fifthghost / Comments

  • lonely girl.

    lonely girl. (250)

    sig by 323201 (lonely girl.)
    D I D----Y O U----H E A R----T H A T----L I N E------------------------------------------------------------
    can't stay here but you can't go home
    ------------------------------------------------------------S O M E W H E R E----B E F O R E ?

    September 3rd, 2019 at 02:43am
  • fifthghost

    fifthghost (655)

    United Kingdom
    @ aliens.
    Well you're in luck because I managed to finish it tonight! Editing and posting as we speak.
    July 14th, 2016 at 02:58am
  • hangsang.

    hangsang. (210)

    I have no problem reading mpreg! Plus, I like your writing, so I'd be more than okay reading whatever you put out there.tehe
    July 14th, 2016 at 12:49am
  • fifthghost

    fifthghost (655)

    United Kingdom
    @ aliens.
    Aw, love, thank-you! Are you sure though? It's a bandom fanfiction, and it contains mpreg, which I know isn't everyone's cup of tea (I've never written it before but I was really inspired by a song and wanted to give it a shot).
    July 14th, 2016 at 12:35am
  • hangsang.

    hangsang. (210)

    Hey! I saw your post in the Let's Get Emotional Contest, and I just wanted to let you know that I'd love to read your one-shot when you complete it!Cute
    July 14th, 2016 at 12:27am
  • fifthghost

    fifthghost (655)

    United Kingdom
    @ nearly witches.
    Yeah, see, that's a shame. I mean, you have to have thick skin to deal with it and I don't think all these child celebrities do until it's too late, hence Justin being kind of an idiot. And now he's got more money than sense. Apparently he has dreadlocks now so he's not really helping his case in the world.

    You know who else doesn't age ever? Avril Lavigne. It's kinda freaky. She was my bae for so long but honestly if you dressed her up the same as when she debuted at seventeen, I don't think she'd look that much older.

    omg no wonder you freaked out. You just wanted a KFC, not scarred for life.

    Yeah, absolutely! I definitely think there should be more awareness for kitty STDs though. Like, it sounds weird, but it's equally as bad as your cat wandering and getting pregnant/getting another pregnant, and bringing many unwanted kittens into the world, except this could kill your cat and you'd never realise what was wrong.

    Exactly! Oh God, my friend gave me my birthday present the other day and you know what she got me? Period pants. So literal pants that you can bleed in but not wear anything. The reviews for them are amazing though, so I'm kinda pumped to see if they work. I'll test them around the house though. Don't really wanna be in public and realise my period pants are faulty.
    April 5th, 2016 at 11:18pm
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Yeah, exactly. They're all way too young to be dealing with any of the stuff they've had to deal with. I mean, I ver much dislike Justin Bieber because of the way he acts -- I mean, he's been told off for what he does and he still does it, so I don't see that as being something that he's actively trying to fix -- but you do have to feel a bit sorry for him because he's had people hating him basically since he was 16. It's a bit ridiculous.

    Yeah, I don't think she ages, I think she just gets taller, haha. I'm going to do the same, I think, because they can't be 100% innocent all the time when Disney get so much shit.

    It happened at a gig as well, so I went into KFC afterwards to get my sister food and the woman was all like "do you realise your piercing is bleeding" and I ended up totally freaking in the middle of KFC. Not fun, haha. I've got a scar and everything now, it's ridiculous. Yeah, my eyebrow used to get caught when I was taking jumpers off and everything, it's probably one of the easiest piercings to catch on stuff.

    Oh wow, really? I didn't know that either! It's quite cool how similar we are to animals in ways.

    I know, I feel like we need this in our lives. It would make everything so much easier and so much cheaper. And they wouldn't have to worry about scrapping the tampon tax or anything. Rolling Eyes
    April 4th, 2016 at 12:06pm
  • fifthghost

    fifthghost (655)

    United Kingdom
    @ nearly witches.
    I know, it must suck. To be honest, that's half the reason I think Justin Bieber went kinda off the rails. I mean, he does stupid stuff but I feel sorry for him most of the time. He never had a chance to be a normal teenager, of course he's gonna act out and take advantage of the fact he can do what he pleases now.

    She does! Whereas Miranda Cosgrove has looked the same since she was literally eight years old... it's a little spooky. I'm definitely gonna look up Nick scandals.

    Oh yikes, that's my absolute fear, having a piercing knocked out/torn out. But I suppose eyebrows are far easier to get bumped than the sides of noses...

    Yeah, it's weird, I guess animals just get a whole lot of the same illnesses. Like, cats can carry STDs and the cat version of HIV (FIV) so that's why it's super important to get them neutered.

    I am 100% contacting scientists and asking them how long it would take for a living human to evolve to do that. I need this advantage in my life. Damn you, lower mammals.
    March 30th, 2016 at 10:45pm
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Exactly. I think they just all end up in the spotlight too much, doing things that all normal teens do and then end up getting berated for it. Honestly, I think that sometimes it ends up being the case that they're more affected by the media surrounding their 'scandals' than the actual act of the scandal itself.

    I guess she's all grown up now though, I remember seeing a photo of her a little while back and being so shocked because she looked well old. I'd love to see the scandal ratings for both, although I think Disney is about the same, it's probably just more high-profile. I was so pissed when Zoey 101 was cancelled, haha! She turned out okay though, she looks like she's doing a great job of being a mother and she totally straightened out.

    Ah, that's good to know! I just need to find a time to get to Glasgow because there are no good / trustworthy piercers here, so I need to travel to the city to go to somewhere decent. I used to have my eyebrow pierced and I got it knocked out at a gig, so I know the feeling. Granted, I wouldn't get my eyebrow pierced again now because I don't like it on myself, but at the time I was so devastated and wanted it done again.

    Yeah, exactly. No I didn't even realise they could get stuff like that, that's absolutely heartbreaking. It's kinda adorable that she was miaowing at walls though, despite it all.

    They really are! Baby bats are so cute as well, they're just so fluffy and tiny. I don't know how cool I'd be with them being in the walls, but it'd be so cool to watch them! Yeah, I think bats are adorable but I'd totally not be down with one sleeping in the same room as me.

    They are. Weird and fascinating, haha. It would be crazy handy, and we should definitely adapt to do this because I am sick of spending so much money on sanitary products and destroying bedsheets, haha.
    March 30th, 2016 at 08:43pm
  • fifthghost

    fifthghost (655)

    United Kingdom
    @ nearly witches.
    God, yeah. But then she's not the only one... Miley's racy selfies from when she was like 14, 15? Like mucking about in the shower with her pals and taking bikini photos and wet t-shirt photos. Everyone flipped out about at the time when it's not even that unusual. Like, she was a teenager... kids get curious about that kinda thing. They want to start being sexual.

    I still remember like last year or the year before though, when Jennette McCurdy from iCarly got some seriously sexy underwear selfies leaked, and I was like D: cos it was so weird to see wee Sam from iCarly in such a compromising position. I wonder how much the Nickelodeon scandals would weigh up against Disney Channel... remember when Jamie Lynn Spears got pregnant and they had to cancel Zoey 101?

    ME TOO. I am such a pussy about pain. But I've had my nose pierced before! Didn't hurt a bit. I honestly didn't feel any pain at all. It was fine, I promise, you should bite the bullet and do it. I knocked mine out while I was sleeping and it closed over and I couldn't get it back in -- I've been meaning to get it re-done ever since but I'm actually more nervous to do it the second time. :')

    Yeah, cats are good like that, but it's a shame if they're really hurting and we don't know it. :/ The same friend had a cat called Mimi and she lived to be really old but had a kitty version of dementia. She took medication for it and was perfectly happy but she did go a bit loopy towards the end. :') Like miaowing at blank walls and staring at the TV when she'd never shown any interest in it before.

    Bats are so cool! When we went on holiday to my great aunt and uncle's cottage in the Scottish borders a few years back, there were bats living in the walls so you could hear them rustling around and squeaking at night. There were dozens of them. It was really cool to watch them fly about the nextdoor farm at dusk. But one night, a baby one somehow wriggled through the tiniest gap in an open window into my parents' room. My dad nearly had a heart attack, haha. I suppose I would have as well. I like bats but I don't think I could share a room with one...

    But yep, animals are goddamn weird. Reabsorbing your uterus lining sounds incredibly handy though. Can we evolve to do this? I'm sick of ruining perfectly good underwear because Mother Nature thinks it's fun to make my period irregular as hell.
    March 30th, 2016 at 05:37pm
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Oh man, yeah. There's so much drama associated with Disney actors, it's ridiculous. For a kids television channel, it's very NC-17 at points. Remember when Vanessa Hudgens leaked semi-nudes?

    Ah yeah, so that would be cool. Eve and the Eeveeloutions, haha! That'd be really cool to see what an artist would come up with. I'm the same (but it's all in my head and not written down), and I also have a crazy fear of needles. I also have a fairly low pain threshold, so I am the worst person to get a tattoo. I'm getting my nose pierced before I get a tattoo though, working my way up the pain levels slowly, haha!

    Ah yeah, that'd be really difficult to use as a warning trigger. For instance, if Poppy is sick it's easy to tell because she cries and whimpers, so we can get her to the vets pretty quick, but if a cat doesn't do that then it's going to be infinitely more difficult. That's absolutely heartbreaking but you're right, at least he didn't have to suffer for too much longer after they found out.

    Oh, that's bizarre! Bats? I love bats, haha. I knew about primates, but not about the other two, so you definitely learn something new every day! And that is the strangest thing ever. They are literally bleeding because they're horny. That's... wow. Haha.
    March 30th, 2016 at 01:30pm
  • fifthghost

    fifthghost (655)

    United Kingdom
    @ nearly witches.
    Even before they leave Disney! God, do you remember the fiasco of the Jonas Brothers with those three in particular? For all the flitting around that happened, they might as well have had a very against-contract orgy.

    I've adored the Eevees for so long. <3 Plus my name is Eve, so. :') But yeah, I just love the idea of having them all together, but I would want an artist interpretation rather than their canon artwork on me. Hahaha, I feel you about making a tattoo list though. I've had one since I was about fifteen and I still don't have any real solid ideas to actually get one. Plus I'm scared of needles. Yeesh.

    Yeah, cats have a terribly high pain tolerance, so it takes something big to really bring them down. That can be bothersome though cos it makes it really hard for pet owners to detect when there's something serious affecting them. My friend's cat, Cheeky, died of unexpected kidney failure at just five years old, but he was so hardy that they didn't notice he was struggling to eat or looking lethargic until he only had a couple of weeks of life left. It was a real shame but once they realised how bad it was, he was put to sleep less than 24 hours later, so at least he wasn't suffering for any longer.

    I know! I actually just Googled it out of curiosity and apparently the only animals to actually have a period as humans do are primates, bats, and elephant shrews... other animals reabsorb the uterus lining rather than expelling it (eek?) and when cats and dogs have a 'period', they're actually just bleeding from going into heat. Which is bizarre. Basically their lady bits get so engorged that excess blood needs to be released... Now that is bizarre. "Hi, I'm your friendly household cat, and I'm afraid I've become so horny that I am gonna have bleed on your cream sofa. Seeya."
    March 30th, 2016 at 01:31am
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Exactly, it's always the first thing you hear about when they leave Disney. It's like a weird curse or something.

    It would be! It'd be more of a challenge as well, which would be awesome.

    Ah, that sounds amazing! I love the Eeeveloutions, they're all cool. I think I might get a little Pikachu on my ankle, idk. I need to actually write out what tattoos I want and where so I know where I can put things, ha.

    Ah, okay! I'd have freaked out, haha. Yeah, my dog was so vocal about teething, she spent ages whimpering and chewing and all sorts. I think dogs are more like babies though, they need constant mothering and attention, whereas cats are a bit more chill, you can leave them on their own for a bit. Yeah, I was so surprised that dogs had periods, I didn't know that! I was the same when my dog has her first period, I was like 'no my baby is dying to the vets we must go" and my mum was all "noooo, she's fine, she's just on the rag" and I was so surprised, ha. You learn something new every day!
    March 29th, 2016 at 03:14pm
  • fifthghost

    fifthghost (655)

    United Kingdom
    @ nearly witches.
    tbh all of the Disney stars seems to have huge relationship drama so Miley isn't alone.

    That's what I've always thought! It would be so cool to combine all of the games.

    Wow, that does sound cool! You should get a Pikachu, even if it's just a little one. My idea was to have all the Eevee forms in full colour.

    I found it whilst I was putting it on! If I remember right, it was in the heel and it stabbed me and I pulled it out thinking it would be like, a little needle from a plant or something. But nope! A tooth. Crazy. We didn't even know the kittens were teething! Dogs seem to be more vocal about it. It's weird when things like that happen though, you forget animals and humans go through some of the same stuff. :') My friend's dog used to have periods quite noticably and they used to have to put a literal nappy on her until they decided enough was enough and got her neutered. It was bizarre, I saw her bleeding on the floor once and I was like SHIT SHE'S DYING and my friend was like, "Nah, just on the blob," and I've never laughed harder.
    March 29th, 2016 at 02:47am
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Yeah, and she's fairly talented as well. She's got a lovely singing voice and a crazy range. Yeah, it's definitely a shame that she's always stuck with something. Yeah, I heard they were back together and I thought that was a bit odd, judging by the songs after the split. Who knows though, maybe it'll work this time.

    Exactly, it's more of task than anything bc there are way too many of them. I just need a mammoth game that covers all of the regions and you've got to complete challenges to get into the next region. Come on Pokémon, you're slacking. Coffee

    I always wanted a Pikachu tattoo, ha, but I don't know if I'll ever get it. We'll see. I have a friend that has a full Pokémon upper sleeve though, it's cool as anything.

    Oh, ouch! Did you find it before or after you put the sock on? tehe That's really cute though, I don't think we have any of my dog's baby teeth. She wouldn't let us near her mouth when she was teething for obvious reasons and we never found any lying around.
    March 28th, 2016 at 12:00pm
  • fifthghost

    fifthghost (655)

    United Kingdom
    @ nearly witches.
    I never used to be a fan of Demi but she seems like such a lovely person and she's come really far, which is great. Selena... I honestly can't stand her, but it's a shame she seems to constantly have herself in some mess. I was actually worried for Miley when I heard about her getting back with her ex... like, that relationship seemed so toxic! At least judging by her lyrics, anyway. It would be a shame for history to repeat itself.

    I know, I feel like there's just too many. Like... yeah, gotta catch 'em all, but it's becoming a mammoth challenge that seems much less fun. They need to switch it up! All the games are the same basic storyline. What I really want is a full Pokemon map of all the regions 'cause it feels like there's about fifty of them now.

    I actually want a Pokemon tattoo, haha. Rolling Eyes I just need someone to design it for me. It would have to be like a full thigh piece.

    omg that reminds me, when my kitten Joey's baby teeth started falling out, I found a fang in my sock! Usually they just swallow them in their food but I guess sometimes they get spat out. I kept it in a little box. And amazingly, the next kitten Safi also lost a fang which we found and I kept as well. I think it's still in the same trinket box.
    March 26th, 2016 at 10:07pm
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    It is, for sure. I think out of them all, Demi seems to be the only one that's doing okay for herself now again, which is great for her because she's definitely got the talent. I was never a huge fan of Selena, but she for sure seems like something's up. And Miley is the biggest mess of all, imo. But to be fair, if she's happy then I guess that's okay. I'm just worried she'll take it too far one day.

    It is, and it's getting worse with every new Pokémon they put into it. I think maybe they should just stop or at the least, give us DS remakes of the original games like they did with Gold and Silver. Black isn't bad, it's just not the Pokémon I grew up with so I instantly hated it, haha. I'm very judgemental when it comes to Pokémon.

    I did, haha! We've got Irish blood as well but I seemed to skip that so happy days. XD

    I didn't realise how sharp their teeth were as kittens until one of them started nibbling on my hand, ugh. Then again, puppies are the same, they have these tiny needle fangs. I sadly have no pain tolerance so if they start biting, I'm outta there.
    March 26th, 2016 at 02:12pm
  • fifthghost

    fifthghost (655)

    United Kingdom
    @ nearly witches.
    It is a shame. I mean, the amount of female Disney stars that make it big but also get impact negatively is astounding. Demi Lovato had so many issues. Selena Gomez has so obviously been abusing cocaine for years. Miley does drugs but seems pretty happy about it... I think she's satisfied that she's away from the Hannah Montana image but she's just going wild with the freedom. I mean, peole love her, people hate her, but she's still one of the biggest names in music right now and she can pretty much do what she wants.

    Oh yikes, yeah, Pokemon is just repetition these days. I got the recent Pokemon Black game for free though, so I'll have a real go of it and see what it's like. The last ones I enjoyed was Diamond and Pearl though.

    Damn, you came out lucky, then! My heritage is Scottish and Irish and I think that's about it, really. So I'm just pale as fuck but I have a red complexion in my cheeks which I absolutely can't stand. Thanku foundation.

    I love kittens but they're the most evil when it comes to ruining clothes with their teeny claws and obsession with biting feet. I don't mind them biting my hands though. I seem to have a weird tolerance for their little needle fangs.
    March 23rd, 2016 at 11:36pm
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Absolutely, she's trying so hard to break away from the Disney image that she's going to end up doing something incredibly stupid that'll have a really bad effect on her. I always thought the whole Disney association was toxic, because so many of them get negatively impacted by trying to get away from the Disney label. It's a shame, really.

    Oh, really? That sucks. I got so unimpressed with the Pokémon efforts as of late when I bought them, so I feel you there. It's the worst when stuff doesn't live up to expectations.

    I used it for prom as well, but it wasn't even real fake tan, it was that golden skin moisturiser stuff from Johnston's, so it hardly made me look any different, haha. I feel like that's why tanning salons are so popular here, because we all just look dead otherwise. Like, I'm lucky because I've got Asian blood in the family so my skin is really pale, but it's got an olive tinge to it so I'm not so bad, but my sister is milk-bottle white, ha.

    Exactly, I never know what to think of cats. Like, they're cute and all but they are all plotting my demise and I'm not cool with that.
    March 22nd, 2016 at 01:08pm
  • fifthghost

    fifthghost (655)

    United Kingdom
    @ nearly witches.
    I feel like at this stage it won't even be something to wreck her career, she'll just end up having an overdose on ecstasy or something and it'll be a whole Amy Winehouse situation.

    omg my new DS game got here today and I don't even think I like it. It was a sequel game but it's really different to the first game sigh.

    It's definitely the pale skin! I've only ever used fake tan once, for prom, and it was very light. Just a really light touch for like a golden glow so I didn't look like a dead girl in a prom dress, but it actually looked really nice??? If I had the energy in me, I would do it more often.

    Cats are honestly evil. They could be perfectly innocent or they could be plotting to attack your bare feet. You might never know until you've already lost a toe.
    March 21st, 2016 at 10:37pm