Only Dreamt / Comments

  • Lukeisanostrich.

    Lukeisanostrich. (100)

    United States
    You and I both know that wouldn't happen.
    March 27th, 2012 at 06:30am
  • hazuki.

    hazuki. (175)

    Don't worry, take your time. I'm already glad to know you're still alive ^^
    March 26th, 2012 at 10:03pm
  • Lukeisanostrich.

    Lukeisanostrich. (100)

    United States
    He'd like boys if he saw me.
    March 26th, 2012 at 12:09am
  • Lukeisanostrich.

    Lukeisanostrich. (100)

    United States
    Don't be hatin'.
    You know you wish you were me.
    March 20th, 2012 at 03:39am
  • Artistic Autopsy

    Artistic Autopsy (100)

    United States
    Oh and he's not a kid. YOU'RE A KID.
    March 18th, 2012 at 09:01pm
  • Artistic Autopsy

    Artistic Autopsy (100)

    United States
    I eat poopies.
    March 18th, 2012 at 08:52pm
  • Artistic Autopsy

    Artistic Autopsy (100)

    United States
    Sammy! First mibba comment in forever. It's a real shame I don't know your mibba password anymore. Then I could've hacked it and told everyone how much you enjoy licking toads ;)
    March 18th, 2012 at 05:01am
  • hazuki.

    hazuki. (175)

    Yeah, then you can say “jo, ihr seid alle toten Hosen!” which means “you guys are all…uh…you know...unable to fulfill your task as a male!”

    But I rarely hear it.
    February 17th, 2012 at 08:42pm
  • hazuki.

    hazuki. (175)

    Now that's a good question O.o

    To be 100% accurate, you can use both forms in German; here in the north, people normally use the plural form "hosen" for one piece of clothing. In the south, I hear people saying more frequently "hose", singular, for a pair of pants... I'd rather tell you to use singular, cause that's what my dictionary considers as the "standard" form, even when the other is more common, as far as I know.

    For this particular expression though I always heard people saying "hose" when referring to only a person.

    At least English isn't this messy ^^
    February 16th, 2012 at 05:15am
  • hazuki.

    hazuki. (175)

    I came to your page to stalk you a little and saw I wrote something stupid..."toten hosen" is plural, so if you want to call it to a guy, it's "tote hose".

    Just letting you know...(=
    February 13th, 2012 at 09:36pm
  • Only Dreamt

    Only Dreamt (100)

    United States
    btw this is your friend Tweety formaly known as XxCena--GirlxX i have willingly allowed you to hack your own mibba account so i can destory it and all your lil friends to, except for myself i love myself to much. on second thought i will destory myself to just for the pleasure of seeing you squrim as i am dying, of dr.pepperism. PEANUT hehe he is SOOO small. my jew's nose is bigger then your bfs ehem lol love you <3
    February 11th, 2012 at 07:24pm
  • hazuki.

    hazuki. (175)

    Don't worry your German is fine ^^ Really, it means "the Dead Pants"...

    Well, in German you say it to a person/thing that is useless, nothing comes out from there ^^ And there's also this other call "toten hosen" to a guy who can't "use" his... ehem..."tool".

    And this band is awesome. I love "Ertrinken", the lyrics are great!
    February 10th, 2012 at 03:54am
  • hazuki.

    hazuki. (175)

    There are some teachers who'll let us finish homework for their next class, but it really depends on their mood and how good you are in your reasoning to convince them to give you a chance ^^ I don't think it's that hard in here, but you must have a routine to study or you won't be able to follow classes. And not all school are this way, it really depends on the kind of school.

    Forgot to answer...lowest here was 17, but most part of the winter normally goes by between 28-32, colder days around 23. I'm happy at 32 or lower (= but not too lower or the weather gets all sh*tty, winter storms and so on.

    Haha, if you don't drink here, people will think there's something wrong with you...especially in my family, they're formerly from Bavaria, so they still drink beer in the breakfast ^^ They have this other mindset "kids must learn to drink at home" ^^ And funny, cause tobacco is totally unaccepted here.

    In my school, even in my class, there's a lot of these kids. The only differences are that they don't have enough age to drive and they think that living in their country is sooo last week. Really, I can't stand them, they're so braindead. Few days ago in the subway I saw (more heard) a girl yelling at an older man just because he scolded her as she dropped a paper to the floor instead of tossing it in the trash. I mean, where I come from, you say "sorry" when you're wrong and you won't ever raise your voice at older people.

    Aw, American food! Even Subway, McDonalds and so on taste so different from here. But what I really loved in America was all those zillions of coffee shops, I can't remember the name of my fav one, but it's one of those that sells fair trade coffee and organic food, I was addicted ^^ I don't think Americans eat more, but of course, the kind of food is completely different.

    Wow...I don't know what these kids chances are after school, but at least illegal children are able to get an education there. Here, most of them don't. Kind of sad, cause without a paper saying you graduated from school, or at least made a vocational training at high school level, there isn't much you can do to make money legally, even if they're are allowed to stay in Germany.

    Oh, man. I'd love to speak Spanish, but all I can say is "Holla, me llamo Hannah" (what sounds a bit weird, my name doesn't help much haha), "como te va?" and greetings like "buenas noches" and "buenos ndías". Really, Spanish sounds so cool. I want a Mexican kid in my school, they sound like fun! Haha. Of native Spanish speakers in school we have now only an Argentinian girl, but she's a little bitchy. Probably is her own thing, and I don't think she'll manage to keep in this school for much longer anyway.

    Scottish sounds pretty cool but like a language on its own. If you don't understand them, what to say about me? Haha. I don't even try.

    Really, the man can write good stuff, especially in German. Seriously, there're some songs in English that I hear and think "what the f*ck?", and in German they're pieces of poetry, i.e. Träumer x Death and Love, and Kampf der Liebe x Pain of Love. Probably is a mix of what his dirty little mind conceives on its own and stuff that will make the girls drool all over him and buy his CD's haha. He may look silly, and even sound silly sometimes, but he's definitely NOT silly, he knows very well what he's doing ^^
    January 20th, 2012 at 06:21pm
  • hazuki.

    hazuki. (175)

    Homework? Ohmygosh! You know, we only have classes during morning (except for two days in the week, but only because this is my final year), so our teachers assign a lot of homework to make sure we’ll keep entertained during the afternoons, as they like to say. Not all of the assignments are graded, but some do. And we must write essays, papers and whatnot for two foreign language classes, more German. Most of the teachers will accept your excuses if you don’t do your homework once, but in the second time you’ll be getting to spend some quality time in detention ^^ So, if I don’t keep my schedule I’ll live in detention!

    Wow! At 101 I'd have already melted down ^^ I believe that the lowest this year was 23. Pretty disappointing.

    Haha, my mom just sits there, bored, messing up my music, and shouting when someone brakes in front of me, or if someone will turn into the street in front of me, even when I already saw it. Like she thinks I don’t how what I’m doing. No, we don't lose our permit if we crash -not exactly- but if you cause an accident because you were driving faster than you should, or because you ignored a stop sign, then you can kiss your permit goodbay. And there's always this points system, if you have three on your permit, you lose it -so you don't have that many chances to do stupid things ^^

    So, here, legally: permit at 17, license at 18, tobacco at 18, drinking at 16, but with your parents since 14. Sounds funny, cause what really happens is: drinking really hard at 13, but everybody already got a taste of it around 9, and keep drinking regularly at home, mostly beer. Driving is ok, I don’t think there’re that many people driving before permit, having a car is not that important here like in America, as far as I noticed. Tobacco is kind of out, so now it’s weed at 12-13.

    In Europe, parents are more like "if my kids don't speak English, they won't go anywhere in life". There isn't a single soul in my school who chose French over English as first foreign language. And no offense, but most of the Americans I got to know never showed much interest in learning other languages or other cultures. They just come to Germany to drink beer and party like there's no tomorrow ^^ or they're here just because of their parent's work and counting down the days to go back home, so I can't even blame them.

    So in America illegal kids go to school? That's nice. Here illegal immigrants normally keep their kids at home so their family won't be found and deported.

    And how it is to study with Mexican kids? Kind of a stupid question, but we never had a Mexican kid in school. Damn, I never got to know a Mexican person in my life -not that I know of, at least ^^

    I like the accent of people in London, that sounds beautifull. If they speak slowly I can even understand better than American English, but at normal speed I get lost. I understand better an American talking fast ^^

    I know what video is this! Never watched it, just saw some pictures, and yes, his pants were really cool. And Bill always has his blond moments! And they're even worse when he's functioning in English.
    January 17th, 2012 at 06:27pm
  • hazuki.

    hazuki. (175)

    Me too. I'm simply doing something, then I find something more interesting and give up on the first. Last year I started with a schedule, at least to organize my times of doing homework/studying. Helped a lot, though sometimes it's just so difficult to follow, especially when I'm dying to do other stuff -what actually happens all the time.

    I love the cold, snow and so on. This year it's been way too hot for me, actually ^^

    Freedom and mom in the passenger seat don't even fit in the same phrase.. at least for me...I mean, my mom is crazier than I! She's going to me make me crash one of these days, so I'm nearly giving up driving till I turn 18. I mean, what if I crash and lose my permit? Ah-ha noooo way. God, americans are so fast forward! I mean, permit at 15?

    Yeah, sense of humor is not her strong point, at least when it comes to this sort of thing. Lady Gaga is great! As singer she's a great performer ^^. But her songs just get old after a while, so this is not the kind of stuff that I'm listening to all the time, it's more to chill out with friends or partying.

    Really? Last year we had two american exchange students here in school and we had to talk a lot slower than we usually do and drop a lot of slang, but they understood what we were talking. I don't know, sometimes even accent will make it harder to get what people are talking. In my case, I understand American English even when a person is talking fast, but I totally suck at British English.

    Oh my god, this guy is gay? Haha, I don't even watch Bill's videos or anything. I'm probably the worst fan ever. I think it was just last year that I really took some interest on them, when Bill started being weird. He's really a weird cute thing ^^ If it's to me indicate a video, I wouldn't even say one from Bill, but one from Georg, that a friend of mine showed me -he was answering a question in an interview and woman of his own staff tried to help him. Georg simply went all sarcastic on her...I had to laugh cause it's just so...German...haha. I'll try to find this video again, I don't even know why I didn't bookmark it.
    January 13th, 2012 at 12:09am
  • hazuki.

    hazuki. (175)

    Don't even tell me. Now I'm more disciplined thanks to Mibba and my stories here that need to be updated. It's a sort of training against my commitment problems -in life in general (=

    Walking to school is cool. Call me crazy, but I think that now in winter, with the low temperatures, it's even better; if I wasn't always late I'd do it more often.

    Really? Haha I'll probably crash my car this year at the glorious age of 17 as well...but for other reasons. I already have a sort of "permission to drive", but there's a lot of restrictions to it and I must drive with my mom on the passenger seat. She makes me panic sometimes ^^. I'll be so happy when I turn 18 and be able to actually drive in peace and go everywhere.

    Wow,...that sounds scaring. I'm an easily impressed person, so I'd be the first one there running for my life...

    "Scheiße", this song almost caused WW III to break out at my grandma's place. Well, my Oma always loved Lady Gaga. No kidding, her last birthday she rocked the dancefloor to the sound of Bad Romance, Judas, The Edge of Glory and others. Then, last month I finally bought this CD of remixes from Born This Oma had a fit when she heard "Scheiße", now she thinks "Lady Gaga is a vulgar, direspectful bitch", her words. She didn't really get the joke hehe.

    'schei-buh haha great. Nice try, champs ^^

    Wow. I'd like to be that way... actually I am, but with English. My writing is all f*cked up sometimes, talking I'm way better.
    January 10th, 2012 at 03:00pm
  • hazuki.

    hazuki. (175)

    I've been so slow to answer lately, so I don't even blame you for not answering back sooner [= Probably from next week on my life online will finally go back to normal. Hopefully.

    Your yellow bus still sounds fun. Here people are so stressed out that they'd most probably kill themselves inside the schoolbus right in the first day. So, bad idea. Actually I'm one of the few people who rides the subway to school. Most people in there live real close, so they go walking or with their bikes. Here we only can drive being 18, and not everybody gets a car at this time anyway.

    Wow, you worked in a haunted hause? for real? this must have sound stupid, but we don't really celebrate Halloween here, so I'm completely ignorant ^^

    Haha I wonder what crossed those kid's minds. Wait, they like it when they don't understand? O.o Here we have this sort of situation with Turkish kids. Actually a lot of my friends still talk in Turkish, cause their parents/grandparents are immigrants and barely speak German. I understand only a little turkish, so I'm trying to learn.

    French is definitely not for me. I read and I understand it when other people talk. But talking myself is so frustrating. I hate my pronunciation hehe. Guess it's because this is only my 2nd foreign language and I started to learn it too late. Hope I'll get better with time ^^

    Katy Perry totally sucks, and I found a person who agrees with me, yay! I'll show my friends this last comment, cause they love her neurons-killer songs [= Really, I don't know who's worst. Well, at least Rebecca Black's dumb in a funny way. Katy Perry is just dumb. And bitchy.
    January 9th, 2012 at 10:44pm
  • NoneExistentAccount

    NoneExistentAccount (100)

    Hay ~ We are here to improve our writing skills, and to recieve other's opinions, critics, compliments ect ^^ A new writer can grow into a professional :) least that is my reason of joining this sight -side smile- Your writing is wonderful! I love it , Billy is so cute -giggles- I cannot wait for the others to come :) ! Have a great day

    January 7th, 2012 at 09:35pm
  • hazuki.

    hazuki. (175)

    Sorry I didn't answer sooner, my laptop has gone kaputt T_T lately I'm only getting some time on my mom's laptop to update my stories and that's all.

    Schwarzfahren is really cool. Lots of angst to it, specially when you're going to school, and you suddenly realize you forgot your ticket home, or something like that. And the inspectors absolutely loooveee to walk through the trains at these times, when everybody is going to school/work. And then you sit there praying nobody will walk in... Actually I have two or three friends who do it as a rule -I think with time you realize at least roughly when it's safe to do it.

    Wow, a limousine! ^^ Actually I had never seen one from close in my entire life till the day I went to New York. People there has a thing for limousines, as it seems ^^ It gets old after a few days walking around the city.

    Actually, you really know a lot of useful phrases! They are all right, just this one, I'd say "ist es sicher hier zu schwimmen?". I think it's easier, "ungefährlich" is such a big word ^^

    I like English, really. There are some kind of stories that are weird in German. At least for me. I can't write some sort of things in German, like fanfiction, for example. Sounds wrong. I can't even explain why ^^ But German is so nice to suspense and terror. Though I like to read Stephen King in English. Yeah, I know, I'm weird ^^

    Thanks for suggesting those books, actually I already have this one "Fallen" at home, -guess it was my mom who bought it- I just need to take some time to actually read it. In German it's called "Engelsnacht", so I only realized it was the same book you were talking about when I googled it ^^

    That Friday song. Haha. Man, it's so bad that turns out good ^^ My mom absolutely "loved" it. She sang it for me while I got ready for school and then I'd be stuck with this stupid song in my mind for the rest of the day.

    But don't worry, there're stupid songs in all languages, of course Rebecca Black took it to a whole new level, but someone will beat her anytime.
    January 2nd, 2012 at 06:39pm
  • hazuki.

    hazuki. (175)

    ^^ Well, you'll always have this option of "schwarzfahren" here. In US I believe people MUST buy a ticket or have a valid one before entering a subway station, there's these turnstile thinguies, right? At least in New York I remember it was this way (I don't know about buses, didn't test them ^^). Here you can simple walk in a train or bus without a ticket and pray no ticket inspector will catch you (= If they do, you need to pay about 40 euros T_T

    Yes, we learn English in school; and how this is my first foreign language I'm taking classes since I was eight. Thanks ^^

    Actually I don't even blame kids for not wanting to take German classes... actually the German language is a bitch, haha. Sometimes even I am clueless about many little details and a lot of exceptions to the rules and rules to the exceptions, I think it's amazing that so many people are still interested on learning it.

    Haha "tut mir lied" is funny ^^

    Fallen angels stories seem good! Never read one, but I'll give it a look. Makes me want to write one, actually. Ugh. I have this nasty habit of trying to write all this stories I want to read and I don't find anywhere ^^ Must stop.

    German hip-hop is classy! Of course there are some obviously pornographic songs, and nearly all lyrics will contain at least a few cursing words, but in general they're good enough.
    December 22nd, 2011 at 09:07pm