Suicidal Intentions scores!!!

Here are the final scores for my contest (well for those who actually entered something):FIRST:39/30--TheTallOneSECOND:37/30--XxAshleighxxTHIRD:37/30--HailToThePumpkinSongHONORABLE MENTIONS:1. 36.5/30--Gamble With Desire2. 35.5/30--XRachelxSynisterx3. 35.5/30--yilzonapex the rex4. 35/30--Harry Potter.5. 35/30--XXRipMyHeartOpenXx6. 35/30--Beast In Repose7. 34.5/30--I.heart.fanfics8. 33.5/30--Saul...
May 12th, 2010 at 02:29am

Track Training Journal #2

Today, I am going to train in gym. We have swimming today so that should build up more leg muscles. Right now, it's about 7:30 a.m here but I don't have gym for another 6 hours or so.I walked to school this morning...well, I actually ran today because it was below zero temperatures. It only took me about 5 minutes give or take a minute or two. I was carrying a math book, three different fabrics,...
January 23rd, 2008 at 02:36pm

Track Training Journal

Well, this is my first journal entry. I will be documenting on my training for track this spring. Every day, I will enter a new entry telling what I did and how I am doing. Today, I walked to my grandma's house wictch is about one mile from my house. Even though it is (or was) 6 degrees outside, I had to do it or I would have failed my first homework assingment in math! My goal that I want to...
January 22nd, 2008 at 11:53pm