fifthghost / Comments

  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Haha, same here. I'm really worried that Simple Plan will disappoint, but I seriously doubt it. I'll probably just be happy to be in the same room as them and turn back into a 14-year-old fangirl again. File

    See, I just want it so I can put MA after my name. I wanted to do a doctorate as well, just so I could write Dr on things. lmfao See, I never moved away from home for uni, I just got super lazy and went for the one university within a train ride of me that I got into. File Applying for stuff is super-freaky though. I applied for a bunch of colleges as well when I originally applied for university and I remember just being crazy nervous about the whole thing. It's so much stress. lmfao
    January 22nd, 2016 at 01:36pm
  • fifthghost

    fifthghost (655)

    United Kingdom
    @ nearly witches.
    *thanks every possible God that all my faves are really good live performers*

    Oh golly. But I imagine that would be really cool to have a Masters! All this university speak is so alien to me. I'm even freaked out by the idea of applying to college this year and I don't even have to live away from home to do that. :')
    January 20th, 2016 at 11:17am
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Yeah, every time I listen to them on record they seem kinda halfway decent, but I was definitely not impressed with them as a live band and that's super-disappointing when that happens.

    I did, I guess! I've managed three and a half years, although that half a year wasn't actually spent in Scotland, so I guess that helped. lmfao The worst thing is, I'm actually considering doing a Masters degree, so I might end up putting myself through more. lmfao
    January 19th, 2016 at 09:28pm
  • fifthghost

    fifthghost (655)

    United Kingdom
    @ nearly witches.
    Yeah, she's just... not a good live singer, basically. A shame, I guess.

    Ah, sorry to hear that! You've made it this far though!
    January 19th, 2016 at 08:37pm
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Ahaha, I do it all the time, don't worry. tehe

    Ah, I've definitely seen them live then. They were totally average, and I agree. She kind of mumbled into the mic and I was like "ok yeah cool I can't understand a word you're saying" and I'm fairly good with understanding Australians, considering one of my best friends on the exchange trip I went on was Australian. File

    I think I can do it as well! We'll see though. UWS is not the best university on the planet, so they keep messing things up. Coffee
    January 19th, 2016 at 11:40am
  • fifthghost

    fifthghost (655)

    United Kingdom
    @ nearly witches.
    Look at me, forgetting to @ you again oh my god.
    January 18th, 2016 at 05:29pm
  • fifthghost

    fifthghost (655)

    United Kingdom
    Tonight Alive are Aussie, yeah. I could never understand what Jenna was saying onstage but I don't think that's anythign to do with their accents, they just have terrible stage presence lmao.

    Only six months? That's doable! I believe in you, friend.
    January 5th, 2016 at 12:10am
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    See, I think I've seen them live once and they were fairly... okay, but they weren't anything crazy special. Are they not Australian? I remember them being Australian, unless I'm thinking of a different band. See, I've only ever listened to their first EP and their first album, nothing more than that. I feel like they don't evolve as a band though, so I could definitely see me having the same views as you on that.

    I think so. He's a strange one, anyway. tehe

    ...that's basically exactly what I do. lmfao I'm terrible for leaving everything until the last minute but I've only got about 6 months left before I graduate so hopefully I don't have to ever go back!
    December 25th, 2015 at 11:25pm
  • fifthghost

    fifthghost (655)

    United Kingdom
    @ nearly witches.
    Probably, yeah. The only female-fronted band I feel like is an annoying Paramore copy is Tonight Alive though. Not so much the band's fault, but they're branded in a terribly similar fashion. WATIC, I like, but their last album didn't really bump them up any higher than they were already and I feel like the fans they garnered from riding on All Time Low's coattails isn't helping them any more... whoops.

    Not into music? Is he crazy?

    Oh my God that's so much work. I'm such a panicky stressy person, I feel like going to uni would result in so much panic my hair would just fucking fall out because as soon as it feels like I have a lot to do, instead of planning it and being organised, I freak out and pretend it's not happening until all the deadlines have piled up at once and I get nothing done. :') Kudos to you, my friend.
    December 17th, 2015 at 05:07pm
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Haha, tiredness is a bitch. XD

    Ah, so basically they're another band for Kerrang! to complain about copying Paramore over? lmfao I'll check them out but I've not really been into WATIC for a while now, so I don't know if they'll be my cup of tea but I'll give them a chance.

    He's absolutely not into music at all, he'd probably complain the whole time. lmfao Although he did sit and watch their DVD with me the other night so maybe I'm converting him. tehe

    Ugh, that does not sound like a fun time, hopefully everything doesn't go too nightmarish for you! I'm never really organised for Christmas because I always have so many uni deadlines to deal with and those take top gun over getting presents / wrapping stuff / whatever else I need to do. Music business lecturers clearly do not care / celebrate Christmas. Coffee I'm more organised for Christmas than I normally am, I'm just still not fully organised. And I have to write 3 chapters of my dissertation for January on top of doing 3 weeks of full-time training at my work starting on Monday, so I have no idea how I'm dealing with festivities this year other than getting absolutely massively wasted. lmfao
    December 17th, 2015 at 04:07pm
  • fifthghost

    fifthghost (655)

    United Kingdom
    @ nearly witches.
    Once again I forgot to @ your name............. too tired.
    December 17th, 2015 at 04:40am
  • fifthghost

    fifthghost (655)

    United Kingdom
    Against The Current are a female-fronted little pop-punk kinda band, one of the dudes in it has a brother who is in We Are The In Crowd... both a tiny bit overrated. Well, I like WATIC, but ATC are just eh. Although the lead singer's make-up is always on point.

    Aw, damn your brother! Just drag him with you.

    I'm actually really organised for Christmas but it's going to be a pain cos it's the second Christmas since my parents split up and it's still a total mess. @god give me strength pls
    December 17th, 2015 at 04:39am
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Haha, that song always used to have that effect on me! It definitely was a massive shame. Poor bloke.

    My sister needs to stop with ATL. lmfao I'm not even that huge of a fan of them (they aren't bad) but I've now seen them more times than my old favourite band, which is ridiculous. Facepalm See, I have no idea who Against the Current are, I'm just really excited to see Good Charlotte, haha. Another band I've been waiting to see for ages. See, I always miss Simple Plan when they come around because they almost always tour around my brothers birthday, so I never got to go. 2016 is my year though, getting to see all of my old favourites. tehe

    Oh, I've still got Christmas stuff to get as well, I've spent a fortune this year. Christmas is always my undoing. lmfao
    December 16th, 2015 at 04:11pm
  • fifthghost

    fifthghost (655)

    United Kingdom
    @ nearly witches.
    Oh God now I want prawn crackers. But yeah it was so sad about Chris, especially cos he was apparently quite public about struggling with depression and how he wanted to end kids and young people feeling as terrible as that. Poor babe.

    Listen. I need to stop with All Time Low but I can't. They announced their second support as Against The Current and I groaned slightly but I can bear through it, haha. Aw, I saw Simple Plan in like 2011! That's mad.

    And same! I just went on another Christmas shop today and I hate to think what I spent...
    December 15th, 2015 at 10:27pm
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I know, especially how it went down. Such a shame, he was a really talented guy and it was horrible to see him take his life when he had so much more to do. Did she not sing that punk rocker song? I remember the one day that my friend starting singing about wanting to be a prawn cracker with fried rice in her hair and I can't even listen to that song anymore without laughing. lmfao

    I'm gonna try it for Russell Howard, for sure. I've already got three concerts lined up (one of them is ATL -- I take my sister to see them whenever they come around and it's just a tradition now after about 7 gigs, but Good Charlotte as support is making me so excited) but Simple Plan is in London (because they, like basically every other band on the planet who aren't from the UK, don't know how to tour the UK aside from playing dates in England Rolling Eyes), so I'm going to have to cough up the dosh to get the bus down, book a Travelodge and get tickets for the underground and stuff, so that'll be expensive. I need to do that next week as well, actually. I am going to have zero money left after all of this. lmfao Hopefully! I'd love to see him live, he absolutely cracks me up.
    December 14th, 2015 at 11:36pm
  • fifthghost

    fifthghost (655)

    United Kingdom
    @ nearly witches.
    He did! I was so sad when I learned he died, that was so tragic. Hahaha, I remember Sandi Thom as well, this is such a blast from the past.

    I'm doing that for two concerts next year, just getting later tickets, for Halsey and PVRIS, haha. I'm determined not to miss them but I'm already spending so much money on concerts... I'm following All Time Low on tour... which will bring up the number of times I've seen them to sixteen... I'm so whipped. Help. But hey, maybe I'll see you at Russell Howard!
    December 14th, 2015 at 01:52pm
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Yeah, I had a few songs that I liked from both but I was never really big into either of them. I'm beginning to wonder if it was Sandi Thom that we had though. I can't even remember now, it's been that bloody long. Facepalm I can imagine he would be, he seems like he'd have had loads of energy on stage!

    Kevin Bridges is my absolute favourite, he's just so... Glaswegian. lmfao I've not been able to check, I don't get paid until next week, haha, so I'll need to hope there's tickets and that I have money because I need to buy flights to Turkey next week too so I have no idea. I can try and get last-minute tickets at a later date, I've done that for gigs before. Think
    December 14th, 2015 at 12:56pm
  • fifthghost

    fifthghost (655)

    United Kingdom
    @ BringMeTheFuentes
    I'm all caught up, waiting for the rest of season six to air.
    December 14th, 2015 at 01:53am
  • fifthghost

    fifthghost (655)

    United Kingdom
    @ nearly witches.
    tbh I never ogot big into Li'l Chris, but I did love KT Tunstall when I was younger, that would've been cool. Chris was fun to see live though.

    Honestly I think I would only pay to see Russell or Jon Richardson, they're my absolute faves. Did you manage to get a ticket??
    December 14th, 2015 at 01:52am
  • dombelova

    dombelova (125)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    What season are you on? :3
    December 14th, 2015 at 01:43am