
United States
Joined date
October 18th, 2007


no, seriously, I'm not that interesting; just you're normal unoriginal idiotic teenager bumbling through life.

well, I warned you...
I like music--who doesn't?

I lack social skills. I can prove it if you want me to be all annoying and whatnot.

I love to read more than anything in the world. More than music--yeah, I went there.

I have problems with my parents, but on a small scale; I do love them and am lucky to have them.

I love to learn; consequently, I love school.

I love being alone. All the less humanoid crap to put up with.

I am from the states. (Just joking, I'm only from one of them!)

English is my first and only language--I'm not cool enough to know any others. If I was, I'd take all my linguistic skill and twist all the languages into Gibberish. It will be the only formal form of childhood language.

My unilinguality also means that I can't use English being a second language as an excuse to discredit my abysmal spelling/grammar.

People say I'm a good writer, but only on essays. Kind of a convoluted gift at this point in my life. Too bad there isn't a section on Mibba like that... I'd dominate with my "How Earnest Hemmingway's Literary Style Compares to Other Authors of His Time" essay that got me an A in English.

I like to sing, but I'm in the school choir, so I only like to sing boring choirly stuff.

I have a sister on Mibba. Her name is spontanious.insanity. She may seem like a dork at first, but when you get to know her, she can be kind of cool sometimes. (note the reluctance)

I do like bright colors, but my favorite color is black and white. Not Black or White or black and white separated, but black and white as one distinct color. Not grey either. As a matter of fact, I kind of dislike grey. It reminds me of troll bogeys. (Harry Potter-the-books-not-the-movies geek out!)

I dislike sports with a passion for no particular reason. I'm irrational, so sue me.

I doubt my sanity on occasion. Those occasions seem to be getting more and more frequent.

I'm not a vegetarian, but I won't eat ground meats. I once saw a program on TV about what they put into sausage and stuff...*shudder*

I dislike war and violence as a whole. That doesn't mean that I'm not occationally violent myself, but it never really made amy sense to me.

My favorite movie is either Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (the old one with the normal oompaloompas), Les Miserables, or V for Vendetta. It would be cool if there was a movie that was a cross between the three. There would be frenchmen in firefights and high-speed chases in the chocolate room. That would be sweet (pun intended).

If I know you, talk to me.
If I don't know you, talk to me.
If you're a sexual predator that I don't know, let's try to keep it that way.
If you're a sexual predator I know... creepy!

...told you it would be lame.
Sorry if I accidentally sent you into a boredom-induced comma.