Hang In There

High School.I know for some people, it's the best time of their lives.I know that for other people, it's the very worst.For me, it was just another part of school to get through before I could go off to college, get a career, and really start my life.Now for those of you who think it's the best time in the world, believe me, it gets better, so don't waste your time there partying it up because,...
November 3rd, 2010 at 12:51am

What's All The Fuss?

Let's see here. What do I hear about all the time at school? Who's face is everywhere? What teen idol has taken the world by storm in a frenzy of cliche lyrics and over-used pop beats? That's right everyone. You guessed it. You have won yourself a grand prize of nothing! In case you haven't guessed (and you should be very proud of yourselves if you're clueless.) his name is Justin Bieber!I know...
November 2nd, 2010 at 01:33am