In Rainbows

Radiohead's new album comes out as an exclusive download from their website tomorrow.You can pay as much as you want.As in, I paid 0 dollars and 0 cents for it, and my order went through.You get a confirmation e-mail tomorrow with your special code to download the album.I plan to sneak on at about midnight tonight, seeing as the codes will be sent out in the morning in Englandland, so seeing as...
October 10th, 2007 at 09:53am

The End. is complete. Oh yes.

I finished my story kinda thing! Joy!It is called The End. and I just finished it right now!I'm very happy that it's finished, seeing as I started it last school year and it seemed destined to never be completed as I started working on other project and just being overall kinda lazy, but now it's finished! Thank God!It's only 3 chapters so why don't you take a read or something, since it won't...
October 9th, 2007 at 01:21pm

Born Under Punches (The Heat Goes On) / Same as it ever was.

Five kisses to anyone that gets that.I decided to not go to school today because it was a stupid idea.I have to get the courage to talk to this pretty lady. She thinks I am good looking, I think, though. So there's some points already.This Halloween gum is good.Today at work I spent most of my time with Jane, a little kindergartener that cries often because she misses her mom. She and I sat...
October 9th, 2007 at 11:45am

Writing classes are crappy.

I am taking a writing class at the moment at school. It's like...AP Composition and Language or something. Now, I'm all for discovering ways to improve writing skills, I could definitely use some improvement and whatnot, but this specific class is making me want to bunch a baby seal.There's a Word Document on my desktop at the moment named "Two-Headed Boy". It's a story I started working on during...
October 9th, 2007 at 04:06am

Ricky continues to write like two journals a day instead of actually writing a story or something.

I'd like to talk about something deathly serious to me that has kept me up for many nights and has caused me to have a nervous breakdown.beatmania IIDX.I've been playing for...well I don't really know how long. Maybe since January or so. For those of you that don't know what IIDX is, it's a DJ simulation game by Konami (technically bemani, I guess) that is amazingly fun and has fantastic music....
October 8th, 2007 at 02:42pm

Ricky's guide to cheering the hell up.

Now I know what you might be thinking, or maybe you're not thinking at all.Ricky! Fuck you! What do you know about my pain/sadness/other unhappy state?!Well, nothing, to be honest. I don't know every single one of you, but I'm truly sorry and unhappy that you are unhappy. Because of this, I thought to myself, "Hey! I've got nothing to do at the moment besides eat these crackers! Why don't I share...
October 8th, 2007 at 10:15am

On Mibba's interesting obsession with My Chemical Romance.

Now, I'm no stranger to My Chemical Romance. I mean, I'm not a fan, but I know they exist. I've known since I was a freshman that they exist, from the moment my ex made me a CD with the words "EMO 101" scribbled on the cover with a cheap fading sharpie. It was filled with the usual acoustic songs sung by men whose voices could outdo mine and somehow remind me of a 3rd grader, and then quite a few...
October 7th, 2007 at 09:36pm

"Something worthwhile that isn't silly spam. I put effort into this journal." or "On Scary Children"

I just finished my second week of work on Friday. It's not the first job I've had, actually. I once worked at Soak City in Buena Park, across from Knott's Berry Farm. What an absolute nightmare that was. I don't think I lasted more than two weeks actually, seeing as I got the job in the last weeks of school and then worked like, a day during the summer (This was the summer of '05) and BAM, I was...
October 7th, 2007 at 12:50pm