when the world turns and we with it

alala, i am danica. sixteen. melbourne. drop out. late nights and waking in the afternoon. singing on public transport. dressing like a hobo. forever losing the matching sock. automatically looking like an asian tranny when red lipstick is applied. feeling sorry for the least loved character. having to turn on all the lights when watching a scary movie at night. never being genuine in fear of rejection. always wondering 'what if'. having that one piece of clothing you treasure too much to wear. trying to figure life out. wishing you were someone else. trying to remember people have it worse but still feeling sorry for yourself. not admitting your worst qualities. eating junk food and not working out. giving up on something as soon as it gets too hard. wondering if your best friends think of you as their's. falling in love and giving up without trying cause you know they'd never want you back.

this is me. more or less. probably less because i could go on for so much longer but i think you get the general gist right? more than anything though, i love music. maybe we have something in common? in which case you definitely should leave me a comment x

and the story goes like this

we break easy
alex gaskarth & georgia penrith

status; incomplete. i want to kick start this since i haven't been able to update in ages. it's my baby really and i've planned it out to a second sequel in my head already. i'm so excited for it so expect lots of updates soon