My story ; We can go nowhere but Up, From here.

Alright guys. I'm really really sorry! My laptop decided to be stupid & delete EVERYTHING off of it. So, it deleted the chapers that I had already writen. I had all my chapers wretten up to chaper 12. I had forgotten what I had written in most of them, I was just going to post them on here. But, my laptop deleted all of them. So, I'm sorry that I havent posted in a while. I'm trying to...
March 22nd, 2011 at 12:51am

A New Story.

So, I'm Thinking about writing a new story..Thank you to the few people that started to read my first story.Sadly, I Dont think that my dream with come true..So, I Dont want to really finish that one.I'll Probably Delete it, or something.I Dont know, yet.But, I'm going to try to write a Justin Bieber fan Fiction.I Know I'm not the best Author in the world..But i'm convinced That I'm not the...
December 14th, 2010 at 02:59am