Leonore Paisley / Comments

  • Happy Thanksgiving!
    November 27th, 2008 at 11:17pm
  • All right, thank you! :)

    Yeah, Cat told me you were campaigning for him. I thought that was pretty cool, and it sounded rather fun.

    That's nice of your family to do that for you. I doubt my family would. I'm not sure if Cat told you or not, but I had to start eating meat again. It's disgusting, and I hate it, but my parents said they don't have enough money to buy me vegetarian food, and they won't buy me the vitamins either. :( When I start living on my own, I'll be one again.

    Well, my parents and I were going to stay home for Thanksgiving. Mom was going to cook, but my grandparents invited us out there, so I think that's what we're going to do.

    This year, they're having a Thanksgiving dinner at the high school for anyone who would otherwise be alone or unable to do something for Thanksgiving. I thought that was sweet.

    My favorite part about Thanksgiving is watching the Macy's parade. :) What's yours?
    November 25th, 2008 at 01:23pm
  • I was all squared with her until I saw her post in the family forum.
    Then I went T_____T
    November 25th, 2008 at 04:59am
  • I thought I'd give her a break since she seems to be a noob.
    Although the second post was quite rude.
    Oh well, at least she apologized. :)
    November 25th, 2008 at 03:54am
  • Oh, that's a shame, although spending time with family does sound nice. Hopefully they'll have some vegan hot chocolate for you, assuming and guessing you are still vegan.

    It would be amazing to see the Lincoln Memorial, which is the same place that King gave his "I have a dream" speech as well. Be sure to take pictures if you get the chance to see it.

    Seeing the White House would be amazing as well. If you were really lucky, perhaps you'd get the chance to make snood remarks at our former president. lol Or if you were so incredibly lucky as to see Obama, well, I'm sure you'd have many things of your own to tell him, but a congratulations from me would be silently carried with you. :) I honestly didn't want him to win, but I've surprisingly changed a lot since he's been elected. It's rather odd, but I believe the change is for the better. I'm more grounded now, although my dreams and ambitions are soaring higher than ever.

    Seeing the Capital Building and the National Archives building would be incredible as well. The Declaration of Independence is kept at the Archives building, although many believe it's not the original. I think it is in a vault in Fort Knox. Although I only know these things because of watching National Treasure. lol
    November 25th, 2008 at 02:14am
  • Oh, yeah, that makes sense now. >.<

    I'll ask Cat tomorrow most likely, unless I forget, which I've been known to do a time or two. lol I also have to tell her that Peter Jackson directed a movie after the book The Lovely Bones that Cat read and liked a lot.

    Hey, yeah, Cat told me about you going to D.C. You're so lucky! I've always wanted to go there. I'm sure I will someday. What kinds of things will you be doing? Think you'll go to the Library of Congress?
    November 24th, 2008 at 04:10am
  • lol Nekkie barbies. Too funny!

    Oh, that sucks. You could always get it fixed, right?

    Which Rebecca were you speaking of?
    I asked Clarida if it was her, but she said she didn't know anything about it. >.<
    November 23rd, 2008 at 10:35pm
  • ...
    you know that I don't have an account on mugglenet.com
    November 23rd, 2008 at 08:42pm
  • lol Yep, that's me for you. What a great and exciting life... spending hours upon hours of my life sitting in a movie theater chair, surrounded by the smell of popcorn, and watching a movie that makes me forget the first two situations of this sentence. lol

    It was just as great the second time, and there was one thing I noticed that I didn't before, but it wasn't anything major. I want to hear what Edward says after Bella introduces him to Charlie and Charlie says "You're going to play baseball?" Edward says "Yes sir, that's the plan." then Charlie goes "Well, good luck with that," and everyone in the theater erupts in laughter, which is understandable, but Edward says something right after that that I never get because of the noise...

    The thing I noticed was in Bella's room there is a naked Barbi doll sitting on her desk and two more without legs hanging from something on her wall. lol
    November 23rd, 2008 at 03:51pm
  • sorry :|
    November 23rd, 2008 at 02:02pm
  • Hey, yeah, totally!

    That sounds like fun. It's been a while since I've gone out and done something fun and worth while with a bunch of friends.

    I just got back from seeing it again, actually. lol I couldn't resist.
    I saw The Dark Knight six times in theaters... who knows how many times I'll see Twilight. lol

    Marion is awesome because they handed out posters for the correct answers to trivia questions. My question was "What is Carlisle's profession?" lol too easy!
    November 23rd, 2008 at 06:41am
  • can i still do it? 0_0
    November 21st, 2008 at 05:56pm
  • Hey, just wanted to say thank you for being nice to me last night. I know we had a major falling out because of the major differences in our personalities and that it will never be possible to be friends the way we were before, but I just wanted to tell you thank you... not just for last night, but for everything you've done for me. Thank you for letting me into your house so graciously. You have no idea how much I learned and how happy I was while living there. My life is so much better because of it, honestly.
    November 21st, 2008 at 01:50pm
  • I'll try to get it done tonight
    No gaurentee though
    Damn Science paper.....:p
    November 20th, 2008 at 02:06pm
  • belated happy bday to you too!!1 <3
    October 3rd, 2008 at 05:50pm
  • Happy birthday Jazzy Mc'Jasmin!
    October 2nd, 2008 at 06:22pm
  • Happy Birthday. :]
    October 2nd, 2008 at 07:22am
  • Thank you for the article comment, but before you judge, just know that that was my point.
    The world doesn't dress is pink, the world's geeks don't have knee high socks, that's what they say on tv.
    Or have said, to keep the picture still in your head.
    And I chose Green Day out of random, sorry if it effected you.

    Thank you though, because I'm just going to let that comment be towards my point, because, that answer of your's did make sense when it's towards the point. What they put on tv is a bunch of crap towards actual High school.
    September 27th, 2008 at 07:19pm
  • im so glad i wasnt born in somewhere like that... because im an ardent aetheist... they'd probably all hate me :P

    what country you going to? italy, france and germany are my favourite european countries, they are definitely worth visiting... and also spain is really gorgeous too, if you dont go to the tacky tourist places. ;)
    September 22nd, 2008 at 06:33pm
  • scotland is absolutely stunning. everything about it... i love it. it's summed up pretty much like this: castles, trees, sheep, lochs, buzzing cities and wonderfully friendly people. :) the only bad thing about living here is that everyone assumes you're ginger and an alcoholic... haha
    where are you from?
    September 19th, 2008 at 06:38pm