TwentyEightDaysLater / Comments

  • I'm wondering about the fact it's a wedding...that confuses me somewhat.

    I've seen the 2nd one a few times...still need to buy it on DVD tho :P I watched 'Creep' for the first time the other night, and even though it's not exactly terrifying - there were a couple o'moments where I freaked a bit :D

    May 1st, 2011 at 07:38pm
  • Saw this....thought of our convo :]

    Whatcha think based on the very few photos/poster there is there...think it'll be any good? xx
    May 1st, 2011 at 06:07pm
  • Nah, I like longer comments so I figure I may as well GIVE longer comments, y'know what I mean?
    April 21st, 2011 at 12:03am
  • I'm only reading the MCR fanfics on here actually...I like seeing how different people interpret their versions of the guys in the band :] I don't actually know what kinda stuff I'd wanna read about...I came on here to find well-written stuff that wasn't just Frerard (although I have a few of them I read). I was lucky and found your stories pretty much straight away...I'm more into the thrillery/drama type stuff I guess...

    I think as long as Double History got you writing again, then you should do what you want with it. If you're not enjoying writing it then it becomes a it's probably best in that case to start something you do enjoy writing :] xx
    March 26th, 2011 at 03:20am
  • I get where you're coming from with the is a lot different. I think album's that grow on you always tend to be better though :]

    I'm kinda liking the way Double History is a bit of a departure from your other stuff...but again, I get what you mean with the standstillness and the 'chick flick' vibe. It's good to read something different in your style of writing, but I have to admit - I'm dying to read the next brutally epic dark one you write ^_^ I don't think I could write as Gerard. I mean with the other guys it's all coming naturally...but there's something I can't quite get that would make me happy or comfortable enough writing as him. Hopefully I'll get over that roadblock :P

    I'm glad you're enjoying my story - and gruelling is just what I'm going for. The way I see it, if it's easy to read it may as well just be a cheesy predictable film rather than a deep story.. :] xx
    March 25th, 2011 at 08:30pm
  • I've been writing films reviews for a website for a while...but I've given up my site now since I really need to try and get a decent job and some good money on the go. I've only ever wrote stories when I was at school for exams and whatever...but I've tried to write a few since then. I always get bored and not know what I'm doing really, so I give up on them too.

    I'm liking this though. The fact I can use fanfiction with characters 'already set up as such' the fact I'm using real events that happened to me for some parts, is making this easier and more enjoyable to write. Thanks for the compliment :]

    I LOVE it. I wasn't sure what to expect really...and it was a lot different to what I thought it'd be/what they've done previously. My favourite song on it keeps changing a lot though. When I first heard it, I loved 'DESTROYA' best, then that changed to 'SING'...and there's been several other changes as well. I think 'Vampire Money' is one of THE best they've done - I just love it. I'm also getting some words from 'Summertime' as a tattoo on my right arm I'm excited about that!

    What do you think of the album? xx
    March 25th, 2011 at 12:03am
  • Sorrrrrrrries *blushes*. I'm trying to get at least one up a day - more so because I'm excited to see what comes next. That sounds dumb right? :|

    It's a fantastically sunny day and so I'm all happy and hyper (even tho I have a cold lool) so I'm hopefully gonna get lots done today :P

    How are you doing? I liked the last update to double history :] I always read your updates as soon as you post. :D xx
    March 23rd, 2011 at 04:24pm
  • I have noticed that people don't seem to comment too much, but the ones that do are definately cheering me on :]

    I tend to force myself to sit in front of the computer to deal with writer's block - but then I get distracted by listening to Kerrang radio, or just putting on every CD I own. I eventually get stuff done though, so I guess it's not all bad. I haven't really got a plan for the story so I hope that gives me a bit more freedom there; do you tend to plan everything about your stories? They're REALLY well thought out :]

    Thanks for the story-compliments...I'm all happy inside now hehe :D I'm kinda glad chapter two was hard to read (in-a-good-way) because that's what I intended. I want to try and unsettle people reading every now and again so that no one can predict what's coming (at least that's what I hope I'm doing). I wanted to get that flashback written and out of the way though as it made me so uncomfortable. I'm glad you like the style I write in too - although let me know if I mix up my tenses - they're a blind-spot of mine :P

    I'm working on the next 2-3 chapters now to hopefully get up sometime tonight :] I liked your rambly comment btw...sorry for my essay comments - I tend to get over-excited and write lots :P xx
    March 20th, 2011 at 05:05pm
  • Haha aww! Well once I get a grip on something, I'm usually ok from there - still took me well over an hour to find my way round the site and work out how to post. I only learn there was a comment section link at the top of the stories on like Wednesday or sumthing... *oops, lol*

    I've put 5 chapters up so far...I tend to kinda write stuff quickly. Altho, I did sit in front of the keyboard and monitor for an aaaage yesterday trying to move the writer's block. I don't have a definite plan for anything, so I hope I don't muck it up by just posting rubbish stuff. Ahh well.

    So there used to be way more MCR stories on here? A friend gave me the link to this page from my Livejournal 'cause I wanted to find some new stuff to read - I'm glad she did now :D xx
    March 19th, 2011 at 05:31pm
  • Okies, now I just feel old! I can't believe you were writing at that standard so young! I get what you mean about the internet though....I was like that :P

    I think since you wrote as great as that before - you can again :] I can't wait to see what comes next ^_^ I decided I've read a lot lately, so I am actually going to try and write my own....this could fail so easily though haha.

    If you could give me any tips or encouragement or whatever I'd be massively grateful :] I've written Chapter One just now, so I'm going to try and work out how the hell to post it - and hope that people get interested (although I don't have a great deal of confidence at the moment) :P xx
    March 17th, 2011 at 06:22pm
  • How old is the first series of stories? I honestly doubt I could ever write anything as good...I'll stick to reading and commenting happily ^_^

    That makes me really happy that you're gonna start another one! - Any time you need encouragement I will be here :D xx
    March 16th, 2011 at 12:44am
  • I've just started reading all your stories and just have to say they are all so EPIC! I've stayed up all night the past week reading them so that I didn't have to wait for it - you are honestly really talented ^_^ Keep up with Double History 'cause I can't wait to read the next bit!!! x
    March 14th, 2011 at 09:10pm
  • Thanks for adding me :)
    March 13th, 2011 at 08:05pm
  • Your wlecome it's amazing! I could never have written anything half as good as that at 13! your very talented :) I hope you do, when you do let me know and I will definately read it. Promise :D Xo
    February 26th, 2010 at 06:36pm
  • Please continue Double History, you're amazing.
    February 26th, 2010 at 03:03am
  • Oh and i LOVE Gerard Way,.
    Heez the SMEX.
    January 20th, 2010 at 08:21pm
  • Offt. Like hay.
    Thanks for commenting for my comment that i gave you. comment.
    I'm not nice, I am your WORSE NIGHTMARE ;o
    But tht story is awesome :D
    January 20th, 2010 at 08:20pm
  • In my story [n]This Is What We're Up Against[/b]
    Gerard is dead before it even starts x]
    January 20th, 2010 at 06:40pm
  • It's no problem.
    If I write about Gerard Way, he's usually dead x]
    January 20th, 2010 at 06:21pm
  • Hey.
    I see you're a My Chem fan and I was wondering if you'd take the time to check out my fan fictions and tell me what you think because I'd love some new opinions.
    Aoife. :)
    December 20th, 2009 at 02:19am