Giving it up

So for the longest time I had a big problem with cutting myself. Eventually I got help from my psychiatrist to stop. And every time I felt like doing it then I thought about how long it's been since the last time that I cut. "3 months don't give it up!" "6 months don't give up!" "8 months don't give up!" This feeling of sobriety was really what pushed me on to actually not doing it. But it wasn't...
April 21st, 2011 at 03:34pm

Confusion?? (about being bi)

FUUUUCCCKKK!!!! That's what I scream inside my head a lot. Usually after the barrage of questions the voice in my head asks.He's cuteYou should ask him outWhy would you do that?And release you dirty little secret?I don't think soAnd you think so tooI'm not really sure if I am bi or just bi-curious. I've always found certain guys cute, but I've only really had one full guy crush before. (OMG he is...
February 28th, 2011 at 03:07am

My First Time

The first time I ever cut I was sitting in my room, trying to do my homework. But I couldn't figure out how to do the problems. I felt like a failure because I'm supposed to be smart. I heard a voice inside my head to look around the table, and that's when I saw my small pocket knife. It was dull for the most part but had a serrated edge. I opened it up, then threw it away. My second voice in my...
February 26th, 2011 at 04:37am