
i really don't like your skinny jeans

so take them off for me

i'm a trained witch, spy, and assassin; i'm wanted in countries you don't even know exist. i believe that if narwhals exist, so can unicorns. i strongly believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. i hate genuine conflicts between me and a person i like. (debates are different. debates are cool.) i'm a cautious person, but i like to think i'm dangerous. the filter between my seventeen year old brain and my mouth sometimes short circuits, and i end up saying stupid things in front of important people. i'm a blond, but i'm not stupid. i write short stories, think that hermione can't draw, and would very much like to marry darren criss, matthew lewis, jesse eisenberg, zachary levi, or john krasinski. i'm extremely white. i have opinions, emotions, and problems. i'm a girl, i'm crazy, and i'm awful at 'about me' sections.

show me what you've got underneath

so we can do this properly


Wounded Generation & Hush, Hush
Skeletons and Flowers
all stories



This layout was coded by Gemma from OnlyLiars using only an image from tumblr. This layout was requested by Lauren.