

Uniqueness:I'm a Japanese-American who can speak both Japanese and English. I'm really nice (werid that I'm saying it too) but don't ever hesitate to ask me anything. I usually don't think bad about anyone. To me, everyone is a good person in some way (not many people are on my bad side). I'm easy to become friends with.

Hobbies:Writing stories. Reading stories. Playing tennis. Annoying my little brother. Goofing off with my friends. Spending hours of sleeping.

Dislikes:Fighting. Arguing. [mostly because I never win] Playing monopoly with my family. [everyone but me are tycoons at this game. I'm always the first to lose.] Mean people. [if there's nothing nice to say, don't bother saying anything.] my dad and his jokes [sometimes. I just hate that he's racist and stubborn. And also that his jokes are mean. It's not even funny.]

January 19th, 2011| 4:35 p.m.

Currently Addicted To:Tiny Chef on my ipod touch.
Music:Ballad of Mona Lisa by Panic! At The Disco
Working On:When There's Things You Can't Seem To Forget
Update:I might change a few things soon. And a few things might be changed here and there.


When There's Things You Can't Seem To Forget
Status: Active
Characters: Aria Stevens/ Paul Meraz
Summary: Twilight Fanfiction- Paul Imprint Story

story title
Status; Active/Inactive/Complete
Characters; Girl/Guy
Summary; Short summery

story title
Status; Active/Inactive/Complete
Characters; Girl/Guy
Summary; Short summery

Shake Up Christmas
Characters: Lydia/ Matt Sanders
Summary: M.Shadows Christmas Oneshot

story title
Characters; Girl/Guy
Summary; Short summery

Layout by natalie at Living The Lie