VivaLaJack-O-Lantern / Comments

  • You're welcome! ^.^ oh I knew it! Hah my daddy's birthday is tomorrow! Then my friend's birthday is the day after that! :o my birthday is March 15 !
    Yeah that's true. Though I wish we didn't function that way. If only our brains could push what people said about us out and away, then great people like him wouldn't have to feel useless and as if their nothing anymore.
    Ooh I see. Well maybe your teacher is kinda dumb. I know when I asked my mom to read part of my story and she was all "I DON'T GET THIS AND THIS. AND HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?" but then other people read it and said it was fine. Don't worry you'll be able to fix it!
    Exactly! But then they'll speak normally with other people and you're just like what is this? Oh well, what can you do about it really?
    Yeah I do to! I think about leaving but I just can't bring myself to ever do it. I love my stories and I guess I love this site, I can't part with it.
    I will do my best! I'll probably get distracted for whatever reason but I will do it!
    I'd go to books too if I wasn't so lazy to go to the library hah. Plus the books kinda suck there :p
    April 3rd, 2011 at 10:22am
  • QUICK QUESTION!!!! When was your birthday? I noticed it changed so, HAPPY BIRTHDAY QUEENIE ^.^
    Mhmmm! Bad days are never good!
    Yeah, life shits on a person enough already. He certainly didn't need people to do that to him as well. And yes, he needed to stand up for himself. He couldn't see what we saw, which really sucks 'cause he's awesome. But he just accepted what people said. His thoughts were easily influenced but all the negatively that surrounded him.
    Awe I know :/ he really did need someone like you to be there. To show him that life is better than from what he knew and not all people are nasty bitchy bullies that walked all over him. I know what it feels like to be in his state of mind, so I also know that it's hard to stop thinking like that. It's like you're stuck in a rut but no matter how hard you try you can't get out of it. Hopefully only day he'll be truly happy.
    Awe don't worry you'll get it! Just try to immerse yourself into the characters. That'll help alot. I know I do that now and it really helps with the development of the characters. Like incorporate their personality along with what kinda habits they would have as teenage boys y'know. I hope this helps! I wanna help Queenie get her writing back!
    Yeah it's just not working out anymore. I thought if maybe I change my profile five billion times people would actually take an interest but noooo. Mibba has certainly changed :/ and I'm not sure if I like it. And that's true. Lot's of people with those styles come on, but it seems like they form their own kinda society and only talk to people that have the same appearance going on. Which I know I don't fit into .-. Things that I do seem to turn people off of me, but I don't know what those are. I feel awkward talking to some people now. And it seems as if people don't want to make the effort to talk back with me and keep a conversation going.
    Eehh, welcoming defs isn't my thing anymore. It worked good and the. It just stopped being effective. Then all the good people either never come on or end up just leaving and you never know why. I hate coming to the page of someone I like talking to and see that their account isn't active anymore D;
    Well thank you Queenie! You do to! But people are failing to see that!
    I like slash too hah. I read the cutest one awhile back. I'm considering rereading it ^.^ I think I'mma go search for a story after I post this comment hah. I AM DETERMIND!!! D:<
    I don't mind fanfics but lots of them are about the same people and I'd just like to see some other people mentioned. Hopefully Mibba returns to the way it was or something. It used to be so awesome and now it's like -_______________-
    April 3rd, 2011 at 09:48am
  • Mm that's true. I have a hard time replying to like three or four that I might get at once cause I forget who I've replied to and who I haven't. Exactly, there would be a lot of friendships that wouldn't've happened if people didn't welcome others and get involved in the welcoming committee.

    Yeah. Remo (his boyfriend's best friend) was home at the time and stopped him before it went too far, which was lucky. I'm glad someone was there to stop him cause he's been known to go too far and end up in the hospital... I think he's okay. I have a feeling someone would've come on to tell me if he's hurt himself again. They know how much I care about him.
    April 3rd, 2011 at 09:27am
  • Define annoying. Want to talk about it?
    April 3rd, 2011 at 09:26am
  • Yeah, it must be really overwhelming for them to make an account and then after like ten seconds have 40 comments to reply to.
    I didn't even get one welcome message when I made my account.
    I get what you mean. Because of Mibba and the whole "Welcoming' thing that everyone does, I wouldn't've met Max, who's become one of my best friends, as well as all his friends as well that I get along well with. I dunno, I guess that if a person seems cool you just have to get in amongst the rest of the comments and hope that you're not annoying them.

    Tell me about it. I'm waiting for someone to tell me what's going on with Max at the moment, cause last time I talked to him, he cut and then his boyfriend's friend came on and we were talking for a while and now I think he thinks he scared me off (apparently he likes me). But yeah, not being able to do anything is the worst. Like, just hoping that they'll come online and then they don''s awful :(
    April 3rd, 2011 at 06:59am
  • I'm not sure if I replied.
    April 2nd, 2011 at 06:01am
  • Never a smiley overload and today was alright. Yours?
    April 1st, 2011 at 09:11am
  • That's great :D I bet it feels good to have things sorted out ^.^
    Yes I totally agree. He seems sort of depressed, just because people made him think he wasn't worth it. But I could tell that he [I]really[/I] liked to talked to you. And that it hurt him alot to see you upset or when you guys couldn't talk as much as you would like. He likes you very much in one way or another, and I think it really disappointed him that you lived somewhere else. It may not seem like it, but I dunno. Spazzy can sense these things really well!!!
    Awe I know :(
    I know what you mean. Writing just seems to be a chore these days, and it jus sucks you dry when you even write one paragraph! I can still squeeze things out for class, but my english teacher has this weird liking for me so who knows if it's actually good y'know? And that too! Some people are just like gems and you're all YUUUS YOU ARE A GRAT PERSON! But some make you feel kinda awkward :/ like they don't like something about you, and yet they talk animatedly with others. So I kinda gave up on the whole welcoming and stuff. It was good when I met amazing people like yourself, but now people are judgmental. It makes me think what's wrong with me, because I always thought I had a good personality because I do enjoy talking to people. But I dunno, Mibba kinda because something a different. And yeah the stories do seem the same. Like I always see fanfictions of Avenged Sevenfold. I don't even know the band >.< I'd like to see more original fictions. Slash or not slash or whatever. Just something unique and interesting. I'LL DEFINITELY READ IT!
    April 1st, 2011 at 03:36am
  • Mhm, thats true. It would be pretty cool though, if the opportunity came along.

    Yeah, something like that haha. He would've kept it if he knew you could put your profile on private, he just didn't want so many people talking to him.
    Ohhh I see. That would drive me crazy, I hate not knowing more than anything, so I can imagine what you're going through, especially with the not knowing if something bad has happened. I've been through it with Max and it's not pleasant. I'm sorry you have to go through it :( but I hope it works out okay soon
    April 1st, 2011 at 12:14am
  • Yeah, that's true. I was thinking more about the production and promotion of music rather than actually doing the music myself but I get what you mean.
    Awh, thank you. I hope everything works out with your friend and anything else that might be getting you down too.

    I thought you did, he didn't stay very long on Mibba, did he? He told me that he deleted it cause there were too many people talking to him and it scared him haha.
    It is good, I'm glad that at least someone is able to come on and tell me if anything has happened to him, but I can see how frustrating it must be to not know either way if your friend is okay or not. You didn't get your friend's email or anything? Or any other way to contact him online?
    March 31st, 2011 at 01:00am
  • Yes it is! :3
    Hopefully it does! Talking usually works. Don't pull a Sadie (my very bitchy friend) and ignore things. I hope it does clear stuff up!
    Awe :( I'm sure he's fine. I know it's hard to tell, but he always had troubles getting onto the Internet and stuff.
    I totally know how you feel about getting tired of Mibba -.-
    March 30th, 2011 at 11:41pm
  • Okay :3 I hope it works for you!
    I didn't like my first semester, at all D:< but this one is pretty good. It sure is a load off not to have to beat myself up over bio anymore. Or socials because I had to write a big exam for that :S
    Awe poor Queenie!! >.< wanna talk about it?
    March 30th, 2011 at 02:16pm
  • Hell yeah! Alright I guess. What about you? haha Thanks I'm Jake
    March 30th, 2011 at 10:58am
  • I have no idea. I've thought about so many things but none of them seem right :( The only thing I'm really interested in is music and I don't think it'll be easy to get into that business unfortunately.

    Ohwow. That's almost exactly the same as with me and my friend. I think you might've talked to him for a bit as well. Max? I know exactly how you feel about not knowing. Luckily I talk to his friends and boyfriend a lot as well so if something happened with him (because his mind is a pretty dark place) they'd be able to tell me, but I can't imagine how it would be if I didn't have them to let me know what's going on but sometimes they don't come online for ages and there's no way I can contact them since Max smashed his phone :|
    I'm sorry you have to go through that. It must be torture :( -hugs-
    March 30th, 2011 at 10:52am
  • Thank you :)
    Yeah, the lack of job is the main thing. But I've had some problems with figuring out what I want to do with my life. I just can't get the motivation to do anything and all I want to do is sleep.
    I get what you mean about friend issues taking their toll. And especially about not being able to contact them. I'm kind of going through that as well. It's really frustrating
    March 30th, 2011 at 10:29am
  • Yeah, I've had a few problems with staying happy lately. Just lots of stuff going on and I've been trying to find a job and not having any luck and it's annoying me.

    Awh, what's wrong? If you need to talk, I'm told I'm a good listener...
    March 30th, 2011 at 10:16am
  • Hey, it has been a long time. I've been a bit anti-social on here for a while haha.
    Things are going okay, not too much has been happening lately. How are things with you?
    March 30th, 2011 at 10:07am
  • OH. okay.
    I like talking to you (:
    I can't really help with the others though...
    Nothing much, been busy at school.
    March 29th, 2011 at 08:16pm
  • Awe :( sometimes if I say 'I will remember my dream tonight' three times it helps me. I haven't done that in a while though so who knows.
    Oh nothing really. I'm laying in bed, I gotta get up so to get ready for school D; I don't wanna go!!!!! Hah
    What about you Queenie? :3
    March 28th, 2011 at 02:46pm
  • Yeah same! When I was little I'd have one every night! But they would always be scary :/ like I always had a dream I was being chased by a yeti. Some serious stuff right there! And then for a week straight I had one about beige assassinated from our backyard. Haha it was a little mortifying
    March 28th, 2011 at 04:55am