Read the directions
and directly you will be directed in the right direction

I've always been told I act like a 3-year old. I hide tears behind a smile, I walk in the rain, I'm careless, but careful, I'm sick and tired, but I love my life even if it seems as though nothing ever goes right. Always remember, you know my name and not my story. I space out and I don’t really listen to what people say. I like windows. I'm shy. All the time. There is nothing more amazing than the feeling of being saved.

It would be so nice if something made sense for a change

Images by x, x, and x
© Neon Daze
What is the use of a book
without pictures or conversations?

Genre: Slash, Co-write.
Chapters: Seventeen.
Status: Update soon.

Our World is Full of the Nightmares Left From You
Genre: Slash.
Chapters: Fourteen.
Status: Taking a break.

Deceit the Lives
Genre: Slash.
Chapters: Nine.
Status: Updates every Sunday!

East Town Venom
Genre: Teen, Romance, Drama.
Chapters: Three.
Status: Recently updated.

Everything's got a moral,
if only you can find it.

Date: Sunday, March 25, 2012
Feeling: Really fucking ecstatic.
Writing: Nothing because I've been writing all day and now my brain is pulsing.

Ajlkrejfsoljwetrkr vf uogthi. I have no updates because I did and then this HTML shit like..spazzed and deleted it all. So fuck everything, I'm not writing it again.