I want to fly to the moon!
Would you like to come with me?
We could chase aliens and eat moon cheese.
Sounds like a good time, doesn't it?
Okay, yeah, so my name is Katelyn. I'm single. I'm 16 but i unfortunately don't have my liscence yet, haven't had the time to go get it:( um, i love hanging with my friends. In my free time i write. I have music playing probably 90% of the time. um, anything else, just message me :D
bold italics underline strike link

Date: January 31, 2011
Time: 7:40 pm
Mood: kind of bored but fixing to go to walmart so i guess ill be unbored
Music: Asking Alexandria
Updated: i guess just my profile. i haven't posted anything ive written

Link 1 Link 2
Link 3 Link 4
Link 5 Link 6

Story Title
Featuring;; Boy/Girl
Chapters;; how many?
Status;; Active? Hiatus? Finished?
Title Credit;; who came up with it?

Layout by Sunny @ DLA.
Headers: "Ready, Set, Go!" by Tokio Hotel
Steal, and there will be no more adventures in your life.