No matter how thick the sole

No matter how thick the sole, it wears out, then nails will start to prick, sahib.What happens when my soul wears out? What happens when nails begin to prick? Do they prick the mind, unguarded by the soul? Do they prick the mind into madness? And does the mind never have the sense to cover itself with a new shoe? Does the mind not have the capacity? Can it not pay the price for a new pair? Are we...
March 7th, 2008 at 04:10am


relentlessly. like java logs and providence for something that doesn't belong to me. probability. and statistics for a lost age and directions for when to turn pages.loss. maybe something undefinable but still somehow describable. taste. like the strawberries in your breath and the sour whiskey in your kisses.but slowly. my shoes are worn through, my hair has washed out, old contacts brand new, a...
January 19th, 2008 at 09:43am