
Well Im Pretty Much sick. "YAY!!!" Well... Today at school i was sitting on this guy. and this other guy looked kinda... weird at me. the sad part i like both of these guys. Ones like... hmm... Hydrogen, and the other is like Nitrogen. I know its weird to compare people to elements. But, Nitrogen and Hydrogen are two differnt elements. as to these guys. Nether of them act alike, look alike, or...
October 12th, 2007 at 08:43am

What the frig should i do?!

Okay, this is really weird. i like someone, but i have dreams about some other guy. i dont really get it. what does it mean? like in one of the dreams one of my best friends brothers touched my arm, not as if he wanted to stop me from doing something stupid, but as if to say "dont leave me" that kind of thing. omg im so confused. does this mean i like her big brother? instead of the guy that i...
October 9th, 2007 at 08:24am


So my friend dosnt have a good enought life, so she has to talk about mine, on her msn username? wow, i dont think she has a life. or she just wants something i have right? but i guess im a fucking whore and i need to die and burn in hell. Is that all she could think of? i guess so. but i guess she forgot i had her password to her msn, so i changed her username. yet again. This was started last...
October 7th, 2007 at 08:54pm

Never thought...

I've always heard of people getting hit by drunk drivers, But i never thought it would happen to someone i love. but about 2 weeks ago, one of my best friends got hit by a drunk driver. wow, after just that, it felt like all of my feelings have been mixed together. Even if it did happen 2 weeks ago. It still bugs me. I cant belive that people would drink and drive if they knew what could happen?...
October 7th, 2007 at 07:06am