My mom told me never to talk to strangers!:)

Hey everyone!It's been way too long since I've written anything butNot to worry more will be on it's way! Why, you ask?Well I picked my major to get a degree in creative written!So I made a solid promise to myself to finish and postNew stories over my break.:) so get ready because not onlyHas my hair color changed but so has my mind set andI am completely ready to move forward...:)Stay tuned an...
December 9th, 2011 at 07:43am

Opening up for Neon Trees

I have a goal....Well I have more than a goal because I want this to be accomplished. So I will no long try but I will That sounds odd but have you ever had a goal that you wanted to succeed in? We as humans go into projects, goal, wants and wishes only trying to succeed. Why do we do this?Is it because we are actually afraid that we might fail? Well if your gonna fail, fail big that's what...
March 19th, 2011 at 06:42pm

Living out the dream: Midnight Riot

Where is the next big show? We have to wonder who will be next to step out of the crowd and blow us away with talent. Not just talent but someone who will put on a great performance and entertain us. American idol provides us a chance to actually see a singer grow and hopefully become America's next big star. But what if the next big act in the music business was right in front of you?I’m so...
March 19th, 2011 at 06:18am

Valentines day

Happy valentines day. All week I've being goingOver this holiday in my head and what it means toMe. I'm not going to lie and say I'm not a hopelessRomantic. I daydream about being swept off my feetAlmost everyday but I don't believe valentines day isWhat we have made it out to be. With all te cards, gifts,Roses, candies and so on. Not that I as a girl wouldn'tAppreciate all of that from a guy,...
February 14th, 2011 at 06:33pm

Today is my birthday.:)

So today is my birthday! I'm 19 years old and have been dreading being older this whole week.My band mates haven't been helping to make me feel better.They told me I'm kicked out of the band since I'm so old.And they call me old women all the but I brought this on myself.But I'm not gonna be down about being a year older I'm enjoying my birthday!I had a party with all my friends, we went...
January 16th, 2011 at 09:18pm

I miss being pregnant

Yes I will admitt I miss having that small black pillow under my shirt and feeling like I was pregnant. It deffinately had its perks.:) and sometimes I feel sad but I know I'm not ready to be pregnant for real anytime soon. I'm a firm believer in marrige first and I'm sticking to that. What really kinda sucks but is awesome is almost everyone I know is getting married.Both my cousins in Arizona...
December 31st, 2010 at 06:36am

I'm pregnant? But he only kissed me twice!

With the lights up and the help of a mushy pillow today we just had our opening show of my church's play "While the cowboys watched their herds at night". The play is the cowboy version of the nativity story. I play mary beth, a young girl who is given the honor to carry our lord and savior Jesus. Gotta say it was exciting to be a pregnant girl for a while. It was really fun because I put a...
December 19th, 2010 at 08:24pm

You should have know better...

My best friend mariah and I are writting a lovely story called "You shoud have known better. It's all about the crazy stuff girls like us do for boys. And most of it is part of our lives so if you find it amusing please laugh because it was intended to be funny but also things you should have known better than to do.:) We decided to do this when we realized our love lives were well not making...
December 13th, 2010 at 06:45am

New york New york

So instead of my unusual journal I decided to keep it normal. Which is strange for I really enjoy writting and I want to hear your opinions and thoughts about my ideas. I just started writting a story about ....Bliss lives in a Utopia society, all is perfect in her world. No one lies, no one steals, no one sins and no one questions this life. Except Bliss, she cannot understand why...
December 9th, 2010 at 08:33am

They Robbed me while I was listening to my Ipod!

So listen up little kids I have a story to tell you. Maybe it will change your life, who knows? but whatever here I go.....Today was a very unusally bright day, that was cold. A cold and rare day in Texas and I decided heck I'm gonna go to work today. So I got in my car and stared driving listening to florence +Machine and jamming out. I don't have alot of time for breakfast so I grabbed two...
December 8th, 2010 at 07:21am

That's how grandma died

Hello everyone!!Sorry it's been so long since I've put up some new stuff school is almost done and I have been running like a chicken with her head cut off to get things done!lolSo my weeks been frustrating, I got locked out of my house and sat in my car and cried till my brother told me he had a key that I could use. My classes are keeping me busy! and so on and so forth with just a nonesense of...
December 2nd, 2010 at 06:22am

Reached in a turkey and found?

Hello everyone! Sorry it's taken me so long to put some new stuff up...but my school life is coming to a close for the semester so I've been so busy studying for test and writting term papers!! But I have been thinking alot about one thing in particular, music artist!Do we really love our celebraties in the music business or do we like a single by them?Honestly how many songs do we actually know...
November 25th, 2010 at 07:13am

That just Makes me Mad

Well my voice is gone,:( I lost it this week while I've been trying to get over my allergies. It happens so my mom is making me stay home and rest my voice because I have some really important stuff coming up. But anyways, Halloween was awesome. I didn't get to go trick or treating but I did get to drive my friend all the way back to her college and drive back home. I think I slept 6 hours that...
November 4th, 2010 at 03:31pm

Free candy!

Hello everybody!What a week it's been and still is. I have been so busy and so tired I can not believe I'm still alive. I have been memorizing script lines, studying for test after test and finally tomorrow I get to go pick up my BEST FRIEND MARIAH from college! I cannot wait because I miss her so much! But I still have tons of studying to do and some U.S History college style course objectives to...
October 29th, 2010 at 06:02am

Is it true?

I decided that there are deffinately 5 Things I could not live without.1.My ipod, I always carry my ipod every where I go. And to be honest it has spared many boring conversations, hearing things I don't want to hear and kept me awake in my car since my stupid radio went into safemode and won't come out of it until I put in the code. The code in the manual my sister(My yellow bugs previous owner)...
October 22nd, 2010 at 04:49am

Could be worse, it could be raining.

Well lately I've been kinda depressed but lucky for my band I wrote two new songs out of it. One happy love song and another deep sad song. The first one is called standing next to you and it's the happy love song. It's basically about two people who are always wondering if the other one loves them and in the end they don't have to wonder anymore.The second song is called fading away and this one...
October 12th, 2010 at 09:35pm

Well blah blah blah

Today was a great day! I got up ontime and made it out the door to find my dad parked behind me again. So I ran inside and told him to please move.:) then I was off my work which is the best job in the world and got my road rage on. I don't mean to be rude because I feel like I'm a nice person but seriously if your gonna slow down when the light is green then cause your driving slow we have to...
October 7th, 2010 at 05:15am

What a week.

Finally finished my new room and it looks amazing well to me at least!!I spent a decient amount on two piece of furniature that I wanted to buy. Only downfall some assemblily required and some means: yes you must putt all of the pieces together.It took my mom and me around two hours which I though wasn't to bad. Now that everything is set up I'm so excited about it.Other exciting news my best...
October 1st, 2010 at 08:37am

hahahaha oh you!

(cough) (cough) well it has been confirmed I'm sick. Which makes me kinda sad cuz I had to miss choir practice today. If you want you can leave me cheerful comments!I still had to clean my room though so that's what I'm procrastinating now. I just got rid of all my funiture and I'm gonna sell it to get money to buy some new stuff so yeah!!But now my room is dresserless so all of my cloths are on...
September 24th, 2010 at 08:30pm


Today I started to feel sick. I feel like I'm dying of allergies or something. And I'm sorry tired I wish I could sleep in tomorow but I have a dentist appointment that I'm kinda dreading. I don't like it when your at the dentist and they try to talk to you with their tools in your mouth. What do you they expect you to chat your life story right there. I promise I won't stop going to your office...
September 23rd, 2010 at 06:20am