
Thursay, October 7th, 2010

I got a Mibba! Hello all fellow Mibbians. As of right now I'm not really familiar with this site, yet, but I will by the end of the night. If anybody wants to talk and stuff just comment/PM me and I'll answer back. Also, if there is anything you want me to read/comment just ask. Since I'm not much of a writer the story section of this profile will be used for my favorite stories that are active. They are gonna tange from original to fanfiction. Oh, one thing if you ask me to read your story that's a fanfiction; if I don't know or like the fandom, I'm not gonna read it. Sorry. I will tell you ahead of time if I'm not gonna read it.


Story Title
Status: completed? hiatus?

Story Title
Status: completed? hiatus?

Story Title
Status: completed? hiatus?
About You
The name is Arizona. I came into the world 15 years ago to terrorize the state of Arizona. I have high hopes of becoming an Editor, don't matter if it's a magazine or book. I want to edit the hell out of things. My heart truly belongs to the man with the name of Matthew Gray Gubler. Everything else belongs to James Van Der Beek. I know messed up combination, huh? If you watch Criminal MInds, you understand. Simple Plan, Green Day, Nirvane and Blink 182 rock my socks to no end. I may be young, but I'm naive.
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This layout was designed by: Calli @ She Said Poptarts the images do not belong to me they are from here. Please do not remove the credits.
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