I love to watch movies and read when I have the time. And um.........I really love anime, too. But no one really knows that one yet. I love eating food and no, I am not fat, yet. And since I'm new to everything, I hope to start writing stories I here.

You're My Best Enemy
Chapters: 01
Comments: I just started woking on this one. May be a while before I post more.
Status: active
People: Zuko and Kikyo

Story Title
Chapters: 00
Comments: 00
Status: slow
People: boy and girl

Story Title
Chapters: 00
Comments: 00
Status: old
People: boy and girl

Story Title
Chapters: 00
Comments: 00
Status: complete

November 19, 2010
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows comes out!!

September 10, 2010
Resident Evil: Afterlife came out!!

September 21, 2010
New season of Glee starts!

October 15, 2010
Jackass in 3D comes out! Yeah!!

Content: Viper-Desi
Layout: Boondock Saints.
Requested: Loki.
Credit: ©pas