
Bullying is a worldwide problem. It exists in everyone's daily life, mainly in schools. Many people use bullying as a way to make themselves feel better. By praying on those who look or act different, the emotional instability of the bullied, makes the bully feel significant and powerful. It is a natural occuring emotion to supirior to one and other, but not in a way that breaks the heart of the...
September 23rd, 2011 at 09:50pm

There is Hope

Hope for a new today. The past few weeks have been the most confusing. When my world came tumbling down to nothing left, I lost my ways. Instead of living for today, I felt like I had nothing to live for. I pushed people out of my life because honestly, I couldn't cope with anyone let alone myself. My grandma meant more to me then anything, and trying to deal with never being with her again,...
June 30th, 2011 at 03:50pm

Is it wrong?

Is it wrong of me to hate myself. I gave in for the first time in my life and I can't let it go. Every time I think of it, the first thing that comes to my mind is that my grandmother passed in her last efforts to make me happy; getting Jamie back. I hate myself, my grandma, I'd rather have her here one last time. A hug, a kiss, any form of communication to tell her one last time how much I really...
June 14th, 2011 at 04:52am

I Don't Appreciate...

Your criticism.Really, I'm just here to "blog" about how I feel, because a stranger can't hurt me with their judgements.Don't like what I have to say, with all honesty, I don't give a beep.Go on with your life and don't waste mine. I don't get to get a "pity party" from anyone. I do everything on my own. I don't have a imaginary friend you call God to turn to because I face reality, so until you...
March 15th, 2011 at 02:46am

Coming into Reality

Why do I bother trying so hard to...I put in my extensions, so it's long and perfect.I wear makeup to cover up something that's fine the way it is.I wear bracelets to look "cool."I wear clothes that make me look "hot."I put on an act, where I think I'm perfect.I put other people down, so I can feel better about my own problems.Does this make me a bad person?Most of you will say yes.You know what,...
March 14th, 2011 at 03:46am

Rest In Peace/Stay Strong

I didn't know either of them well, but I know they were important and touched the lives of so many people. From what I see they are, and always will be the heart of Churchville-Chili.So as many;Rest In PeaceDijon Prattand condolences to the family&Stay Strong Marcus BlythersNow to the problem, there has been talk.Talk of disrespect to those who we've lost.Point being, it was wrong if it was...
February 15th, 2011 at 03:26am

The Holocaust compared to real life.

Today we did a simulation in AP World History about the Holocaust. It's one of the most terrible things I have ever heard/seen. The thing that got me:"This was all based on hate, because people were different."Not seeing the pictures of dead children or the talk about never seeing loved ones again, or even the gas chambers.-people being different-I've never been "normal" and have struggled with...
February 1st, 2011 at 11:30pm

A Friend

Your a friend I'll never get back. But not the kind I want back anyways. Granted there are some memories I can never replace, but I can replace your personality with someone better. There will always be a special place in my heart for you, and if you died tomorrow, even knowing you "dislike" me I'd come to your funeral. I said so many things, and I tried to apologize but I must have crossed your...
January 29th, 2011 at 03:45am

Something I thought I'd Never Have

Tonight I learned something, what a real friend does. My friend called me up cause' I asked her for my friends number, but she sounded sick. Turns out she was sobbing. Someone she knew, her mom died of breast cancer yesterday night. This girl is 12. I helped her through it and made her smile. To realize that concept is something most people can't do, so it amazed me she did. She is one of the most...
January 26th, 2011 at 04:09am

What I Really Wish For At Night

I wish for a caring father.I wish for a friend who let's me cry on her shoulder, and is always there for me.I wish someone would realize I'm a good person for helping others every chance I get.I wish to be recognized for something special, and not get hate for it.I wish all this "drama" would stop.I wish I didn't cry myself to sleep every night.I wish someone would at least pretend to care.My dad...
January 25th, 2011 at 08:55pm

The Real Story

Everyday it's something new, not saying I'm the only one. I'm sick of hearing about people who are too stuck up, fake, preppy, or any stereo type you can think of. Let people just be themselves, they in no way have to live up to your standards. So she's a little overweight, you know what the difference between you and her is, he metabolism is slower, or maybe shes got an illness, or just maybe she...
January 25th, 2011 at 03:34am