About Me

Truth is: I hate Texas. I hate the city. I want to move away from Dallas. There's nothing left for me here besides "a lifetime of crushes and broken dreams." My best friend Tinh is the only thing keeping me here. There's so much more world, not just this southwestern state! I'm a vegetarian, and I absolutely love it! I sometimes get bummed by the fact that my life isn't like one of those cool teenage lives you see in all the movies. I know things aren't always what they seem, and I myself can be a really good actress.




I know updates are supposed to go here and they will, but I'm trying a new way of informing you on my updates. Okay so every time I update I am going to post a piece of song lyrics from the song that I was listening to when I was writing. So every time there's a new segment of song lyrics on here you guys know that I've updated! Got it? If you're still a little confused just message me and I'll elaborate on it.

6 Months [Christofer Drew Ingle]
The Rise & Fall [Prince zuko]


Image by beneath-the-sun
Layout by Sean at hummingbird layouts