Rheaderella / Comments

  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    Oh thanks Rhea!! You're the best!!! XD haha you're so sweet. password.
    But....... O_O I have no idea how to edit profile. not at all.
    It would be cool to have an awesome profile like yours.
    March 11th, 2011 at 07:09am
  • GoddessOfThunder

    GoddessOfThunder (100)

    I think it's just a freaky coincidence. Guys never like me.

    You talk for 5 hours straight?? Holy shit, that's amazing!!!!!!
    March 10th, 2011 at 12:44pm
  • GoddessOfThunder

    GoddessOfThunder (100)

    You’re right, he was nice about it all, and decent. He was never offensive, and he did apologise for being too forward when I told him how I felt. I just told him that I’m not looking for a relationship, but would still like to be friends, and he seemed to take it okay. Of course, he probably will move on now and not bother to be friends, that’s usually how it happens. But it’s all sorted, so that’s the good thing. Thanks so much for your help : )
    Now the other problem is the fact that everybody I work with keeps saying that one of the delivery guys likes me. I think I might just ignore that haha
    Anyway Rhea, how’s your English man?
    March 7th, 2011 at 11:38am
  • GoddessOfThunder

    GoddessOfThunder (100)

    Ooh that sounds great!!! Romance in England ;)
    YES! You gotta start that Rhea!!! Ahh I love that story so much!!!
    I’m okay, but... kinda freaked out. Lately, somehow I’ve been attracting attention...dunno how, usually I’m almost non existant. But It was great because some hot greek dude added me on facebook and he’s like...amazing. But that’s besides the point. Some guy came into my work and I sold him a piano. All good. The next day he was back to buy something else. Then the next day, the next day... then he added me on facebook. I didn’t know it was him until we got to talking. Then he started saying really nice stuff. Then he apologised if he was seeming like he was hitting on me, and assured me he wasn’t. Then ten mins later he asked me to dinner. Then the next day he confessed that he thinks I’m attractive and wants to date me. Only problem is, i dunno a damn thing about him and honestly am a little freaked out. Also he’s not exactly what I find attractive, although Personality counts 90% and he likes KISS! But the thing that scares me is that he is ten years older than me and I’m so pathetically innocent. I dunno what to do, he’s pretty persistant and I don’t wanna hurt his feelings, but I don’t wanna lead him on. But I also don’t wanna be single for the rest of my goddamn life!!!
    And thanks. You look pretty in every picture :D
    March 3rd, 2011 at 01:06pm
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    Ahh, no. It’s okay. ^-^

    And that is completely true. It is difficult to convey sarcasm or emotion through typing. Like Per-se, this phrase, “yeah, right”. I have written this agreeing with someone, but has been thought as sarcastic, “yeah *rolls eyes*, right”. Best to never get the bright idea so quickly.

    Yeah, : ) thanks for that. I suppose so. Well it is athletic, I can’t go in all obese and not durable, (except football maybe, they love big men). And : (, yeah, bad dad. Hahah, yeah, I should have told her that, taking that she definitely weighed nearly 100 more pounds than me and could, quite frankly, kick my ass. Haha, wow, you really do know how to make me smile with stuff like that.

    ^-^ yeah! No problem. I just state the obvious. And yeah, calligraphy. I have sloppy sloppy hand writing so I’m amazed I’m even slightly coordinated in calligraphy. : ) heck yeah! Aww, that sucks. Things are dead all over the place, I must say. Yeah, hopefully you find some live ones in college. That should work, haha. :P You be known as “hey, metal” girl.

    Oh cool!! Thanks!! You’re so sweet ^-^ yet again. Well ach…. I am not sure what style they could be or what can be put in them. Can there be multiple stuff? Oh! Maybe a black and white band smiley theme? Might be bad idea since they don‘t even go with each other, but with these logos maybe?
    March 2nd, 2011 at 10:39pm
  • GoddessOfThunder

    GoddessOfThunder (100)

    I'm great! How are you? What have you been up to?
    February 28th, 2011 at 09:04pm
  • GoddessOfThunder

    GoddessOfThunder (100)

    February 27th, 2011 at 11:33am
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    hahaha, yer so silly. And ;) yeah, i thought at one point you were kidding. Tsk, tsk, but I can't tell at times. i'll figure you out someday.... someday...*stares valiantly at the sunny sky and burns my eyes*

    teehee, yes, thanks. And i'm glad you were kidding, because if he did kiss your ass, then damn, i'd be convinvced, "the kid gets everything and I don't! :(" Actually OMG he totally hit on a 14 year old yesterday and literally was acting black because someone asked him what he was, and he replied "im black" while he did some weird walking. he's funny though. But I'm sure he'll catch on at some point.
    ^_^ Thanks for asking, you're so sweet. Well, Things have been going fine with me, I actually decided if im going to be serious about baseball, I better work out and practice ASAP. PLus I just got a new idea for a story. So i'll just add that to my collection of unwritten story ideas. And ^_^ I see you updated "Night Songs". But awww, you took a pic down :(, oh well. And my cousin just gave birth to her baby boy yesterday, so that was quite something. I really did love seeing him for the first time. He seemed to cock his eyebrow up if you mentioned his name [Nathan]. i love kids, babies, the whole family thing to it. But I get scared when they tell me to hold the baby, I fear i'm not doing it right, i don't want to make such a stupid mistake :( so it made me realise that I also want to learn about that for the moment. I never did go through that baby doll thing you have to go through in school.Though we did do an egg thing, I never did break mine, but this girl who broke was interrogating me and being all forceful saying to let her have the egg cause she broke it. She said she'd give me a hug. It wasn't the reason to why i gave it up, it was because she would break the egg if i didn't so i might as well get a hug, I suppose :/. Plus she would be mean afterward if i didn't. So i got labeled bad dad :/.
    Ahh, well i really hope things get better for you Rhea. you're such a great person, I really do hate to hear you go through tough times. But it's great you're working out. i just got into calligraphy, just posted my name in Mibbs. :) You haven't thought of joining a band yet? Or are you thinking about focusing more on drawing? Oh! And my background is so boring, how do you get such interesting ones like yourself?
    February 21st, 2011 at 09:07am
  • Saul Hudson

    Saul Hudson (355)

    Yes they are but it's also a lot of fun and that sounds great :), I've learned the basic rock beat yet and a couple of fills (I think that's what they're called) Yep a girl, she's in a little band too, it's pretty epic They play at rexall place on the weekend so I hope it ends up going really good for them. That sucks that you haven't had any luck, maybe you will soon :)
    February 18th, 2011 at 02:07am
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    An essay? oh cool! do so! the one way to recovery is to slowly refresh yourself by immersing yourself into that which you have once lost. (if that makes sense. grammar is horrible :P)
    Haha, yeah, i could care less if it's ugly as fuck. I just want ma drums. Hmmm... something tells me...... some would say, that is one lucky 4 year old, if that happened. Gah, The kid gets everything! :'( . jk. Haha but the barrage isn't over, the dude just got a nintendo wii and an awesome rolex looking baby watch. Haha, it just doesn't stop. Next up, a car. haha wow..... you're so nice and thoughtful, lol. BUt he's still a good kid. I could not care, I won't buy him expensive stuff, that's for sure, and phooey on him if he gets pissed of about it.. I just hope he doesn't grow up completely spoiled.
    Whoa really? That sounds horrible. Well... i'm glad things have been good for you lately..... or have they? And thanks so much! You're the best. :)
    February 17th, 2011 at 01:16pm
  • Dick Grayson

    Dick Grayson (230)

    Same here :) I’ve got a ton that I started and never finished… I ran outta book marks so I had to start finishing things X)

    The boys commin over… we’ll probability just chill. I wanna get a new tv, so we’ll probably go out and do that. and my favourite aunt might come for a visit :) if all goes as planned then it’ll br swell. How about you, got any plans for the weekend?
    February 16th, 2011 at 10:55pm
  • LadyStrange

    LadyStrange (100)

    United States
    Ooooooh, fun! I like my mom's side of the family more....but that's just because they're all crazy and Mexican. :P

    I do indeed! Eh, it would be going better if that stupid justin bieber movie wasn't playing... Nothing but pre-pubescent teenage girls have gone to seen it...them and the occasional old cougar. But other than that, business is pretty good and all I'm doing is sweeping up after people's messes so it's pretty good lol not the hardest or worst job in the world.

    How about you? Do you have a job?
    February 16th, 2011 at 07:43am
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    Hahaha, that's too bad. if it bothers you, maybe you SHOULD just say you got it at goodwill. Bass drum? That would be such a miracle to find such a thing in good condition at such a place. Guh.... i am so like.. well i don't know if I should call it pissed. My 4 year old cousin got a freaking drum set. And it actually looks pretty awesome. Hell I don't think my drum set will be as cool, and i'm sure he'd make fun of me if he sees just how much of a better set he has taking he's 4 years old. And he got an itouch, jesus, this kid is making people way older than him look silly with his stuff.
    :D Thanks for all the tips. I hope you have great luck improving your "poopy" drum set which you've had for years.
    February 14th, 2011 at 12:55pm
  • Saul Hudson

    Saul Hudson (355)

    They are a fucking lot of fun I'll admit to that, I actually kinda like it more then my guitar (don't tell my guitar I said that xD) it's just more fun and it kinda seems like there more you can do with drums. I'd take any teaching from anyone I can get. The chick who's teaching me said I'm a fast learner, which I'm not sure if it's true or not, but either way it's loads of fun!
    February 14th, 2011 at 01:49am
  • Dr. Feelgood

    Dr. Feelgood (100)

    United States
    Ugh I have two stories....but I'm so busy and keep being bombarded with writers block that it's just useless.
    And I have that VH1 Classic song-fic contest coming up....and I can't come up with anything. It's like murder.
    February 13th, 2011 at 09:43am
  • LadyStrange

    LadyStrange (100)

    United States
    Ugh, I HATE chores. Especially the dishes. It's so...boring and I hate when my family doesn't scrape their plates properly so there's soggy food in the water.... ick.

    I'm gonna go to my friends birthday party tonight then go to work tomorrow haha. What're your plans? :]
    February 13th, 2011 at 03:43am
  • Saul Hudson

    Saul Hudson (355)

    Dude that's freaking awesome, I'm gonna find that now.
    You're hoing to love this, one of my friends is teaching me how to play the drums and it's actually a lot of fun
    February 12th, 2011 at 11:27pm
  • GoddessOfThunder

    GoddessOfThunder (100)

    The party sounds like an awesome idea. I just love how you mentioned Audrey :D And wow was that one hell of an update! I’m so happy that they’re getting married! And the drama has me hooked. I just love your stories!
    That is so cute. People say a lot of crap about online relationships, but thinking about it, it’s actually more romantic. I mean, online, you can be whoever you want to be, but because there are so many people online, people can be 100% themselves and be accepted for who they are. The thing I love most about the internet is that I’ve always been me, where I can say things and talk about the things I love that I can in person, and meet people who are the same. We only know each other based on the fact that we have something in common. That’s why my internet friends are a million times more fun to talk to than my other friends.
    Yes well, no surprises with the Bruce thing haha
    February 12th, 2011 at 01:16pm
  • GoddessOfThunder

    GoddessOfThunder (100)

    :D can’t wait to read it!!! I hope you don’t mind, I’ve broken Faye’s ankle or something in my story as I write it now.
    Oh It’s not my first wardrobe, I’ve sold a few over the past year, but it was my only sale of that particular day. Haha I should have mentioned the bullet proof thing. Great selling point in my town haha, no, I kid.
    That is so cute!!! Have you guys met up in person yet? Ohhh Rhea! You can go to England and ... ohhh man, how romantic, he waits for you at the airport and love in London awwww haha
    Ya know, Bruce Kulick would work better haha
    February 11th, 2011 at 09:15pm
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    Hah, well i hope you can make apart the now face with the peeling skin one on your ID or else it'll get you into trouble. Hah, well yeah. Now i'm wary about getting a drum set. Wow, it falls off? Wow, you have to screw it every time? Pedal spring fall off? Wow, and shell's faulty? And wow, with a pearl?Hahaha, wow, you've get yourself a hell of a drum set there. Haha, too much strength from the pounding you give it, i suppose? haha, and you get everything from goodwill? Did you get drums there too? Ah, yes... it does sound very metal \m/. Ah really? A friend of mines recorded with a simple camera and it all looked fine. I guess that means i have to get good system as well. :) And thanks. I hope so. And i hope you find some more good stuff in the goodwill. :)
    February 10th, 2011 at 04:15pm