I'm Gay.

I'm gay.Not bisexual, Not bi curious, not experimental, just plan flat out gay. Well, I guess technically I'm a lesbain, because I'm a girl who likes girls.In a way, I've always known. Girls we're always beautiful to me, and boys where just toys, things to play with. Practice to me.Coming out is a bitch. I've told friends, and they say they still love me. It's like if I robbed a bank or something,...
November 28th, 2010 at 04:53am


I have a problemNot a love problem, or a life problem, well atleast not one that I'm adressing in this Journal entry.But a writing problem, which I'm sure the fine writers of mibba can help me solve.I want to right a story, plot is no problem, charecters, and everything is fine.But rejection is one issue. I couldn't stand people hating my work. I'd be crushed if I poured my heart and soul into a...
November 27th, 2010 at 07:23am

Are You Happy?

Okay, something has really been bothering me lately. Everyone seems sad, no one seems happy, and the world writes it off as teen angst. I look around my classes, and no one is happy.I know I'm not.No one is really happy, I guess. IT's hard to be happy, I guess I'm just not meant to be happy, it's like I'm suppose to be a supporting actress in my own life. I accept that, but it's that no one else...
November 27th, 2010 at 06:16am