@#$@#!!! Mother of Jashin! (Hehe...Naruto...)

Gah! Guys are pervs...I mean really! This guy I was dating - for a week and then realized he's a clingy, creepy, bastard - was talking to me today. I broke up with him a little over a week ago and he's talking to me. =.= He keeps on saying how he wants to be with me, how he still likes me, etc. Yeah, might sound sweet, but it's actually kind of creepy. I'm still in high school and he was saying...
January 15th, 2012 at 08:41am

Efing Jashin!

Mein gott! This freaking idiot that I was dating - for like a week (he turned to be a huge creeper) - is telling me how he won't ever find love. DUDE! Back off, I don't want to talk to you, you're a efing creeper! This is what he said, "Wondering where my love life will wind up. I want to admit something to you that I've never told anyone else. I lay awake at night and think about it. Its always...
January 14th, 2012 at 06:46am