MCRLUCY / Comments

  • Skiba

    Skiba (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Ooh ok thanks for informing me! I'll have a read now.
    And yes, I'm on all 3! But I'm rarely on MySpace and I don't really like Twitter. Facebook's my thing.


    Add me if you wish. I look forward to speaking with you more :]
    September 16th, 2009 at 01:45pm
  • Skiba

    Skiba (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Deleted?! That's not fair. I know the 'higher powers' are supposed to be 'cleaning up' the site and making sure that everyone's following the guidelines, but it's not fair that the story should be removed completely without a warning or a little message to say what you've done wrong :[
    I hope it gets posted soon.

    I just checked out the MySpace page and i've got to say, you've got an amazing voice! I can see why your band are so busy with gigs and things because you're very talented :]

    Anyway, I hope to be reading some of your work soon :]

    September 15th, 2009 at 06:41pm
  • Skiba

    Skiba (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Once again, sorry for the late reply! Crazy times.
    I see. Good luck with the gigs and your band! And definately, if the opportunity to play arises, then take it, wherever and whenever it is. I'd love to hear what you guys sounds you have a MySpace page or something that you could link me to?
    Same! I don't know...I guess it kinda makes me remember that i'm actually talking to a real person, rather than someone over the internet, if that makes sense. I prefer talking to people face to face way more than over the computer. I don't know why, because other people find it easier to chat without being there with the person.
    Will do! Hopefully I'll have some time tomorrow or later this week. It's just that my boyfriend is leaving for uni on Friday so we're going on lots of days out and things.

    September 15th, 2009 at 11:48am
  • happilyappled

    happilyappled (100)

    Hey :) thanks for the add and the compliments!
    I don't think I'll be able to fumble around your profile and read your stories, because I'm in the middle of reading this huge 600-chapters story and I won't read anything else until I'm finished, but if we keep talking about whatever, I'll remind myself to read yours eventually ^^ It's just that I don't fancy having my stories read without paying those people back like they deserve, but I alson don't like to make promises and fail to break them. So, yeah, I'm rambling and just telling you in advance XD

    So, lemme ask you something. How did you find my Sleep in Peace story, since it was written so long ago? ;D
    xo - Bonnie
    September 13th, 2009 at 05:09pm
  • Skiba

    Skiba (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Sorry for the late reply. I've been busy over the last couple of days.
    Oh yes, that would be amazing! Did i mention that i'm seeing Paramore in December? I don't think I did actually because I may have got the tickets since the last time I came online...Oh well. I've get confused about the days over these last few weeks...this is what happens when I have a long summer.
    I'm 18 years old, but I still feel like one of the oldest people on Mibba! The majority of members seem to be 14-15, but age doesn't matter. And you're only as old as you feel! Age is just a number and imagine if no one ever came up with the idea of counting? Then ages wouldn't exist and therefore, niether would 'young' or 'old'....Sorry, you can probably tell i've thought into this a lot.
    Well, I have a boyfriend but we've only been 'officially' together for 2 days! But we've been seeing each other for a while before.
    And don't worry about the questions...I'm usually the one asking questions! It's okay to be curious :]
    September 13th, 2009 at 11:33am
  • Skiba

    Skiba (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Aww, 20th Feb is my mum's birthday! Random, but if your little'un was born then, they would be sharing a birthday with my mother and Kurt Cobain.
    *fingers crossed* Hopefully they will play. They've played a few festivals over here in the past so hopefully they'll love us and come back to our shores sometime soon. I'm rooting for Blink 182 to join them, but that's a long shot. Blink and My Chem on the same festival would be amazing and make my life.
    I wish I could read fanfiction while at work! I only have a weekend job in Primark, but reading fanfiction would surely help make the day go quicker.
    September 11th, 2009 at 06:51pm
  • Skiba

    Skiba (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Thank you for all the story comments! I'm really glad you like it :]
    Awww! I wish I had a sister. I'm just stuck with an annoying little brother who's at the age where boys tend to get a little cocky and irritating. But we love each other really!
    And I would love to go to Leeds. Actually, Reading is closer to me, but either one will do. Me and my friends hope to go next year, because we missed out on tickets last year.
    And congratulations! I bet you're really excited! When's the baby due?
    I'm Ash, by the way.
    September 11th, 2009 at 10:16am
  • Skiba

    Skiba (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hello there, fellow British laydee :]
    Thanks for the friend request and the story comment. I'm glad you liked the prologue. I can't wait for you to read the rest! And of course I'll check out some of your stories when I have the time :]
    September 10th, 2009 at 08:28pm
  • littlestar451

    littlestar451 (100)

    United States
    Thank you :-) I love making new friends and meeting new readers! Enjoy the stories :D
    August 12th, 2009 at 07:29pm
  • burning_bones

    burning_bones (100)

    Hello =]

    This Might Sound Creepy But Could You Send Me The Original Picture Of Your Avatar?

    I Really Like The Colur Choice And Cut Of Your Hair, But The The Size Is Too Small To Print And Bring To My Hairstylist. =[

    So If It's Not Any Trouble, And Not Too Weird, Could You Send Me It?? =D

    Don't Worry, I'm Not Going To Use It As My Own Avatar Or Send It All Over The Web =] lol.
    August 5th, 2009 at 08:12am
  • RoseCityChild13

    RoseCityChild13 (100)

    United States
    I just came to your profile being the nosy friend of Alex and wanted to tell you your picture of Gee that you drew is amazing.
    I think it looks just like him
    okay, that's it :D
    July 31st, 2009 at 04:07pm
  • EmmieVengeance

    EmmieVengeance (110)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Just to let you know.
    Ive finished "Deadly Romantic" and this..
    is its one shot ending to finish it off. All up & ready to be read.

    July 16th, 2009 at 05:35pm
  • BC13InThe3OH!3

    BC13InThe3OH!3 (100)

    United States
    Hey! :DDDD
    July 5th, 2009 at 01:08am
  • Brandon Nobles

    Brandon Nobles (100)

    United States
    I'm surprised you haven't read Footprints of the Fall -- it was a poem I won a poetry contest with and was subsequently published in our local papers. I think it's one of my best, it's again about the same girl I wrote of in The Glass Umbrella and the Loss Soliloquy; in my new collection of published poetry (I'm still gathering and drafting the works), I'm going to combine them into one poem in 3 parts, as The Sea Saw None. All of those 3 poems are about a childhood friend of mine who committed suicide by overdosing on oxycontin and walking into the New Jersey shore. I relocated it to the Songs of Galilee to provide a universal perspective to it, not just the personal perspective, yet a perspective that is universal and applicable to all who've read, all who've lost, all who've been haunted by the ghosts of yesterday. The first poem of that trilogy, The Glass Umbrella, was a eulogy I read at her funeral. Not many people know the background of that poem and how strongly I feel about it, but the general consensus is that it's my best poem. Look at the stats of the poems of my poems on this site. The Glass Umbrella has the most views (15! 15 views for such a work of beauty) and 5 comments, more than anything else I've posted here, but again I usually only post my less serious works here for the sake of keeping my first released book of poetry (Attending Awake) in demand and publication. If you'd add me on myspace, we could continue our collaboration for the new collection through messages back and forth on there, and at the end of the book of poetry, I would like to include our letters to offer my perspective on all the poems within the collection, what I'm trying to say, the inspiration for it, and what I believe to be the value of the work. The first half of the new collection will be my adult poems (21-24-my current age) and the second half will be our letters in regards to the poems, publishing your responses, even the negative ones, and my subsequent explanations and ruminations about the works, to offer the author's perspective on what he's trying to say with his work. I try to paint with my points, portraits of people and events, and evoke a mood, to evoke an atmosphere, to show expression instead of state it, to make it human, yet cosmic and universal; the macrocosm (universal meaning) and microcosm (the relation to the author and the reader) and this is how I construct my poems, the surface of it, the story itself, and the macrocosm, the universal application and meaning of it too. Make sure you collect any of my writings to you that you might believe insightful enough to include in my letters in regards to the second half of the publication, as many of my private letters will make up the second half of the book. I'm not really famous worldwide, but I have a sizable group of followers and well wishers and am slowing gaining notoriety for my works. Every time I write, I want to go as far below the surface of the matter as I can, into the abstract, into the subconscious (I went into my own with "An Owl Asks a Schizo Who") and into the collective subconscious of our generation, a generation of seemingly broken robots who can't get fixed. And I hope you don't find me to be the opposite of what I seem when we meet and begin to converse, because my private life has been a life of extreme isolation, anxiety, drug abuse (I am a recovering morphine addict) and outside of that, I try to contribute to a number of fields in the arts: in composition; I compose for and play the piano, guitar, and violin. I paint by commission in many different styles, almost a form of surreal realist expression with baroque origins, and I actually make more money off my art than I do off my writings. Through it all, however, I do not primarily consider myself a poet, or a poet above all else; above all else I am a novelist (I've published 5 and written 19 in the last 5 years), along with plays, short stories (thousands), conclaves, riddles, tragedies and romances. I was cursed as a child with a brain that tortures me, and the only relief is to wring all of this out of me as man would wring water from a used rag, and, to be honest, this has proven quite painful for me, for when I write it is me, naked with all my flaws, under a microscope for all to inspect and see. There's a lot of shame, bitterness, and melancholy in my life, and in times of mania I paint and compose, but I write to remain sane. I write to give the reader my eyes for a moment, so that possible bridge of empathy might be formed, and once formed, perhaps more could be built on it as a result. Again, all comments and messages you believe to be insightful into my creative process, save / collect and send to me, as I don't know the difference between what is insightful, meaningful, or just plain boastfulness, although the more you get to know me, the less boastful and humble you will find me to be. I'm humble to the poem of self hatred, though I do know I have moderate skill in certain areas of the arts, I remain a broken sort of robot, living from one fix to another and dying in between the downtime, like a battery when it burns out, out of lithium, and it's a shame that human beings aren't rechargeable; if we were, I'd probably write a thousand poems a day; what I do pull out, however, is covered in blood and tears and I just transcribe it as it comes. That's the creative process to me-to tear out chunks of myself to earn the pardon of the jury that I imagine there to judge me.

    Your FRIEND,
    Dr. Brandon Nobles. (PhD in psychology, so I use Dr. because I didn't do all of that studying for nothing)
    P.S. How old did you at first presume me to be? Message me back on myspace, and we'll conduct our formulation of my new collection there.
    June 26th, 2009 at 09:47pm
  • Brandon Nobles

    Brandon Nobles (100)

    United States
    go to
    download aim 5.1
    add "sLLencL0" [that's a zero at the end]
    and "brandon nobles"
    message sllencl0 first, and if that's not on, message brandon nobles
    In the meantime, you can add my myspace, because that's where I'll serialize my collection of poems while I'm working on them, before I collect them into a story. There's one poem I want to do in particular, from the point of view of two people who were once together but are far away and have the male write a poem, mail it, and receive a poem back, like a poetic mail exchange between people who miss each other. I'd do the man parts, and I'd write it from the perspective of the forlorn lover, and you'd write the female parts, etc. My MySpace is
    June 22nd, 2009 at 04:56pm
  • Brandon Nobles

    Brandon Nobles (100)

    United States
    I've read through all of your work and it's good. There are some minor critiques I'd have here and there, nothing major (but I'm not going to lie to you, as I hope you wouldn't lie to me), but, I think 'And if the Sun Comes Up' to be your most remarkable story. Out of all the poems I read, you're a good poet, BUT (not negative) you're a much better short story writer, in my opinion. I read and if the sun comes up from start to finish and I thought it was ... sublime. There was an earnest, honest quality to it that speaks of genuine characters and genuine expression. I've been compiling my newest release (a collection of poems and short stories) called The Wheat-field's East of Eden. It's going to contain all the poems I wrote over the past three years and maybe 10-15 short stories. If you'd like to read them before the release (since I don't want to put them on here, seeing as how they're my best work and I'm saving that for the book) message me on AIM under brandon nobles and I'd be ... honored to have your opinion on the collection before it's release. I don't know what it is. I don't know if you tell everyone what you told me, in regards to my talent and being on par with your favorites, but if that's true, then I believe that I've found the reader (in you) that can see my poems underneath the surface of the rhyme-schemes and the reflections, but the actual feeling, the expression behind all those thousands of words. I'm going to publish The Wheat-field's East of Eden Christmas Day, and if you'd be brutally honest with me, I'd like your input on the poems being selected for the collection. If you do want to get involved, maybe write some collaborative poetry, I'd like for you to write the review for the back of the collection. I'd gladly compensate you for your time. With you, and I don't think your comments are fake when I usually do, I believe you would be able to help me put together a truly great collection of poems. We could collaborate on a few as well for the release, if you'd be interested, but I'd like to have your involvement; you can see behind the words, the raw, the truth, and the beauty of my work (again, if you're not just saying that) ... Again, I'd love to work with you on the project and money's not an issue. Regardless, message me on AIM and I'll let you go through my best works, critique them, shape them, and help me put out the best collection possible. I think you're the person I've been looking for to do so--someone that will tell me the truth when it hurts, and when it doesn't. And The Wheatfield's East of Eden will be my first available nationwide collection of poetry (published by Doubleday) and I'd like to have someone such as yourself contribute to the process of sorting out the good from the bad. Message me if you're interested. brandon nobles on aim or (sLLencL0--that's a zero at the end) and we can discuss the matter further. Again, I'd really like to work with you on this.
    June 21st, 2009 at 12:02pm
  • ClarissaDevil.

    ClarissaDevil. (100)

    Thanks a lot for the story comment :]
    June 19th, 2009 at 12:06pm
  • Dale Cooper

    Dale Cooper (200)

    United States
    Ah thank you for the picture comment (:
    Yes I did the make up myself, lip liner and eyeliner is all I used too haha xD
    June 8th, 2009 at 01:38am
  • Second.Heartbeat

    Second.Heartbeat (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    =] thats alright
    it was really amazing, had to gripped from the first chapter it did.
    and i'm glad you didnt turn sophie, i wanted her to stay as a non-vampire
    so i was pleased with how it went. i think ima have a nosey about your other stories now, because i loved that one
    June 5th, 2009 at 01:30pm
  • Brandon Nobles

    Brandon Nobles (100)

    United States
    I saw a comment you left on a poem of mine called, 'The Glass Umbrella," and I don't know if you checked the rest or not, but I'd like your opinion on the following poem, as I plan to send it in to Rolling Stone. All criticisms welcome:
    June 5th, 2009 at 07:12am