
United States
Joined date
October 2nd, 2010


I'm Molly. I never like writing about me's, so i usually don't. but i've been creeping people on mibba lately and decided i'd blurb.

i sing when i drive. i cant leave my driveway unless theres a cigarette in my hand. i drink a lot, maybe too much. i recently decided that i love college, especially english classes. i have a thing for tattoos, but not for piercings. i love nerds, and thats not an exageration. id rather talk to someone with a good brain for hours than spend two seconds looking at somone attractive.
i never take myself seriously, emphasis on never, but somehow when i write about me's they always end up sounding serious, which is completely the opposite of what i am. i think people can tell a lot about me through my writing. i spend too much time on the internet. i also spend too much time sleeping.
im surprised im not in jail yet. practically everyone in my home town has seen my ass.

i've LOVED mcr since i was like... twelve? thirteen maybe? idk, but they got me through high school. my love of HIM grew from my love of MCR. following HIM came A7X, blink-182, nirvana, and about a million other bands. weird how that shit works huh?
i always write like im talking to somone. sometimes whem im bored in class i'll pick a person in the room and describe them in my head the way i would describe them in a book. it kills time.
i hate writing about me's.