
I had four things on my mind during the NHL Draft:1. With so-and-so on this team now, what does this do to the fanfiction? Do we go on as if it didn't happen?2. Carolina Hurrcanes? I COULD SO GO TO A GAME NOW!3. I am so glad they picked that dude, that dude is cool.4. Why are they still a team?So now that we have had a bit to think it over, what are your thoughts on the draft? Are you excited?...
June 24th, 2012 at 06:19am

I'm Jealous of My Boyfriend's Past

I know this might sound silly or some of you may think I'm crazy, but I'm really bothered by the fact my boyfriend has had sex with two other girls. Maybe it's because he was my first everything, [First time, first actual kiss from a boy, first serious boyfriend, etc.] and I'm just really bothered to hear about his sexual adventures with his exes. Well, just one...His most recent ex-girlfriend...
April 2nd, 2012 at 10:41pm