Writing a Novel is Hard

Giant sadface. My productivity levels have just been declining since I finished school. It's a little ironic how easily I was able to write Fear Itself when I had piles of homework and coursework to finish. Now that I have all this free time, it's like I stare at tumblr all day long, not even worrying that I'm trying to finish this story.Guh. And it's not like I'm slipping into lethargy either. I...
June 14th, 2013 at 03:20am

Light Em Up Up Up

WOW, have any of you heard the new FOB song? what am i talking about, this is mibba, of course you have.Jesus, I can't stop listening to it! We waited three years, but this was so worth it. I know people are complaining back and forth about how it "doesn't sound like fall out boy." but if you heard anything by the black cards or patrick's solo album, it's not really surprising that they went in...
February 4th, 2013 at 05:38pm

Good Things

Not to toot my own horn or sound conceited, but I have one hundred subscribers on my story.i just never imagined when i first posted it that people would follow it and enjoy it as much as they do. fear itself has kind of become like my baby, and i'm just squealing to everybody and feeling the warm fuzzies.except there are like, three friends in my real life that actually care about what i'm...
January 30th, 2013 at 05:15pm

Roommate Nightmares

hey everyone. long story short, i live in a suite with two of my friends. our third roommate had to drop out, and the school assigned us a random so we could still live in a four-person room.problem is, this girl is a crazy fucking bitch.somewhere, somehow, about two months ago, she got the idea that my friends and i don't like her, which is totally false. we went out of our way to try and hang...
December 5th, 2012 at 06:12pm

Extreme Voter Fatigue

Just found out one of my good friends is a hardcore republican. We had one of the most intense debates over lunch I've ever had in my life, even as a college student.I don't know how I feel. I'm kind of over this election, but my fingers are still crossed that Romney tanks because I have this horrible feeling he's just going to drive the middle class into a hole just like the last 30 years of...
November 6th, 2012 at 07:38pm