Swear Words Don't Mean Anything Anymore

If someone swears at me, or calls me a dirty name, I honestly can't seem to be too put up to even care anymore and I suppose it's because I'm a girl. Swear words are thrown between girls so often that it's meaningless and pointless to call anybody a bitch anymore. If I were to try to get everyone that has ever been called a bitch into one room, I'd probably need one the size of Alaska and still...
October 10th, 2010 at 12:56am

Signed Up For NaNoWriMo | Story ***

I have finally posted my baby; a story that has been racking my brain for a beginning since the dawn of time--I'm exagerating but it's been killing me how I have not yet found a way to start it until now--and I can't wait to see how that story unfolds. The story, dubbed Allison Wonderland is about a girl named Allison who struggles to not only find herself but learns about her mother's past when...
October 8th, 2010 at 12:27am

Rachel's Challenge Writing Prompt

Rachel Scott was the first person killed at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999. Her acts of kindness and compassion coupled with the contents of her six diaries have become the foundation for one of the most life-changing school programs in America.Today, we had an assembly about the girl named Rachel Scott.Her entire story touched me, so I made a writing prompt to have people express...
October 6th, 2010 at 02:16am

Halloween; What Are Your Views?

That's who I'm going to be.Mad Moxxi of the Underdome.And yes, I am well aware that she doesn't have any pants, which is kind of the one thing I despise of this costume.What do I think of Halloweeen?I think it's an absolutely wonderful time when I can leave with my friends, dress up as who I want to be, and play as some new person without people looking at me like I'm such a strange being.What do...
October 4th, 2010 at 05:23am

Friday Nights, Sleepy Eyes, and Story Time!

Do you have a story that you think is absolutely amazing, but, oh dear, you just can't seem to get any comments? Well, as sad as that is, I am here to save the day!You post your little amazing story down there in the comments you see, and I will go ahead and give you an honest-to-god critique on your story as to whether I like it or not, what you should fix, and what I especially liked about...
October 2nd, 2010 at 03:20am