Catch and Release.

I am absolutely hung up on a girl but not just any girl, she happens to be my girlfriend. She is by far one of the most amazing person ever, not to mention stunningly beautiful. But the single problem about this fantastic girl is that I never see her, and it breaks my heart. I mean here is this fantastic girl who I'm head over heels for and she's mine, I mean I finally got the girl but I actually...
May 31st, 2009 at 08:35pm

Yeah it sucks...

So today I got my heartbroken and I'm not going to complain or anything but it sucks. But I'm not going to go in a hole just because of it. I'm not saying that I'm inhuman, because boy does it hurt. This great man once told me, actually yesterday, that if I'm above ground and not a cockroach in bulgaria I'm doing something right. And hey I knew that this girl was to good to be true. So I hope that...
February 9th, 2008 at 03:17am


I feel sick, and its not anything physical but emotional. I'm pretty sure why I am sick but I don't know how to stop it. Words just hit me and I know that its not about me. I can't her out of my mind, I don't even think she knows how much I care. The world is just closing in and she is the only thing in my world that even matters. She's my world and I wish for once things weren't complicated. I...
February 8th, 2008 at 04:38am


So i'm in CALM and it is just pretty lame and i'm done every assingment so i'm going to ramble. Ok so little kids came to see our children's theatre yesterday and it was so amazing i just loved it they were just in love with everyone's character. It was awesome and we got to talk to them after and i love them.Oh Big Time! I like that saying i just reccently found it out and it was cool, I don't...
January 11th, 2008 at 05:49pm

Beginning of a story idea....

I've been trying to think of a story idea so this is a begining that popped into my head so i just want to see what people thought.Ivan woke up on a cold november morning, it was still early it was about 4 in the morning. He could no longer sleep, no longer dream. As he got up to close the window he started to look at the sky and think, think of all that had happened in the year, all the ridicule....
October 20th, 2007 at 09:46pm


Have you ever wanted to be noticed by someone so bad it hurts? And when they utterly brush you to the side and don't even bother talking to you it hurts? I'm pretty sure thats love but I've been wrong many times before. Is it lust? maybe. Its hard to decide between the two. Do you ever know when you are in love, can you tell? Love is the one thing that can never be understood it has too many...
October 19th, 2007 at 08:02am


So most people know the story, the guy in the back that never gets noticed. He's nice, everyone knows him as the nice funny kid. But is there more to him, yeah lots more its just that no one thinks of asking him. The saying is "Nice guys finish last..." its true i know for a fact because I'm living proof. Nice guys never get the girl, there is always some one better looking or funnier. Nice guys...
October 18th, 2007 at 11:32am