give me their instagram names i want to folow them!! <3

    is it sad that i laughed for a solid twenty seconds at the "catch you on the flip side" im integrating that into my everyday lingo how bout that

    ay <3

    i was going to say something important but now i forget oh well life but do you every think its weird to have friends over the internet idk man its weird but its not weird at the same time u feel me because people i talk to irl if i ever mentioned "oh yeah i have internet friends" they'd be lik e wtf and idk if its weird ha

    im crazy
    October 4th, 2012 at 05:55am
  • I'm also getting a root canal tomorrow and omg im scared it's going to hurt ahhhhh ):

    literally telling you the most boring things about me because that's all that's going on in my life

    However I sm going to my schools football game tomorrow and it's against our """""rival"""" team hahah

    Ugh bye my life is boring I watched scrubs all day and moaned about how sore my mouth is ///:
    Tell me ksomething interesting :*
    October 2nd, 2012 at 06:08am
  • http://www.mibba.com/Stories/Read/488048/Fille-Lune/

    (i put character pictures up and changed the layout!!!! (i d id end up using matt hitt cause i found the per\fecT picure)

    why cant i type helP
    October 2nd, 2012 at 12:25am
  • idk why but my dads computer wont let me copy image location wat????? but i was searching tumblr for a picture for eden and i came across this!!!!!!!!!!! http://hittclub.tumblr.com/post/32148983872 <3
    October 2nd, 2012 at 12:14am
  • ahh im not sure yet i have a lot of pictures saved on to my computer so when i get it back ill chose what do you think??

    September 30th, 2012 at 02:36am
  • but i feel like the name eden is cool because it means paradise in hebrew and he's gunna be her like """"ëscape""" type thing but less lame

    September 30th, 2012 at 02:25am
  • omg no i loved it i honestly laughed when he was like "fuck you im almost sixteen"hehhe

    okokkokok your so much better with names mine are so generic like adam or ryan cody (ok none of those but u get my point rite)

    but yeah i put little loser-y charaacter pages to set the mood but his name so far is "dddddd"

    im trying to think of a """""symbolic""" name but i cant bc i literally ahven't thought of any of the story but its ok cause im only going to write it when i get my laptop back from apple dont want my dad like accidentally stumbling across u know

    but idk his name yet this always happens bc i read your stories then months later i write something and then i realize you used the name and i feel rlly weird you feel me ya i want like a name people wont use because wow id ont know why im literally babbling on now
    September 30th, 2012 at 02:22am
  • omfg that nickname is funny hahahah thats actually really clever Cool

    i love when boys have pictures from when they were little omg they're all so hilarious usually its just a really low angle making them look like 500+ lbs higher hahaaaaa

    ahh party sounded rlly cool no parties ever happen here but i think someones throwing a halloween party ahh well...theres parties but i probably dont get invited to because i still dont know that many people at my school yet siggh

    omg no i just thought it was like boohoo but boo in a sassy way makes me chuckle (omg)

    i feel u i find really weird things funny and no one else does and its aggravating cause while im laughing people look at me lik wtf but you guys are meant to be ahhh

    im laughingat the "get outta town" bit keep me updated on that whole sitcom thing lol wish u guys the best Scooter
    September 30th, 2012 at 02:08am
  • ive been sitting here for like 20 ++++ minutes trying to figure out the name for the guy in moon girl but i can't think of one help a nigga out xx
    September 30th, 2012 at 02:02am
  • literally logged on as you left the comment fate hah

    awe whats his name :O

    i kno i kno i was supposed to hang out wih people but i dont feel like it and they didnt text me so w.e
    September 29th, 2012 at 11:55pm
  • omg thank god i was afraid that it was the lamest thing since something like freakishly lammmme http://www.mibba.com/Stories/Read/488048/Fille-Lune/ thats the link ahh the """""summary""" isn't to stay idk about i yet but i like to get the basic part of it then finish it up u feel

    omg yay the white one is so nice (if i get one thats the colour im getting) i migth be getting it tomorrow idk life //:

    ahh i cant see the first picture but hes so cute aw i want to hug him jjesus he does remind of virgin suicides if they had a brother itd be him

    omfg that dress is sooo cutE!!! when you get ready for homecoming send me a picture! :D when is homecoming and what is that we dont have homecoming here lol but i hear about it on tv hehe

    my life is so boring but today me and my friend were standing in line for the cafeteria and lillys friend danielle comes up ad starts like freaking out saying we were looking at her and omfg it was really stupid and immature and my life is one big mess but not really and idk why people are crazy like for reals \YOU saw the text she crazaaay

    hmmmmmmm this weeknd im doing absolutely nothing and im fine with that bc in my social class we have a test EVERY monday omg its horriible and my social teacher is absolutely mental too cause i was late for class because i was in the guidance couselors office booking an appoitment with him and i was late and he freaked out and marked me absent and then wouldnt let me go to bathroom //: life

    wow so far this is just me complaining about my school life which is basically a joke

    tell me whats up with you your life is 100% more interesting and thats not sayig much because im basically a loser
    September 29th, 2012 at 04:15am
  • ugh seriously Heath Ledger I swear
    the things he does to me aksjdfhlaksjdhclkajhdslfkj

    September 27th, 2012 at 04:38am
  • omg that sounds kinna weird idk at least you went i guess!!! i havent been to a party yet im kinda sad about it lol but ahhhh people dont dance at parties here tbh haha idk thats sounds reallly strange to me do they just clear a space and people dance????

    it does suck i just got back and apple said its going to be 4-5 days and im using my dads laptop and its SOOOO different from my macbook and i dont like it hahah omg you got an iphone!!!! i might be getting one in a week or so because my phone rn is wack what phone did you have before?? idkim curious im not sure if im getting the 4s or 5 (did you get white or black lmk)

    lilly is wack but bodychecking is like ram into someone really hard and then the other person like """flies"""" back or is like pushed idk its like running into someone really hard on purpose just to be an asshole and thats what she did and idk idrc to be honest because lilly is sucha bitch now and most poeple she hands out with complain about her and whatever ml

    omg he sounds wonderful!!!!!!1!! kinda of reminds me of tom felton in a way from harry potter u know

    i am excited \ahhhhh i dont know what to call it or what its about i just have the layout with like a crescent moon witha pink sky and its probably going to be about some girl (or boy not sure) that lives on the moon or s/t and watches people sleep and basically just watches people idk if that sounds lame if it does plllllee\SE tell me

    September 27th, 2012 at 03:35am
  • omg yay how was the partytell me about it!!

    my lifes been pretty boring except that i spilled milk on my computer so now the trackpad doesn't work and tonight im bring it into apple to get fixed!

    what phone did you get????!?!?! :D

    omg so you know about my fight with lilly right? shes being soooo stupid and its so funny because today she like ""attempted"" to body check my friend and my friend was like "thats cute" and lilly was like "i aint movin for you fatass" and it WAS so funny because lilly (not to be an asshole) is a lot bigger than my friend and so every time i saw her i just laughed adn was like "i aint movin for yo fat ass" and thats probably mean but lilly is so stupid and she keeps making up lies about what happened and im so done wit her lol

    i might get a new phoen too!! my phone rn is so stupid and it keeps not working and i cry about it sometimes but not really

    im writing a new story im so brain dead with alternative rip but i spent ALLLL last night working on a layout it took my forever im not kidding and im still not 100% done with it

    iiii loooove uuuuu
    September 27th, 2012 at 12:12am