crackfics and crack pairings

Hey guys, so I was wondering what all you guys thought of crackfics and crack pairings. If you guys don’t know what those are, they’re basically stories and pairings that are meant to be impossible and insane and are just sort of thrown together for the sake of the story.Have you ever written or read any? I’m not sure if I’m a fan or not. There’s a thread on the Tips forum that goes...
March 27th, 2011 at 07:05pm

do you swear in your stories?

Alright, so I was watching 1 Girl, 5 Gays last night and there was a question about censorship and whether or not the f-word should be censored in music. And it just got me thinking, not so much about music, but about cursing in writing. I know exactly where I stand, but I was wondering what other people thought of it.I know that one man on the show said that it should be censored because if...
March 27th, 2011 at 12:33am

comment swapping cos of boredom

Alright, so I’m incredibly bored and I am in the mood for reading and getting comments, so I’m going to link you to my other journal and we can do a comment swap. Sounds good.Yeah, basic rules, you comment first. I’d say you get what you give but I might just end up rambling in your comment about things that I like, just don’t give me the one-liner comment because that’s pretty much...
March 20th, 2011 at 11:55pm

march madness | comment swaps

So, basically, I’ve been pretty much having the worst time ever this month. I just need it to end because once March is over, I won’t have as many things on my plate and all I’ll have to do is get through my finals and then be set for the summer. It’s just been one thing after another, things are just not going the way I had hoped. I’m not getting the marks I need at school and a lot of...
March 12th, 2011 at 09:55pm

chapter lengths for stories

So I was talking to dru the other day and we were talking about chapter lengths for stories, or even lengths for one-shots and we saw eye to eye on the matter, but I was wondering what everyone else’s thoughts on this was.In the end, we pretty much thought that if your story needs to be told in a specific way, that being long chapters, then you should just tell it that way. And if people don’t...
February 23rd, 2011 at 06:28am

Massive Comment Swap Journal.

Huge Comment SwapSo, I’ve seen this sort of thing around so I decided I would do the same thing because I think it’s a pretty effective way to get your stories read and to get some solid feedback.I don’t have very many rules, I don’t really mind the comments that just say that you liked the story you read, I’ll still give you whatever comment I can think of after I read your story.As for...
February 17th, 2011 at 06:45pm

panic at the disco's new video | story swap

So, the other day, I saw Panic! at the Disco’s new video for The Ballad of Mona Lisa. Panic has been my favourite band for only a couple years, I only started listening to them after Pretty. Odd came out. I’m not the biggest fan of Fever, as much as I can appreciate the music of it, which is pretty good, it just wasn’t my scene when it first came out and even now, I don’t think I listen to...
February 12th, 2011 at 03:12am

writing contests | comment swaps

So, lately, I’ve been a little strapped for cash so I thought that maybe I could write some articles and things like that for a little extra money, maybe even join some contests around school and all that. I know there was a contest at my University about dealing with the town’s history or whatever so it had to be non-fiction and that’s not really my thing, you know? I like to write fiction....
January 16th, 2011 at 02:43am

story swapping :)

Alright, so I just posted a new story and there are a couple stories of mine that definitely need some love. So, I will leave it up to you, comment on one of my stories and I’ll comment on one of yours. Easy peasy.Please: Don’t give me anything with a ton of chapters, all my stories are one-shots, so give me a one-shot or maybe a specific chapter you’d like some feedback on.Leave whatever...
December 24th, 2010 at 06:05am

New Story Idea. HELP PLEASE :)

I haven’t written a chaptered story in a long time, in fact, I’ve pretty much stuck to drabbles recently, which is really the exact opposite of a novella, length-wise. But I’ve been writing one for the past couple days and I’m nearly half-way through it and I, personally really love the story, but it takes place a long time ago and I’m not sure if everyone else would like reading...
December 20th, 2010 at 05:51am