livelifetolove / Comments

  • hey:) nm just can't wait for summer! you?
    May 30th, 2011 at 08:41pm
  • MARIAH! I'm so glad your back! I was starting to get worried and thinking you were leaving the site... :(
    But now that you've explained, I totally understand. :)
    And aw, it was nothing, really. You deserved to be put in it. :) And that's okay; take your time, really. No rush to really read it. :)
    Aw, I wish I had a middle name that meant something awesome like two of your's do. I only have one, though, and that's Lynn. lol. And as far as I know, it doesn't really have any significant meaning. Other than my mom liked it, and that's why she gave it to me. lol.
    Aw, well that would be awesome to get. I hope you do get a schloarship. Sorry to hear it's so hard, though. :(
    And aw, I'm sorry. :( That sucks. But at least you found out how he truly was sooner rather than later, right?
    The finale was awesome! What did you think of it? :D
    Wow... really? She freaks if your hair isn't nice? That's a bit harsh. I mean, you're practicing, so it may mess up. That's not really fair. :/
    Oh, nothing much. School is ending for summer soon! And finals are coming up. :/ But I'm excited for the summer part! lol. Is school ending for you too, soon? Or not?
    May 29th, 2011 at 05:34am
  • Heyy. =]
    What's up?
    May 27th, 2011 at 10:34pm
  • My life is anything BUT a high school story... I have no love life whatsoever. don't really need one but hey, it could be nice.

    My school has a bunch of those ridiculously skinny, always surrounded by guys, having sex like freakin' monkey people (some, not all), and haha-i'm-so-much-better-than-all-of-you bitches. I mean, seriously, is there like a factory or something that makes them??? Do they all have a bar code behind their ears or something???

    I forgive him too. You can tell him that too :D However, as she is a slutty rat-bitch (female version of a rat bastard :P) she gets not pitty, sympathy, or good feelings in general from me. She can die in a stinky, soggy, dark hole!!

    Anyway, why do they think it is YOUR fault?? "Hey did you know? It is Mariah's fault!" "Really? How?" "Duh! She didn't completely throw herself at him and shove her boobs in his face!!!" "OMG I can't believe she didn't!!! No WONDER she didn't get him!" And the stupidity goes on. Yeah, that's a friend for ya.

    Hopefully there will be some good guys next year... I'LL BE A FRESHMAN!!!! Lol!!!! TTYL GIRLIE!!!

    Love ya,
    May 27th, 2011 at 01:39am
  • Heyy. =]
    What's up?
    I don't know if you know but Bri and I have a co-written's called [i]Because You Loved Me[/i]. It has 3 chapters. Do you wanna check it out for us?? =]
    May 27th, 2011 at 12:48am
  • haha that actually sounds awesome, not that grounded part though. who did you go see in concert?? FUCKING YES AMERICA DOESNT!! Sorry for cursing. lol. Damn, what an ass. I wonder what he thinks about as he goes to sleep? probably something like 'who can i get with today?' WAIT A MINUTE, what guy are you talking about? Oliver or the douche?
    haha i probably would go for modeling, if i lost some weight first. i want to be comfortable posing for the camera. *smiley face*
    That is a true statement, but ME, ive never experienced anything so i want to do something about that. i just cant because guys are just the bad guys.
    I'm sure that that would probably help a lot if you did that. and we just had to take a seventy five question exam, not have an essay. well just be careful with it then.
    Yeah, i know exactly what you mean. my last day is friday and it makes me really depressed to even think about it. when is your last day of school??
    May 26th, 2011 at 03:40pm
  • lol welcome(:
    no, haha. studying for one of my last finals!
    May 26th, 2011 at 04:49am
  • mine was long too so dont worry (:
    May 26th, 2011 at 04:33am
  • Damn, well im sorry that your got grounded. what did you do exactly to make you grounded?? if you dont mind me asking. well it seems like you are living the life though. i wish i could be doing all of those things.
    Well im glad that you are over him and everything and America is just wrong these days, i dont know why he would do such a thing.
    AWWW that sounds so cute, not about the suicide and stuff. it must have felt horrible about that. thats adorable though. i really hope something works out for the two of you.
    So true, that must run your nerves and then you think about it when they are taking the pictures. i kind of want to be a little model.
    Honestly, i think its because the stress of school(exams), moving/not moving, family, friends, and wait for it.....boys. they just make me...arg. thank you though.
    thats okay Riah, i was just informing you, you can take your time. i love your long comments anyways.
    IM GLAD!! I DONT WANT YOU TO DIE!! Pulled your lower back and still playing?? dont you think you should rest it out or something like that?? get it checked out. aww, well you should tell your coach to let you sit out and not play. i mean if it really hurts then you shouldnt be playing.
    I'm good i guess, school ends on friday. im happy and sad about the fact but its okay. i dont want to fail any classes and i really hope i dont, but there actually might be a chance.
    May 26th, 2011 at 04:33am
  • Nah, nothing exciting is happening with me. My life is...boring. Haha.
    Yea, I guess that's pretty awkward. But hopefully it isn't too bad. =]
    You're so lucky you get out June 1!! I'm so jealous! All my friends on here get out so early!! I hate it but I start school later then them. Haha. =]
    Oh and thanks for the story comment on My Fairytale! It made me smile! =]
    May 26th, 2011 at 01:21am
  • And, yes, our comments are like the longest ones ever :D
    May 25th, 2011 at 11:39pm
  • That sucks so much!!! IDK WHAT YOU SHOULD DO!!!!!!! Why does he even like her??? If YOU think she is a bitch she must be a demoness in disguise. Seriously, run to the police!!! She'll steal his soul!!!! *turns to hateful bitch going out with your best guy friend* I abjure you, you foul demon! Return to whence you came you cowardly fiend!

    .... Did she leave?

    Anywho, we had to read the dramatization and watch the movie... It was supposed to be PG-13 but it showed WAY to much nudity. It didn't actually show anything, it hid all the important parts, but still, you know?

    And Micheal was just a cowardly little prick of a guy. I'm not even sure if he was included in the male race! I mean really, who would go OUT OF THEIR WAY to do something that they really didn't have to do and then complain all damn day about it?!?!?!?!

    I hope the hateful bitch goes away... And if she doesn't your best friend has horrible taste. Well... he has horrible taste anyway, i mean, he overlooked YOU. Stupid guys, huh?
    May 25th, 2011 at 11:38pm
  • Good luck!!(:
    i'm so bored.
    May 25th, 2011 at 02:01pm
  • I have a cold but thanks and im good thinking about writing story on mibba and voting for my favorite singer on 'American Idol' and Sorry about your back pian...I hope you feel better.
    May 25th, 2011 at 05:38am
  • I'm happy that you are over him but still, her parents should NOT blame you for "breaking HIS heart". Seriously. What complete and utter idiocy!!!

    And I'm glad she was there for you <3

    I'm glad that I "lost" Micheal. He was WAY more trouble than he was worth. Okay, so, one stupid thing he did was bring me poptarts every day and then, when he gave them to me, he would complain about how he got in trouble for bringing them. I was like, "Dont bring them then, Dumbass!" Without the dumbass :D

    Anywho David isn't mean, he is just impossibly stupid.

    I'm glad your modelling is going good! Send me a pic? I can send you my email address if you want :D

    And my comments are long too, so it doesn't matter :P

    Okay, in my English class we read Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream and now we are watching the movie version and my english teacher, Mr. Pawlik (ew) didn't know that it showed naked fairies bathing so he covered it up before anyone could see. However, when he walked away, right as he got to his desk they showed a bird's eye view of the fairies so the boys were all, "We got to see BOOBS in English!" and high fiving each other. And they didn't even get to see actual boobs. Just skin!. I was like "wow...." along with the other girls :D Funny, yes?

    Can't wait to talk! Love ya *hug*
    May 25th, 2011 at 03:55am
  • Thanks:) not muuchhh, i posted the first chapter of my original story! Can you check it out for me with some of my other updates?:) it would mean a lot, thanks soo much!
    May 24th, 2011 at 11:13pm
  • haha yeah that i noticed of you. what were you doing with all your time away from this site?? WOAH!!! REALLY?!?! Well that is very wrong of him, he shouldnt have done that. Wow, i cannot believe that he would do that to you, whatever you're better than him.
    I can imagine so, because when you take the picture you are the controller and you can fix the picture or delete it afterwards, they dont do that, and you never know how you look in the camera's eyes.
    Of course we would. it would be beyond delicious.
    I've been pretty good. my emotions have been up and down, but thats nothing new. i updated Show Me at least once or twice since you've been on. how have you been??
    May 24th, 2011 at 09:47pm
  • Yup. I still have school. It doesn't end till the 21 of June. =/
    When do you get out for summer??
    May 24th, 2011 at 09:10pm
  • Same here...a little sick though.
    May 24th, 2011 at 07:52pm
  • boys. smh.

    things are definitely restful. i haven't done anything besides lay in bed reading, writing, and watching DVDs :P gotta enjoy it while it lasts ;)
    May 24th, 2011 at 07:45pm