'cause I got some intuition,'

Hey, you! No, not you, the one who's riding the unicorn. I like your unicorn. :3
bold underlined strikethrough italic

'i kinda feel like it don't make sense'

today be: October 2011. Halloween Time! >:D


'she's got a love like woe'

Who am I? Well, first off, my name is Megan. Yep, just plain 'ol Megan, nothin' fancy. I'm up for some fancy shmancy nicknames you lovely people come up with. :) I love about any form of chocolate (Not so good for anyone around me though. xD), my cat named Haven, my awesome friends (I'm not sure where I would be without them.), and my wonderfully amazing boyfriend.? I also enjoy meeting new, epic people (Such as yourself). :3

'now I'm hung up in suspense,'

story title

story title

'but I think you're a pretty sweet pill'

content © yourname.
coding & layout © oliza.