KahneCrescent / Comments

  • Angel 2010

    Angel 2010 (100)

    not much yourself??
    September 28th, 2010 at 02:47am
  • ToKissAWitheredRose

    ToKissAWitheredRose (100)

    United States
    Thank you! =D That’s ok. xD
    Yes Im sure Im sure Im sure Im sure. (I bit my tongue saying that) XD I could try but I don’t think I could be on a horse while they’re not on Brandy and Sierra. XD Thank you. :] That’s really good! Sierra and Brandy are like that. They’re so patient and nothing really spooks them or gets to them so I can always trust them with my kids. Ya so far all of my horses step off trails to go to the bathroom. XD
    I have no idea. XD
    Why? O.o
    Isn’t he? XD except he’s alot older now than he was in that movie. XD ok! :D Ya I’m not amazing with name’s. XD oh oh oh no wait it was General Shang XD Omg that sounds so cute! I’ve seen Benji and Homeward Bound. xD Does that count? xD
    Uh huh XD I am a tattoo/piercing artist you know. XD I have my license and inks and everything you need for it. xD
    We’re just so amazing like that, that everyone bows down at our awesome forgetfullness in fear of being killed by our loss of memory. O.o
    September 28th, 2010 at 02:43am
  • SadisticLove

    SadisticLove (100)

    United States
    That's one big fucking umbrella ha ha ha ha!!

    Yes draw away! I love giving insperation to people, it's so fun isn't it? Cant wait to see your drawing.
    September 28th, 2010 at 02:25am
  • Angel 2010

    Angel 2010 (100)

    September 28th, 2010 at 02:19am
  • SadisticLove

    SadisticLove (100)

    United States
    Makes me wonder what an actual queen of boxes in anime would look like. Would she be made out of boxes as her army may be made out of? Or how about her kingdom? Maybe a box one as well? But it would suck to get a rain storm and her house getting all soggy and stuff.

    Yes clapping for the queen of boxes! Clapping!

    Sorry this came in late I was updating two stories guh.
    September 28th, 2010 at 01:33am
  • ToKissAWitheredRose

    ToKissAWitheredRose (100)

    United States
    Ya but I still would like to know. xD I’m really curious as to what she can say about me without even uttering a single word to me. Please! –puppy eyes- I’ve heard everything you can think of but this still has me really curious. Aw why did it upset you? If she’s going to judge me without talking to me then she’s obviously too high on her rocker and needs to step down and realize in the end I’m a person just like her....at least I think I am. <.< >.> XD
    I could probably find a place to board them while visiting you. I don’t really trust the kids on any horses but my own. xD I would like to see all of that! :D Ohio. ^^ I’m sure I’d really like to visit you. :]
    Oooooooooooooo o.o That sounds awesome! xD
    Yes I am mwahahahahahahaha –conspiring is occurring- XD
    Wasn’t that guys name like Captain Li or something like that? XD I just watched it and I already forgot. Go brain! XD I’ve never heard of it, but if you tell me about it maybe I’ll rent it or something and watch it. ^^ My favorite movie in the whole world is Ghost staring Patrick Swayze. It’s just awesome. xD My other two favorite movies are Labyrinth with David Bowie and Pan’s Labyrinth. xD
    I have Keegan’s name tattooed as a constellation on my left hip, bite me in kanji on my collar bone, and I wanna get my bridge pierced, but I get too sick to have it done or at least I think so. xD Aw I think the heart sounds adorable!
    Ok I will try to remember myself. xD I like my hair, but I don’t. XD It’s always staticy and floofy. xD
    September 28th, 2010 at 12:52am
  • SadisticLove

    SadisticLove (100)

    United States
    Ha ha I'd bow but I just got up off the floor and gettin back down on that thing is no option.

    XD But I'll clap if that can make a differ.
    September 27th, 2010 at 11:10pm
  • ToKissAWitheredRose

    ToKissAWitheredRose (100)

    United States
    I don't care either way. xD I just wanna know. xD
    That would be fun and I don't think the horses would mind at all. They're pretty tolerable about everything so it'd work out. xD
    I haven't been brainwashed, I just joined their army. I'm one of their "human" members. XD
    This is very true, but he could have been just a little hotter at least. XD
    I don't think we'd ever get the kids away from the playground. XD
    I'm growing my hair out again. xD if you wear a scarf or something it stops it from bothering you if you want it to grow out or curl it so it flips out so it's not attacking your neck. xD
    I think I'm done with piercings. I have more than plenty...I think. XD
    September 27th, 2010 at 10:49pm
  • ToKissAWitheredRose

    ToKissAWitheredRose (100)

    United States
    Nah I wanna know. xD I'm curious as to how she can make judgements of us without knowing us and how lame they are. xD I mean wow she's never said a word to me and she thinks she knows me so I have to hear this. xD
    Ya that'd be alot of fun bringing them up there! ^^
    Plus they haven't gone much of anywhere recently so it'd be fun for them too. =D
    I think you should get it pierced. ^^
    I know I hated that the beast was better, but it's still such a good movie. ^^
    Squirrels are awesome! xD I don't care if they're taking over the world it's funny to watch them. xD And it's more amusing when they're watching you and you scare them or stare back. xD
    September 27th, 2010 at 09:05pm
  • ToKissAWitheredRose

    ToKissAWitheredRose (100)

    United States
    Cam and Molly have been riding horses since before they could walk. xD They have horses here that they ride so they could come too. XD Keegan always rides with me though because he's afraid of heights and being on a horse even is too high for him. lol xD That'd be so much fun though! We definitely have to do that someday! ^^
    Ugh seriously? What's she saying about us? She's the one with a bug up her ass if she's bashing someone she's never even talked to. That's so stupid and beyond childish. She mustn't have much of a life if she's stooping low enough to pick on someone she's never even said a word to. Wow that's just so stupid and priceless. xD I can't believe how stupid she is. Sorry that's kind of mean, but wow seriously? xD
    UP! is an amazing movie! XD You'll love it! Squirrel! XD
    Ya it looks okish, but I'll to see it to decide for sure. xD
    The old one's are good. I think my favorite is Beauty and the Beast. XD
    September 27th, 2010 at 04:09am
  • SadisticLove

    SadisticLove (100)

    United States
    Whoa queen of the boxes I see? XD Ha ha ha, that's some evil laugh you got there. Where did you learn it? Everytime I do it the back of my throat tickles.
    September 27th, 2010 at 03:58am
  • SadisticLove

    SadisticLove (100)

    United States
    Ugh boxes. That's god awful.

    And i forgot the rest of the comment. But boxes suck. Did you have to pack or unpack? Because personally i think unpacking is worse. Ewww....
    September 27th, 2010 at 03:40am
  • SadisticLove

    SadisticLove (100)

    United States
    Aww I'm so proud of you!!
    Sorry for not replying back my b-day came up and so did so many other things. I'd go copy and paste what I told someone else but I'm already here.

    Does your room smell lemony fresh now? [i] I was thinking of loony toons when lemony fresh came along[/i]. XD
    September 27th, 2010 at 01:40am
  • ToKissAWitheredRose

    ToKissAWitheredRose (100)

    United States
    I can’t always afford it. If I go I usually only get one thing, but their new reward program gives you alot of discounts so. XD
    Awwwwwwww. Holy crap! O_O That’s like a huge freakin increase. XD Awesome! :D I could bring my horses out too. They don’t get to travel a whole lot so maybe that’d be fun for them and they love going to new places. xD I don’t think we’d be able to go without the kids though. xD They’d get sooooooooooo mad at me. XD I’d hear “Papa!!!!!!!!! You left us! –pouting faces- Why couldn’t we go with? –teary faces- Papaaaaa...” They’d guilt trip me and I’d feel so bad. XD
    I do too. It’s horrible. :/ Awwww. Poor things. Mine each get a different food diet because of ages and breeds. xD But all are rescued from abusive situations. Sierra was branded, whipped, and they purposely burned her. :/ She’s so people shy now. I think we won’t be able to give her to home, but that’s ok. I kind of never wanted to give her away anyways. xD She’s so shy, but really gentle and she loves kids which means a lot to me. ^^
    I don’t know why I thought of them. XD
    I love NEMO!!!! And UP! XD I love disney movies too. They’re just so awesome. xD I can’t wait to see this Rapunzel one. xD
    :O I’m too loud? o.o
    Ewwwww that sounds gross :O Who’s megan? XD I usually can’t stand anyone with that name. x.x
    September 26th, 2010 at 01:33am
  • ToKissAWitheredRose

    ToKissAWitheredRose (100)

    United States
    No it's not I read it and Im working on my response. xD
    I honestly completely understand how you feel. Life is just that roller coaster that kills you yet for some reason makes you happy. xD
    Awwwwwwww o.o Wow lots of horsies!
    I definitely should do the beach ride and bring Keegan with ^^
    It's not that uncommon for them to at least hit 30 if they're taken of right. o.o Brandy is 29. o.o
    If I picture a girly guy I think or Noriko from the Fushigi Yugi or Ayame from Furuba. XDD
    I think that's the only disney movie I haven't seen o.o XD
    Awwwwwwwwww xD We can be adorable, but he's still wayyyyyyyyyyy cuter ^o^
    Hello Emma! xD
    September 25th, 2010 at 11:33pm
  • ToKissAWitheredRose

    ToKissAWitheredRose (100)

    United States
    NICE! XD Yup and you’ll enjoy every minute of it too. ^^
    Well I hope I made you feel comfortable. :] YAY ME!!!!!!!!!!! ^^ -happy dances- XD
    Those are cute names and I’ve never heard it used for a boy before. o.o I always wanted to name a daughter Naussica XD It’s just so beautiful and so peaceful sounding though I doubt she’d live up to that. xD
    She was so sweet and amazing. Most horses can live to 45 if taken care of to the maximum properly. She was just the best horse in the world and I really miss her a lot. It always so hard. Aw but at least Navajo was saved. I hate that people are cruel enough to do that. It’s so inhumane x.x I wish all animals could be protected and saved no matter what, but sadly that’s just not going to happen, at least not right now.
    This is very true. The Little Mermaid being one of the most. XD
    Ok! :D That’s what I want to hear. ^^
    I will! =D He is. He’s just the sweetest, most darling, adorable boy in the world and I love him sooooooooooooo much! ^^
    September 25th, 2010 at 10:40am
  • ToKissAWitheredRose

    ToKissAWitheredRose (100)

    United States
    Sweet! XD
    I think you’d do an amazing job at it and I don’t think it’d be too hard for you. You may be shy, but I think it’s something you’d love enough to just be able to do. :] Aw why were you nervous about talking to me?
    He’s trying to teach me but he’s struggling to get anywhere with me. xD
    I’ve had mine ripped out in a fight before Dx That sucked sooooooooo much. I had to have it stitched up and then let it heal and repierce it. x.x
    Awww I like those names though! I forgot to mention I also adore the names Evangeline, Hyabusa, Saya, Kero, Mana, and Toya. XD
    True, but still it’s so hard to let them go. Savannah was a pinto and she was 43 years old. o.o She was so sweet and gentle and she loved to be around my kids and watch them and follow them around. She ended up fracturing her leg when she fell and damaging her spine during the fall. :/
    Omg XD I haven’t seen that in so long. xD
    Ok well I do want to know. ;O so Inbox me then. xD Why would you be jealous of him? Tori is really cute. I kept him exactly played after Keegan because he’s just so adorable and you just want to glomp him and carry him around and never let him go. XD O_O You haven’t?! But they have anime there! o.o You must go! XD They have so much stuff there. XD
    September 25th, 2010 at 07:25am
  • ToKissAWitheredRose

    ToKissAWitheredRose (100)

    United States
    Nice! xD
    I think you’d be really good at it. ^^ Because you want to learn other languages what about being an interpreter? You could travel the world and learn other languages and about other cultures and everything while doing that! =D
    Awwwwwww. Keegan speaks Dutch so he’s teaching me. xD
    My favorite Japanese names are Yukina, Hibiki, Remi, Kaien, Ginta, Reki, Hororo, and Kururu. xD
    Awwwww. Actually flute isn’t that hard and I took my piercings out every time I played. xD
    I’m sorry for your loss! Dx I know how hard that is. We had to put Savannah down over the summer. T_T
    I didn’t think it was that good. o.o I thought it was kinda cheesy and blah. xD
    September 25th, 2010 at 03:05am
  • ToKissAWitheredRose

    ToKissAWitheredRose (100)

    United States
    Haha XD
    Nah you'd make a great child psychologist. :]
    I speak German, Italian, English, and bits and pieces of Spanish, French, Japanese, Dutch. XD
    My friends Erika and Aoi are teaching me Japanese ^^
    Im still going for criminal psychology. XD
    I taught myself guitar, piano, and drums. My sister taught my flute and now Im teaching myself violin. xD
    It's ok I can wait a bit, but not years. o.o
    I'm really glad you like it. ^^
    September 25th, 2010 at 02:32am
  • ToKissAWitheredRose

    ToKissAWitheredRose (100)

    United States
    Is it really that good? o.o
    I can wait if you want to read first. xD
    Ya it's so good especially with Tea ^___^
    Well we have a Japanese dedicated store a few hours from here that I go to now and again and I find it there all the time. xD
    I was trying to teach Keegan something the other day and completely confused the both of us. XD
    September 25th, 2010 at 02:14am