Co-Author vs Role Playing (An Observance on the Subject)

Co-author or a role play partner? What's the difference?Over the... goodness... 10 years of writing and role playing online with others, I've noticed that not many people fully understand the difference between the two. I've written stories with authors who take their stories more like a role play, I've also written role plays that feel more like stories. There are also was a very rare time I...
May 14th, 2018 at 02:06am

Going on

Never done a blog on Mibba before and kind of wanted somewhere to put my thoughts, so hello!Some of you may not know, but I graduated from college in May. It's been two years of ups and downs, and I can finally have a degree allowing me to do things I never could do before. I also am one class shy to get another degree from previous schooling. Hey 2 associates degrees by 21 would have looked...
July 13th, 2013 at 08:41pm