News for my readers!

Hello~Since I have been gone and sick for the past few weeks I feel the need to update you all on what is going on.First of all I am almost better and off the painkillers and antibiotics so I can actually write things that make sense.Second, I am starting school next Monday (college) so updates might be short but hopefully not. I am taking Spanish, trigonometry and drawing perspective…. And two...
September 22nd, 2011 at 07:57am

Update on my stories.

Okay, first I want to apologize to every one of my readers for not updating for the past few weeks. I was first on a camping trip with my youth group and then on a vacation with my family. After that I was blessed(sarcasm) with an ear infection and a cold from my siblings and a few fevers.I will be updating again now that I am better but I felt that you all deserved to know why I wasn't updating.I...
September 21st, 2011 at 05:51am

Can I Just Loose It Now?

It hurts every time I think about it. How did I let you go? You meant everything to me and now, where are you? I’m sure you knew of my feelings for you but why did you never say anything? Couldn’t you tell my heart was breaking? Couldn’t you just let me down hard so I could move on?I’ve thought about you a lot recently. Nothing helps with that. After a year you are still fresh in my...
January 14th, 2011 at 10:12pm