
Joined date
September 1st, 2010


Okay so to start off Im turning 16 this month (^ ^) annnd um I HAD a passion of writting, but no idea why I stopped. So I might not be going online this mibba website alot it'll depend on my mood :)
Now IF I DO write a story, Id obviously post [[the sad thing is I might not finish it xD]] and if I DONT write a story [[maybe a poem or something]] then I would probably put in my dream journal. Yes I include names because its important to describe every part of my dream in order to keep it. [[this might be everyday if I have time at school/during school/before school/or after school .yaaay]] okay and i also put in something that I call "Just thoughts" Its as simple as that. I put in my thoughts ^ ^

Okay onto my intrests XP
LOVE: to read, to sing, to dance when noones watching [[that includes the shower LOLOL]], to watch movie, listen to music, hang out with frieends, read love stories, trajic stories or watch Sims Stories! XDD Oh my biggest and most FAVORITE book of all time has GOT TO BE THE HARRY POTTER SERIES sue me .-. I fucking love it XD I even bought my own wand/scarff at the HP theme park :3 and drank butterbeer and ate choco frogs and tried beans yeah imma dork gotta love it/live with it ^ ^

HATE: people who backstab, cheat [[weasel through]], stuck up snobs, people who are judgemental and people who think Ive gotta be outa my mind cuz first I COULD be out of my mind [[theres seriously NO POINT in telling me that DURR]] and second I could just be hyper and you cant blame someone whose hyper :p

Oh btw my Names Jessica but ma friends call me Tyka [[tee-kah=its polish]] Jessie, Jess, or the ocassional JESSIEBEAR X3 but yeah thats all about me talk to mee OH and if I find offending comments or stupid ass idiots being the mean ones I SHALL GRAB MY WIFE KNIFE AND STAB IT IN UR ASSHOLE k thanks ^ ^