Carry on my wayward son

My name is Shelby Rae, but you can call me Rae if you like :) I'm 19 years old, soon to be 20 on the twenty-sixth of October. Wow I'm hold O.o I love to draw and read and write. I have a DeviantART and if you have one or would like to view some of my art all you have to do is click this. I work at a retirment home as a dishwasher/clean-up in the kitchen. Its a good job and I think I like it.. I live with my partents, little sister and four cats (two of which are mine) I hope to one day publish all my books, so far I'm working on four ;)

There’ll be peace when you are done

Story Title: The Last Crystal Skull: Falling to Engon
Genre:Adventure, SicFi, Enviormental, Mystery
Status: Just started typing

Story Title: Story Title

Story Title: Story Title

Lay your weary head to rest

Layout by Sean at hummingbird layouts