ForeverFugitive / Comments

  • Lol yep. It's funny how we seem to let those small things fly past us and it takes something crazy to wake us up and realize what's right in front of us.
    I love how we think they are but they really arne't. I also love how each animal is differnt and have their own unique traits, just like people :D
    March 27th, 2011 at 09:43pm
  • Lol animal personalities are amazing!
    One time I was jokingly revealing my "master plan" (To take over the world) and just before I started telling my friends about it my dog ran up, jumped on me then while we were staring at each other she hit me on the knee with her paw! I now know not to reveal my secret "plans." O.o
    March 27th, 2011 at 04:08am
  • Lol That's what you think. Their probably out right now, planning your immenent doom :D
    March 27th, 2011 at 03:10am
  • No her cat is just a little vicious O.o I don't think he did anything all that wrong, he was just sitting after all. But I do get where your coming from :)
    March 26th, 2011 at 10:49pm
  • Oh I definetly agree, i'm just saying it takes a unique person to be able to do that, not everyone can or even wants to.
    Lol at least the cat doesn't attack me like it attacks my friends boyfriend. It's one of the most hilarious things ever, just not to the boyfriend.
    March 26th, 2011 at 10:20pm
  • K, cool.
    Yeah that would be hard. I don't know if I would be able to do it. I'd just wind up with a ton of cats! Yeah it was pretty cool :D
    I definetly agree with that statement. One time the cat comes up to me while I was in my friends kitchen and I go to pet it and it just backs up and stares at me, then it starts rubbing itself on the counter! It was horrible, it preferred a counter over me!
    March 26th, 2011 at 09:59pm
  • Yeah it's a good experience, if you have the will power (Or are stubborn enough, either way O.o)
    On the bright side, my friend has a cat that I even participated in naming. (I even have a nickname for her that everyone else hates!) On the down side of that, the cat always mocks me!
    March 26th, 2011 at 07:52pm
  • It's really hard! Don't get me wrong, i'm glad I did it but it was a lot harder than I thought it would be. It was really eye opening, actually :)
    I know, I can't believe people can mistreat animals like that... One of my friends got their dog because they had to by it from a pet store or else the owners would have let it die (It was sick and needing medical attention) So she bought the puppy to save it.
    Really? Your a cat owner? I like cats but I always seem to get dogs as pets. Probably because my mom doesn't like them. I used to believe for years that my mom was allergic to cats because she told me that so I wouldn't pester her to buy one.
    March 26th, 2011 at 06:41pm
  • Of course I don't mind. When we were visiting my grandparents in Tulsa, we went to church with them and the church was going on the same fast for two weeks. We decided to join them even though we would be home when the fast began.
    That's great! I would help any animals I saw as well. Though a surprising amount of people wouldn't do the same. What kind of pets do you have?
    March 26th, 2011 at 04:17am
  • I love the avatar. I just love the irony of how they are playing volleyball when you aren't good at sports.
    Yeah it's really difficult. I had to go on a fast for two weeks with my mom and surprisingly it was the lack of meat that made it the most difficult.
    Lol it was a rather sad situation especially since if I hadn't have noticed I would have been able to go out the door no problem (I have spider senses, just not in the way Spider-man meant)
    Oh yeah? I love animals too. I might not have it enough to be dubbed an animal lover by others. But I really do love animals. Their are so many pets I want but I have to settle with my two awesome dogs.
    March 26th, 2011 at 04:06am
  • I love how your avatar is playing volleyball though ^.^
    Also on my band trip we went to Knot's Berry Farm that was fun too (Not as magical as Disney Land since it focuses on the rides, but i'd never been so it was awesome)
    Lol really?!? I envy that. If I even think I see a spider a freak out and run in the other direction, screaming for help. One time I got stuck in our tiny bathroom after taking a shower because I saw one on the ledge above our doorway O.o (Really sad, lol)
    That's pretty cool of you. Are you vegetarian then? I normally don't really think twice about killing bugs but sometimes I do wish it affected me more.
    March 26th, 2011 at 03:53am
  • I never played the games.
    I heard they were dumb.
    March 26th, 2011 at 03:20am
  • Lol really? I normally hang out with people who aren't the greatest at sports so I get lobbed in with them when we get picked for teams and such. It's funny whenever I get the ball though because then everyone's so surprised that i'm not bad that I do way better than I normally would.
    Disney Land is fun. I've been there what, four times now? Twice when I was little then once on my band trip and once last year so that we could take my two brothers for the first time. I totally get what you mean though, it was fun every time I went ^.^
    No they don't, they're used to me being the one hiding behind them. My lamest fear is arachnophobia... Most embarrassing fear ever if your a guy. Were supposed to be the ones killing the spiders! Lol one time I had one of my friends over and I had to get them to kill a spider that was wandering around on the ground.
    March 26th, 2011 at 03:04am
  • Uhhh... Hello :)
    March 26th, 2011 at 02:25am
  • I enjoy sports too. But i'd definitely pick a book or a camera over that any day. I'm okay at sports, if I try, but its get less and less fun the older you get, due to people getting more competitive. I guess sports just aren't my calling :P
    Yeah we went on a band trip to Disney Land and because we were Canadian they wanted us in their audience. It was pretty cool.
    Lol well being "cute" doesn't stop me from getting embarrassed!
    March 26th, 2011 at 02:08am
  • Your welcome. I really liked the entire theme and idea behind it. It was very interesting :)
    March 26th, 2011 at 12:49am
  • I thought you had some interesting ideas in there. Though if you aren't interested in vampires maybe you should try a new story and write about something you find more interesting?
    March 25th, 2011 at 09:07pm
  • That's great, hobbies and whatnot are awesome. Especially creative ones that you can share with people (Such as musical hobies/talents) Yeah the pink panther isn't that difficult but it amuses me :) Really you do the ipad commercial music? That's, well I was going to say cool, but I might go with interesting :D
    Lol random jeopardy theme song? That's awesome! I went to the show once (In the audience, not actually on air) I had the song stuck in my head for the next month... T.T
    My friends are really good too. I envy their ability, and their cameras. They started way before me. In fact they forced me into the photography class and after I went to a few I was so happy they did! I'm deifnetly still an amatuer but i'm fine with that ^.^
    Yeah... I doubt I would laugh if I was by myself... Lol it is a bit more embarrassing for me though because i'm the guy (Were supposed to be the strong manly ones).
    March 25th, 2011 at 09:06pm
  • That's awesome! I can somewhat playby ear but i'm not that great at it. I definetly need my musical notes to help me. Thats a really awesome talent though! I know someone else who could just listen to a song and play it, it was really awesome! I enjoy learning songs that I know, like the pink panther theme song is a very amusing song to play. Yes I can play quite a variety of songs. I feel the same way I muchly prefer the sound of a real piano over a keyboard yet i'm stuck in the same boat as you (Yay for keyboards!). Of course real pianos are ulso uber expensive... So you gotta make do with what you've got^.^
    Yeah I probably can't say much since I haven't seen all that many horror movies. If it was scary i'd probably be hiding behind my friends that would be watching it with me (Which would be embarrassing because all of my friends that are girls are the ones that like horror movies O.o) I also agree with you though I definetly prefer action over horror movies. Of course I also enjoy comedic movies too :)
    March 25th, 2011 at 07:11pm
  • I tried looking at some deviant art stuff but i'm also techinlogically challenged so it didn't work out very well... I have so many stories of my computer failures, believe it or not I already have one about my forays on Mibba. However, i'll definetly check out that site again, due to your suggestion :D
    Thats how some of the best pictures are taken by pure inspiration of the moment. Thats actually how I am on photography trips, I got A.D.D. and take hundreds upon hundreds of pictures (within a few hours) then at the end about 50-70 of them are good. So even though it takes time, it's so much fun :)
    March 25th, 2011 at 07:05pm