
You know what I really hate? When people start off a sentence with not trying to be racist but… You know what if you are starting a sentence with that then your most likely going to sound racist. Just because I’m black doesn’t mean that your can ask me racist question or make the comments in front of me because you started your sentence with not trying to be racist because you are and your...
October 9th, 2010 at 06:23pm

Why Did My Summer Leave

Okay so my name is Brandee and I had the most fantastic summer of my life. I know I know when people say I had the best summer of my life you kind of question in your mind did they really have the best summer in their life or are they just saying that even though they sat at home all day eating chunky monkey in their bed watching The Nanny reruns (even though that kind of sounds fun) no but I...
September 19th, 2010 at 07:25pm