It's all good

Sorry I haven't been on in a while. Things have been going good lately. The friend issue I was talking about in my last entry is resolved (!). I love my Bff but sometimes she can be annoying. It's okay though because we are all annoying sometimes.I've met a gazillion new people so far in school (most of them I like :) and I've been joining new clubs and my teachers are pretty cool. I hope my reign...
October 2nd, 2010 at 01:32am

Friend Troubles

I feel like my best friend is being way too "clingy" recently. We both go to the same high school together and we just started there. She doesn't know anyone and the people she knows are either a) hate her/she hates them, b) not very close or c) she just met them, but mostly a) and I'm the only one she's very close to. So she never wants to sit with them because of the people who hate her.Now some...
September 16th, 2010 at 12:47am

My thoughts

I like the attention warning (The topic of your journal has to be something worthwhile and can't be silly spam. You need to put effort into your journals.). They sound like a teacher. Okay I'll try my best.I feel like I should have written a story or something on Mibba already, but I won't post anything until I'm completely confident in it. Besides I want to make it worth your while to read it.A...
September 5th, 2010 at 05:30pm