
On friday, I went to a girl's conference. It went through Sunday, and we went with some of my friends. We stayed at someones house, and they had this little toy jeep and it had a real radio so we were changing the channels and we found some good songs and listened to them. We were like dancing around and singing along. It was really funny. Then later that night we had icecream (yum!), homemade...
November 14th, 2007 at 02:52am

my poem

Last night I was writing a poem called Sun Beams, and my older sister turned the light off, so I crouched by the window and wrote by the light of the next door neighbors porch light. At least I got to write my poem! By the by I posted my poem on mibba, if you want to see it just go to my poems.Then earlier this morning, I woke up and my legs were all tangled up in my sheets which had practicaly (I...
November 7th, 2007 at 04:19am