KahneCrescent / Comments

  • ToKissAWitheredRose

    ToKissAWitheredRose (100)

    United States
    Ok I still have absolutely nothing in either of my emails from you and I still can't send anything to you. x.x
    I'm doing ok.
    Keegan had a benign tumor on his stomach and had it removed Wednesday, but hes recovering decently.
    The Wednesday prior to that we went to see BVB in concert and got their autographs! =D
    The kids are doing really good and learning really fast now....well all besides socially and gracefully, but I'm working on that too with them. xD Cam broke his wrist trying to climb into the counters to get at brownies I hid on top of the fridge. x.x I feel asolutely horrible for hiding them now.
    We've put off the wedding because Keegan's surgery. I'm not sure how long it'll be for the recovery, but hopefully not too long. I graduate in May and Keegan in June. :]
    I get my eye surgery this summer. But otherwise besides that depression has set in a little, but I think it's mainly due to the hard blows all at once recently and I'm not doing anything stupid. I'm staying safe I promise. :]
    Otherwise how are you doing and what are you up to?
    April 17th, 2011 at 09:06am
  • ToKissAWitheredRose

    ToKissAWitheredRose (100)

    United States
    Oh? Who is she and what is she like? :]
    I hope things start to look up for you! My emails are xShatteredxBlissx@live.com and destinedobliteration@yahoo.com
    I'm much more likely to answer on yahoo though. lol
    Just let me know it's you when you send the message otherwise I'd junk it more than likely. xD
    February 17th, 2011 at 06:47am
  • ToKissAWitheredRose

    ToKissAWitheredRose (100)

    United States
    Aw that’s an adorable name! I was reading some really interesting manga the other day on one manga, but now I can’t find it anywhere and I know I’ll know it by the name when I see it, but it’s not there at all and I even kept going through all of the lists. Dx I was told to check out something called Paradise Kiss. Is that any good? xD
    I’m ok. :] I really needed it. The walls on my heart were so thin that it wouldn’t have held out on me for much longer, but I’m doing really good now. ^^ I’m even back in school already, granted I can’t make it through my full 7 hour class day, I end up falling asleep XDD, but all of my professors are aware of what I went through so it’s all good. XD They just take me up to the lounge and let me sleep until Keegan comes to get me. xD
    Dad’s are nasty, but hey I’m a good Daddy. ^^
    I want to be a sexy shape shifter that originally is a water nymph faerie thing or something like that because I absolutely love being in the water and flying. XD
    That sounds awesome! =D There’s plenty of great video’s you can check out on youtube too, to help you learn and to teach you new things as you go. ^^
    Yup. That’s where I want to live out my life, with plenty of visits to my favorite places of course though. xD It’s ok. Not too many people are up for the life I like. xD
    I want to see that sunset! =D Well I have to bring both of my mini ponies with me anyways to take them to a vet in Toronto to get them legally documented as purebreds and get their records tracked down and everything anyways. xD But I’ll probably leave them there until we head back. Lol
    If you leave us there alone, naughty things might go down. XD
    Wisconsin. It’s a state with tons of small farming communities and it’s go the old 50’s fashioned towns and such. This town has hardly changed at all since it was first built by German settlers back in the 1920’s. XD I mean it’s upgraded its look ever so slightly, but there’s hardly anything new here. A good portion of the state has towns with populations of less than 10,000 and many places that are still even unincorporated or without a post office. xD
    Oh ok. XD
    I’ll be careful. I might just have to wear a helmet or crawl everywhere to make sure I don’t cause any more brain damage to myself. XD
    Sorry for taking so long to reply. I don’t get to get on here as often as I used to now. T_T
    January 22nd, 2011 at 11:39pm
  • ToKissAWitheredRose

    ToKissAWitheredRose (100)

    United States
    Awesome! What kind did you get? =D
    I’m sorry if I seem high or anything. I had my heart transplant and I’m still all woo and drugged up and sick feeling and eh. x.x But I made it through without any complications and am recovering really well. :] So need to worry about me and Keegan’s taking good care of me along with my friends and sis and kids. xD
    I’m glad my sis and I are always on really good terms. xD
    I had a pretty amazing holiday otherwise besides being completely rejected by my biological father, but that was cleared up and cast aside quickly because I had my family there. :]
    The question now is, are we really human. O.o
    Thank you very much! =D Awwwwwwwwww! That so sucks, but I know you’ll get there soon! ^.^
    Well my official plan is once I’m well enough and I finish the last part of my degrees I want to move to Ireland so we can figure out what we’re doing then. XD
    It’s cool. xD I just think he let his fame go to his head is all. xD
    See Keegan will not get on a horse by himself period, never ever. He has to be riding on one with me is the problem. XD The kids are used to riding on their own and are very good about it and they know what they can and can’t do on horses. xD Keegan’s too scared of heights and horses to ever ride one alone. He’ll only get on a horse if he can ride it with me. xD But the rest sounds like a plan! =D We’ll just have to see what all happens when the time comes because I’m sure we have lists of like 1000 things we want to do with each other. xD Where is your nearest mall by the way? xD
    I do sometimes. It depends on what’s all going on, but if I have the chance to, I definitely go for it! =D I love singing! I can help in person, but I’m an aweful teacher online. xD
    Lmao XD I will do my best to remember that! xD I would like to try a strawberry cream like mix tea once. o.o It just sounds beyond delicious and omg heavenly. xD
    It is super tiny. o.o It looks like my itty bitty world town place around here that we live closest too. XD How big is the population there?
    6/49 dance? XD I know! I can’t wait! This is going to be so fucking awesome! =D
    That works! =D XD
    I suppose I’m going to need a helmet or just have to crawl every where then though I tend to do that anyways so. XD I’m too lazy to stand up and have to walk places so I crawl every where once in a while. xD
    January 6th, 2011 at 12:43am
  • ToKissAWitheredRose

    ToKissAWitheredRose (100)

    United States
    I told them and they said thank you very much! =D They really enjoyed it. ^^
    I won’t be on now after this until like the second or so just so you know. XD I didn’t know if I’d have time to get on or not, but amazingly I did sort of, or more I forced a creative time to be able to respond to you again. XD
    I hope you have lots of fun and you better not die on me! ;O XD
    I always hate the younger siblings of my friends usually and I love to annoy the shit out of the older siblings or avoid them like they’re the plague because for some odd strange reason they take a liking to me. Dx
    I have thought about that actually. I wondered if one of us was sent through a wormhole by accident into an alternate dimension then ended up coming back at a different time and then split off to different families that more than likely aren’t ours at all and that’s how we were split it up and I swear if that’s true I’ll hunt those stupid mad scientists down for separating and skin them alive and then we’ll take over the world! MWAHAHAHAHAHA! –coughs- I mean o.o XDDDD
    I PASSED ALL OF MY FINALS WITH A’s!!!!!!!! –does happy spazztic victory dance- XDDDD
    I didn’t think anything of that manner though Dx
    I can’t say seriously that many times in a row. XDD I keep biting my tongue when I do and that really hurts. XD
    I want to see Utada in concert so badly. She’s got this goddess voice that just soothes you and takes you into another world and I just love it! XD
    Nicholas Cage is ehhhhhhhhh...xD I can’t stand him sometimes and he let the fame go to his head for a while there. xD
    True, but poo. x.x Uhm Keegan won’t get on a horse alone period. He’d rather die than ride alone. He has to be on a horse with me if we want him to ride with us and I might bring just Cookie and Mint, our two Shetlands for the kids otherwise if we can’t work anything out with the bigger horses. Cam and Molly get kind of overly excited and sassy when you put them on bigger horses is my main concern and I don’t want them to get bucked off or anything and get hurt really bad. x.x I know some places don’t, but it’s not as much fun if they can’t come with us. We’ll have to make our own path then because the kids would be absolutely devastated and so, so sad if they couldn’t go too. Cam and Molly would just sit in my car the whole time, they don’t really interact with other kids that well often so we’d have to see. xD If it comes down to them not being able to then I’m not sure what I’d do because I don’t want to leave them behind and go without them when it’s one of their favorite things to do. I’d feel so horribly guilty. T_T
    I could stay like 2 weeks at most because I have charity concerts I have to perform for in August and I take a week during each summer usually at the end of July to go to Germany, but this year I think I might take a few days instead and go to the Mall of America or that huge mall in Edmonton, Alberta instead because a small change up once in a while never hurts right? xD
    I love the super sweet blue raspberry. I can’t drink any alcohol though no matter what and Keegan doesn’t drink either so. xD I think there was some made by celestial something rather or other. o.o xD
    Yes you are special! =D I love ya too. ^^
    Where is that located and who said we’d have to walk? I’m driving there so why not just drive instead? XD We don’t have to walk thousands of miles to get places now dear. xD
    I CAN’T WAIT EITHER!!!!!!!!! –spazzes insanely- XD
    That sounds like a really interesting story. xD I wanna read! That sounds absolutely fucking priceless! XDDD
    Seriously? Am I really too tall for your house? XD I’m used to having to duck for a few hours, but I think after the first day I’m going to be walking into everyone single one of them unless I crawl. XDDD
    Oh well if I get a concussion Keegan can play my sexy doctor. ;D XDD
    December 23rd, 2010 at 02:38am
  • ToKissAWitheredRose

    ToKissAWitheredRose (100)

    United States
    That’s ok. I can wait. xD That sounds like some fun there. o.o
    If I don’t answer for the next while it’s because I’m long gone out of town. xD
    Tell her to take a chill pill already. DX You should have the right to type that up without being fussed at. –nods head- so rude. >.>
    Awwwwwwwww. :] I know I kind of put up a front too sometimes and just act like everything is ok and then it’s like no it’s not, but I don’t do that near as much as I used to. I’m so happier than I was ever before in my life! =D
    I’m sorry if this response seems cheated out and half assed. Dx I’m trying to respond to everyone as fast as I can before I leave tomorrow and I’m like all GAH! And spazzed because I’m afraid I won’t get to everyone and I haven’t been answering anyone lately anyways because of finals so I’ve fallen behind and it’s just so @_@ XD
    Sorry I had to rant there for a moment, but anywho. XD
    Yes I am serious. o.o
    XDD I think a good example of that would be someone who gives so much, but doesn’t care what they get in return, kind of like Utada Hikaru. She’s really, really pretty, but she gives so much to everyone around her. ^^ I can’t think of any guys at the moment though besides like country artists. xD
    Keegan won’t ride a horse alone. He has to be on with me or he’ll freak out because he’s terrified of heights and he’s very uneasy if he’s on a horse alone. He’s 5’6 and I’m 6’4 XD I’m quite a bit taller than him. XD I’m about 175lbs while he’s about 110 too. So there’s a huge size difference between the two of us for sure. XD OKS! =D I can’t wait to see them. ^^ I know but I’m not sure what kind of horses you have and I don’t want to like kill or torture any. xD
    Seriously?! o.o I’m already loved and she doesn’t even know me? ;O I’m really happy now! And super freaking excited to get up there and meet you and hang out with you! ^^ I don’t know how long we’re staying but it’ll be a few days if that’s ok. xD I really can’t wait. ^^ Keegan’s like “You’re really planning all of this out now?! You’re nuts!” XDDDD He thinks I’m crazy, but I am, which makes me special and it’s why people love me..I think o.o XDD
    I’ve never actually watched that yet, because I don’t like being a bandwagon rider so I’ll watch it when all the hype finally dies down. XD
    That sounds like a plan! XD No I can’t because I had my liver replaced last year and I’m not willing to fuck it all up again so I’ll settle for anything that’s nonalcoholic, but blue raspberry if that’s at all possible. XD
    You’re awesome! =D How could someone not unless they’re blind, stupid, and have a few too many bugs up their ass. XD I hear people say it to me a lot, but I only say that back to a special few. :]
    Aw, but I know how you feel there. Time is like flying a lot faster than usual lately. o.o I’m June 25, Keegs is March 25, and the twins are December 21st and apparently I’m a tard because I’m used to counting the first year of birth as year one already so technically they’ll only be 3 this year, because I count weird. XD And I have you marked down on mine too. ^^
    That’d be an awesome hostess! I’d like that a lot! XD I mean I might need to occassional walk so I don’t end up so stiff that I can never move again and you have to drag me around everywhere. XD But that sounds like a plan to me! =D I know in the mornings someone might have to pull me around to the shower so I can get back to moving because I’m always a tense sleeper when I’m never not in my own house no matter how familiar I am with someone, so xD But I can’t WAIT! EEP! –spazzes- XD
    December 18th, 2010 at 05:00am
  • ToKissAWitheredRose

    ToKissAWitheredRose (100)

    United States
    That’d be so adorable to see! =D
    I got them both finally! XD I’ll email you in a bit and you have to tell me if you get anything from me. xD
    I know and I’m so greatful that he tolerates all of that and that it actually doesn’t bother him at all. It makes me feel so relieved and so much better about what I’m doing and it lets me know I’m not driving him completely batty. xD
    We should so live together! We’d live in perfect harmony, in the perfect heaven, and in the best possible way. XD
    That is the case with most good looking guys unless you manage to find the ones that are making an honest living and aren’t complete attention whores. x.x
    That sounds perfect! =D Though I was still considering bringing my horses too so that they could get out and travel a bit for once too, but I’ll have to wait and see and figure out what all exactly is going on first. Aw well I can’t wait to see it and I hope that guy didn’t take it too hard. Lol
    Really? =D I hope she does and doesn’t find me an irritating psycho. XD
    I think it still is. o.o I’m not 100% sure, but burning a copy works too. xD
    Jeeze. o_o Ya maybe you shouldn’t let me come, but I can’t have alcohol anyways so it all would work out there except my obsession of playing with fire. >.> XD I’d be playing in it the whole time for sure unless people dragged me away kicking and screaming. XD
    Aw. I’m glad. :] Thank you so much for always being there for me and talking to you always makes my day. We’re so much alike it’s scary, but wicked awesome! xD
    I don’t think I’m too hard to recognize, but then again who knows. xD It’ll be fun seeing your reaction for sure! =D
    December 14th, 2010 at 05:43am
  • ToKissAWitheredRose

    ToKissAWitheredRose (100)

    United States
    They all said thank you very much and Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you too. xD
    Thank you. :] I know if he hated it he’d something about it, but I still feel guilty, but every time I ask him if that’s what I’m doing to him or if what I’m asking of him is too much or getting on his nerves he always tells me I’m not being controlling, that I’m not asking much of him and that it’s ok, but I get so paranoid that I’m somehow upsetting him. xD
    Uhhhhhh o.o I don’t think I got either of those. XD
    It has to have bookshelves of tea and bookshelves of books/manga and bookshelves of anime and bookshelves of movies and possibly some games and then I’d be the happiest person in the world. XD I’d have my own “hermit cave” XDDD
    Well uhmmmmmm I don’t intend on doing anything of that manner, but uhm ya. XDD I could never touch any of that because that’s just way too awkward and weird and ew to me. XD I only need Keegan and he’s more than enough for me to feel up and touch. XDD
    He may not be the most attractive guy in the world, but I love his voice. xD I don’t really care about looks. It’s all personality and voice to me when it comes to artists. xD
    That sounds like a lot of fun, but the kids are coming with on the trail ride or they’ll get pissed at me for going without them. XD
    Your friend sounds like the type who would hate me really, really fast on a day that I didn’t take meds. XD
    It was so cute and funny. I’m so buying it when it comes out. ^^
    Yikes. o.o I’m a pyro, but I’m banned from pretty much anything fire unless we’re camping or lighting candles and even then Keegan keeps me far away from it all if he can. xD
    Aw I love you like a sister so it’s all good. ^^ I needed a laugh and a smile really badly that day. Lol I’m feeling slowly a little bit better, but it’s still so hard and painful. I know that she’s not in pain anymore and I’m glad for that, but she left so much behind and I miss her so, so very much.
    All I know so far is that it’s going to be over the summer more than likely in the beginning of July. xD
    December 11th, 2010 at 12:01am
  • ToKissAWitheredRose

    ToKissAWitheredRose (100)

    United States
    It’s ok no worries. I’ve been really busy myself and won’t be on in a little bit because of winter vacation and I plan on spending some time with the family.
    I know how it feels and I know I’m really lucky to have Keegan by my side, but sometimes I feel like I’m a curse to him that’s just dragging him down because I tend to be pretty possessive, but he acts like it’s nothing and that it doesn’t bother him at all and I feel so bad about it. I try not to be, but it’s so hard. Lol
    I tried this vanilla honey tea today and it was sooooooooooo good. I felt like I was on cloud nine and it just made me feel all mushy and relaxed. XDD It was one of those celestial something teas, but it was really good. XD
    I keep trying to email you and it says your email is invalid. O.o Did you maybe type it wrong accidentally? xD
    No we don’t have that, but there’s a place called The Briar House here and it’s like a new age store with tons of different teas and coffees and it’s like my favorite place in the world. xD I could totally live there. XD
    Blonde hair and dark skin can go amazingly well together if you use the right blonde and if you didn’t like what I did you know I’d always dye it or change it up for you so that it would be to your liking. Lol I only use organic dyes so it doesn’t damage or fry your hair. I’d make sure you’re pleased with the results. xD
    Just remember tattoo’s distort with age eventually so get something that won’t look fucked up or get it in a place where skin doesn’t wrinkle and sag too much with age. xD
    Omg I love Byakuya. It’s from DNAngel. xD I love his voice. It’s so heavenly. ^^ Or we can sing to each other when we meet up instead of planning something really elaborate to the point we shatter out brains and completely break them. xD I want to finish learning the song Beautiful Wish by Siera (sp?), but it’s one of my favorite and her voice is just so beautiful. xD Well I know her name is Siera in the anime, but the real vocalist I haven’t looked up just yet but it’s from Pichi Pichi Pitch/Mermaid Melody. xD
    I love Deathly Hallows! =D I cried and freaked out a bit, but it was funny and pretty damn good. A bit bland in some parts, but I loved it very much. xD I haven’t seen that yet. o.o I’ve never been a huge fan of him, but that looks really, really good so I want to see that yet. I also want to see Rango and Tron Legacy and Tangled was freakin awesome! xD
    Fire heals all wounds it seems. xD It’s one of the greatest distractions in the world! =D You’re ok though right? You didn’t break anything? x.x
    I love our really random novels. XD They always brighten up my day and make my laugh and smile. ^^
    It's something I've really needed lately. A really close friend of mine just lost her battle with cancer this past Friday and it's been so hard. I can't believe she's really gone and it feels so strange without her around. I feel pretty lost and I know that this is going to take a long time to get over. She never even knew she had it until about 2 months ago and it was already at stage 4 by then. It was too aggressive and had already spread to her brain, kidney, and adrenal glands from her lungs. :/ None of us expected her to leave us so soon.
    But you really cheered me up so thank you. :]
    December 8th, 2010 at 12:10am
  • ToKissAWitheredRose

    ToKissAWitheredRose (100)

    United States
    I did a while ago, but that just made me want more popcorn. XDDD
    You’re very cute. I saw your pics. You’re freakin adorable. XD
    Nice! I never thought of that, but out of all of my pets I think Angel Baby would be the best one for me. XD She’s sweet and caring, she’s always there when I call for her, she helps me out when she knows I can’t do everything. She follows me everywhere and loves me unconditionally no matter what happens. XD I think she’s be the only reason I’d ever possibly go bi and she’d be drop dead gorgeous too. XDD
    I love honey vanilla chamomille tea and vanilla caramel. I just feel like all of my troubles are just vanishing when I drink it. XD Though it does make me piss a lot. XDDD The only downside to tea. x.x XD
    We’ll see what I do yet, Keegan’s kind of against me drawing a ton of attention to us. XD I think bleach blonde would look really cute on you. :]
    If you kept it wrapped up a bit then it’d be perfectly fine, but for the first few days I’d try not to let anything rub against it because it will be sore. Those are really nice always. I have the kanji for death on my left shoulder. XD
    I know right? People have no morals these days. Awwww. I’m not really sure about anything about my family since I never knew my real father and my mom was a bitch with a rusty pole up her ass so. XD I am really good at singing and just being artistic and creative though...well most of the time. XD I want to hear you sing! XD
    I try to remember everything, but that’s really hard when you’re brain is so dead bricks are smarter than you and now I have a Harry Potter high, which is making it not function even more so. XDDD
    November 15th, 2010 at 12:07am
  • ToKissAWitheredRose

    ToKissAWitheredRose (100)

    United States
    -shares popcorn- XDDD
    And this is so going to be out of order this time to your novel of novels. XD
    That’s really cute for someone to leave that, but I wonder who left that in bathroom stall. O.o And why would you be self-conscious? You’re really cute. :]
    Nice! You should have snapped a picture of his ass. XDDD
    I make comments about asses even though I’m taken. o.o Aw, but that’s still cruel. :/ I mean Keegan and I didn’t meet in person for the first few years, but we managed just fine. But since he couldn’t handle it, that just means that there’s someone even better out there for you. ^^
    Wow what a freakin bitch. That really sucks. :/ I’m sorry that they’re pulling all this bullshit on you. I hope it gets better for you soon! I can’t see nor understand how they can be that stupid. X.x But the saving money part would be a blessing and then getting sweet anime clothes and yummy junk food and candy. XD And nice! XD I would love a coffee machine that did that for me. XD I hate waiting like 30 second for my coffee. XDD
    Awesome! Bleach blonde or even a light blue would look stunning on you. I wouldn’t go completely white though. I think a really pretty deep red would work, just not like the brighter reds like crimson and stuff. The more violet reds would look amazing on you! I give up. Next time I do my hair I’m dying it purple and pink. XDDDD
    True, but they’re coming up with new methods to prevent stretching and wrinkling of tattoos now. xD It’ll hurt for a while and be really itchy when it gets scabby, but you can’t pick at it or you’ll ruin the tattoo just so you know. XD
    Wow. I hate how people judge you without getting to know you. It’s not the way you look, what you do, or how you talk that makes you who you are, it’s the person you are inside. I’ve learned to never to judge a person before giving them a chance no matter what they look like, do, or anything like that because you never know who you might be missing out on if you don’t give them a chance. Lol Ya my friend circle and family circle consists of quite a variety of people. xD Just like the people I call family one is Australian, one is British, I’m German/Italian, Keegan’s Irish/German and a few other things, my sister is German, my kids are Latvian/Irish/French. XDD 3 are gay, 2 are bi. XD If you choose to be a mindless drone and not dabble out all over the world you’re missing out on so many things it’s ridiculous! I hate people who can’t add a little variety and spice to their lives. They become so irritating. XD
    If I missed anything I apologize. XD I didn't copy and paste it this time so I went off of my memory. XD
    November 14th, 2010 at 04:20am
  • ToKissAWitheredRose

    ToKissAWitheredRose (100)

    United States
    I’m sorry. XD I was just being honest...but ya. XD It’s true and it does happen. XD That sounds like a lot of fun! I love going at a gallop, but then I avoid saddles with horns because I tend to go flying around a great amount and I don’t need to kill myself on that. XD
    Really? O.o
    Why doesn’t anyone believe you?
    I’m not sure if it’d look good on me or not, but I know I look good with purple and blue hair. XD Nice! Good luck with that. I’ll just stick with black or bleached for the time being because it’s the easiest and either color works fine with me so. xD
    I know right? So much for brilliant minds. XD Well most tattoos do hurt, some for a little while, some the whole time, some hurt a lot and some very little, but it also depends on your pain tolerance too.
    I get it on here more than I do in daily life. x.x I hate people who judge you for the way you look and never bother to get to know you. I hate how girls think they can change a “hot gay guy” straight just because they think they’re worth it and the best thing on earth. Honestly I hate the ego’s people have developed today. They’re so overrated and annoying and it’s so easy to cut them down and pick out who’s who because they’re all so much alike and so stupid. xD A bit, but it’s fun to listen to you. xD
    People are you just stupid, too concerned with themselves, and too into “fitting in with the crowd” so it’s like a bunch of mindless drones that you could just stick land mines under and sit in a chair, eating popcorn watching as they get blown up and run around like dumbasses spazzing with their heads cut off. XD
    November 8th, 2010 at 10:42pm
  • SadisticLove

    SadisticLove (100)

    United States
    Feeling a bit successful? XD

    On another note did you see the box kingdom paint thing I did? XD
    November 8th, 2010 at 02:01am
  • SadisticLove

    SadisticLove (100)

    United States
    Now that's strange. I asked my mom if she could just drop me off at the mental ward because she works in the hospital. But she said no and it would look bad on my record....bugh.

    75%? Shouldn't it be some where aroun 5%? DX
    November 8th, 2010 at 01:49am
  • SadisticLove

    SadisticLove (100)

    United States
    Oh well that sucks. But give it up to crazy people! They keep life interesting. =D I've been called sadistic on many occasions. So you were in a mental hospital? I've heard so much about those, my ex-friend was in there before and was telling me this crazy story about a boy who was in there that reminded him of the girl from the ring, and talked german with a demonic voice who was into satan and the 666 number thing with chanting. Imagen how his parents feel . Geeh.

    Anyway it's nice to hear from you again. =) Hope your doing well..even if your mom thinks your going Koo-Koo in the head....
    November 8th, 2010 at 01:30am
  • SadisticLove

    SadisticLove (100)

    United States
    Na your not in trouble.Why were you in the hospital? I cant remember if you said anything about it in the last comment. And only on weekends? What do you have network magic or something? Or wire connection, maybe something like a computer program. I know all about limits for internet. My dad uses them. Or used to. He had this one thing called lynskie? That controlled our time on the internet. XD
    November 8th, 2010 at 12:07am
  • ToKissAWitheredRose

    ToKissAWitheredRose (100)

    United States
    I love trotting bareback as long as I have my junk secure and protected, otherwise that really freakin hurts. XDDD I’ve been at a lope bareback but I had to ride Shadow for that because he’s the only one that doesn’t keep trying to go faster and faster when I hold on for dear life. XDDD
    That’s so stupid. She needs some serious mental help! >.< That’s horrible. DX Nice! XD
    I want to dye my hair a really bright firey red, but red doesn’t stay in my hair no matter what brand I use, no matter what I do to my hair to get it to stay in, so I’ve all but given up on that one. XD
    YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D...........I have absolutely no idea. XD I can’t remember at all. XDD
    No I don’t. o.o I just have so many people writing that my brain hurts and I’m trying to get all my responses back properly and fail to remember all the details. XD I have too many people commenting and messaging me. x.x It’s so frustrating and a few are nothing more than whiney, bitchy drama queens that never shut the fuck up. I even ignore their messages and comments and then they keep on posting over and over again until I finally respond. -.-‘ I really hate people sometimes. XD
    November 6th, 2010 at 04:36am
  • SadisticLove

    SadisticLove (100)

    United States
    Where have you been??
    October 26th, 2010 at 01:16am
  • ToKissAWitheredRose

    ToKissAWitheredRose (100)

    United States
    I’ve ridden a dog before but not a mule. xD I’ll have to try that some day! ^^
    I hate it when a trot is really rough. It damages and hurts alot. xD
    Is he just an ass? That’s good that you have some nice teachers though. Mine are either mean or scare me. XD
    Awwwww, jeeze. O.o
    Sis got her hair stripped, bleached, dyed, and styled for only $45. o.o
    But the resurrection thing would be awesome to see or be a part of! xD
    Ya I’m usually like that too, but sometimes I’m also “What was I responding to again and who was it?” XDD
    Pretty much. XD I’m too brain dead to operate or think period. xD
    October 26th, 2010 at 12:52am
  • ToKissAWitheredRose

    ToKissAWitheredRose (100)

    United States
    Awwwwwwwwwww poor guy. XD That must have been so depressing for him. xD I wish I could have seen that!
    Bleh stupid school needs to be nicer to besties! >.<
    O_O Sheesh got enough classes? xD I’d so die with all of those. x.x That’s good that you can catch up and won’t get in trouble for falling behind. Just missing a day here puts you so far behind it’s absurd and just so annoying to try and get caught back up. Dx
    Ya that’s what I’m doing for this one now. xD I can’t seem to remember enough...or do I? O.o
    No I’m fine and well alive. xD It wasn’t anything too bad. It just takes a little medicine and time to get it back to normal. :] I’m not gonna die! xD We don’t need to get that drastic promise! xD That would be an interesting thing to witness though. o.o
    Ya it’s taking me a while and I’ve been busy lately and I keep missing parts you said and then have to go and reread and then fix my reply so I don’t miss out on anything. xD
    Nah I think I’ll keep my memory. xD It’s one of the few things I’m good for even though it sometimes takes me a bit to remember things...>.> xD
    I hit braindead alot. o.o It usually refuses to function any further after around 10-11 at night. XD
    October 18th, 2010 at 10:14pm