Best Friends

I have to say something about best friends. I just watched this episode on a show about two best friends for 5 years fighting and at the end they realize how stupid they were for fighting and everything. It even made the extremely tough friend cry. That girl never cries! It just made me want to say this:Alex Cook, you are the best friend a girl could have and I love you like family. You are my...
March 15th, 2011 at 01:07am

That Weird Feeling

Have you ever been told that they wish they could be you or have people tell you that you are really lucky and think 'if they were in my shoes they wouldn't!'? Well I have.There are 3 or less guys who I think (and know) like me but i don't like them back. The bigger problem, they are... well nice and kind but NOT someone i would date.I like guys who are funny (and i mean actually funny), smart,...
September 16th, 2010 at 04:18am