WickedKitty / Comments

  • astrology_girl

    astrology_girl (100)

    Oh thanks (: I liked your name :D
    The same, but a little bored haha
    So... what kind of supernatural things you like ?
    December 29th, 2010 at 11:16pm
  • astrology_girl

    astrology_girl (100)

    Hey, how are you ? I like supernatural things too (:
    I'm Leticia, by the way. xx
    December 29th, 2010 at 03:45am
  • Star Shiner

    Star Shiner (100)

    United States
    I just don't really like the plot, it's pretty boring. But I might put it out for a while and just see if people like it..
    December 16th, 2010 at 10:46pm
  • Star Shiner

    Star Shiner (100)

    United States
    It's a Hayley Williams story :) I'm not sure if I'm gonna keep it though.
    I'm also working on Teenage Dream.
    December 16th, 2010 at 12:37am
  • Star Shiner

    Star Shiner (100)

    United States
    I'm working on a story, eating some yummy pizza and watching t.v. :)
    December 15th, 2010 at 02:36pm
  • Star Shiner

    Star Shiner (100)

    United States
    Hey :)
    What's up?
    December 13th, 2010 at 05:14pm
  • Star Shiner

    Star Shiner (100)

    United States
    I'm a textaholic and I barely ever call anyone with my cell phone..
    I love my phone, it's one of my survival tools haha :)
    December 4th, 2010 at 09:26pm
  • toasteh.toast

    toasteh.toast (100)

    Wooot! I have....the same amount of time left in biology!! I'm scared for bio 12 though. They have tests every two weeks! D: But that's a ways away so I'll be alright. Gym at my school is mandatory until grade 10 and then grade eleven you can do whatever you want. Apparently the teacher is on stress leave, at least that's what they think. She's getting a divorce because apparently she cheats on him or something. And she dropped an f-bomb during class. O.o I don't know if any of that is true, but I do know she's not there. I may have faked injury once or twice in elementary school haha. Just because. I don't really know why, because now that I look back on it I remember it as fun. In swimming the other day I thought I pulled something in my ribs because they really hurt and I knew I needed to go to the chiropractor so it seemed plausible. It turned out that my swim suit was just rubbing my skin raw there. I didn't really realize what it was because I was used to that only happening on my neck. When I found that out while I was changing I felt like a bit of a wimp haha, but I'll get over it. My coach doesn't need to know.
    The Pacer Test kind of sounds like the beep test. I hate how in the beep test it has like so many.....parts I guess, to a certain level. So it'd be like level 1.1, level 1.2 and so on. But it went up to like 1.8 and the highest part was different for each level! Bleeeeh, I've only ever gotten to 6 and apparently that's like a C. But I think only the head of the gym department used those numbers. I think she's the only gym teacher now.
    Oh we did something like that last year! We had to test our flexibility and lung capacity. I actually don't seem to have a big lung capacity, which really surprised me haha. I've always been told I should have a big one, but obviously that test says differ. I just despise running in general. It makes my throat really dry and my joints really hurt too. Swimming just feels so much better to me. Running just isn't for me! I used to be in the cross country club in elementary school, and even though I ran a kilometre everyday, I still didn't improve and it never felt easier. Which is another reason I prefer swimming over running. Swimming I can adjust and I can get better, running is just like a set speed for me for life haha.
    Mhmmm! I could've gotten top distinction in grade 9 if I had an A in gym, but no. My gym teacher that year took everything seriously and stuck to the was the department head did things, but he was a new teacher so he did things wrong. He cut out the dance part! Which is ALWAYS mandatory until grade 10. I was quite upset, I only ever got to do it the Dance Extravaganza once, and I really liked it. It was just like a month of gym where you dance and it's really easy and you don't have to wear gym strip! But people complained and we had to play European handball, which he would yell at us while we played because we weren't in the right positions.
    Every teacher in the school thinks they teach the most important subject. I remember last year we would get a lot of homework in science, and it was so much we did it during socials. And gym is important, but we go on hikes and if you tell the teacher you really can't go because you'll miss important stuff in class they'll get angry. It's like sorry but I really don't want to miss this! Because last year we had to write the science provincial and you didn't really want to miss a day of that. I remember my one friend from the town thirty minutes away woke up late and missed her bus so she couldn't get into my city. That day she missed a biology lab, a french test and a physics quiz. I hate how easily it is to miss so much stuff now >.< And my dad wants to go on vacation. I try to explain to him how I REALLY can't miss school, but then my sister butts in and is all like "It's really not that bad to miss school, it's easy to catch up". Well no it's not haha. My grades as especially important this year! I don't particularly want to get behind. We had to do a timed run around this man made lake last year. It wasn't a mile though. I think it was like a kilometre and a half or just a kilometre. I did good the first time, I got just under nine minutes. But after that I just added a minute everytime haha.
    I really don't like people like that. They just try a little too hard and they think they're better. They may be better but it's not always necessary to show that all the time. Swimming is something you kind of have to work up too I think, but swimming for fun is nice. I want to quit swim club, but then again I don't. Because if I just went to swim for fun I know I won't challenge myself or I'll just take a random break. It's actually not that bad, I just need to remember not to eat so much before I go! hahah It's really unpleasant but I just never learn. I used to be really competitive, and then I realized that I just didn't really care about that and there was much more important things to me that I wanted to work hard on rather than swimming. I definitely couldn't function normally the next day! Hahah I think I had a math test too the next day and I was like falling asleep. I just finished my test then took a nap hehe.
    I think some coaches do want to say that winning isn't everything, but as the game unfolds they just get so caught up in it that they want to win. I think it's because they always see you as being able to do better, even if you don't see it yourself. But playing your best at that time is what really matters because your not always going to have a perfect game or whatever. I remember playing this team and they'd sub in this person for them to serve and then sub them back out after they lost the ball. I definitely cannot serve over hand the proper way or with a fist haha. I've tried multiple times and it always falls short. I do good with underhand serves though, not like I really need them anymore haha.
    December 4th, 2010 at 07:30pm
  • Star Shiner

    Star Shiner (100)

    United States
    Haha that's cool :)
    December 4th, 2010 at 05:45pm
  • Star Shiner

    Star Shiner (100)

    United States
    Some town in California that I can't remember the name of haha.
    December 4th, 2010 at 05:14pm
  • Star Shiner

    Star Shiner (100)

    United States
    Yeah I'm pretty excited for that hah :)
    December 4th, 2010 at 04:46pm
  • Star Shiner

    Star Shiner (100)

    United States
    Aw :( I miss my girlfriend. She's on vacation in California for the entire month :(
    December 4th, 2010 at 02:52pm
  • Star Shiner

    Star Shiner (100)

    United States
    Aw that's nice :)
    I like getting hugs too.
    I'm a hug person haha
    December 3rd, 2010 at 01:13pm
  • Star Shiner

    Star Shiner (100)

    United States
    I had a plan, a kind of fuzzy plan, but a plan haha :)
    I think everything's starting to look better now.
    That makes me happy :)
    December 3rd, 2010 at 03:17am
  • Star Shiner

    Star Shiner (100)

    United States
    That's what I was thinking too, that it's not really going anywhere. I'm gonna start working on it soon :)
    December 2nd, 2010 at 04:08pm
  • Star Shiner

    Star Shiner (100)

    United States
    I was thinking of doing that.
    I've heard a couple of her songs and they are actually pretty insparational.
    I kind of feel like I need to take the story down, do some editing, then put it back up... What do you think about that plan?
    December 1st, 2010 at 11:30pm
  • Star Shiner

    Star Shiner (100)

    United States
    More like major writer's block actually :/
    November 30th, 2010 at 11:36pm
  • Star Shiner

    Star Shiner (100)

    United States
    My story, Teenage Dream.. I haven't updated it in ages!
    November 30th, 2010 at 01:26pm
  • Star Shiner

    Star Shiner (100)

    United States
    Haha that's cool :)
    Not much, just trying to write and watching football with my dad.
    November 28th, 2010 at 09:04pm
  • toasteh.toast

    toasteh.toast (100)

    I loathed gym! I don't have to take it this year. I miss it when gym just used to be A for participation. Now they grade you on fitness. It's so stupid! Have you ever done the beep test or the cooper's run? Bleeeh they're so dumb! I don't think people should be graded on how fast they can ran or how many push ups they can do. In grade nine I was graded like that. But last year it was better, as long as you improved you got a good mark. But I still don't like the fitness testing.
    Our team was alright when I played. There was always those girls that just HAD to touch the ball every play. They were like "MINE *hip check*". Actually I don't really know anyone really competitive. There's only three senior swimmers and we all just want to swim for the exercise, not the swim meets. In the other division though, there's some really fast girls, but I don't think they're too competitive like they don't want to win just for the sake of it. Their parents are mostly the ones that want them to win. I remember we did a swim challenge once and the girls from that division had to come and swim with us because they didn't really have a swim coach so they had to swim with a coach at least once a week. This one girl that's really nice and really fast she was almost finished the swim challeng (which is like 5000 ;~;) she had one fifty left and she stopped because everyone else did and her mom told her to finish so they could get her time and she got really angry and just left. I was like "O-O I'd be really happy if I finished it...." I finally managed to finish it last year though. But I could barely keep my eyes open the next day hahah.
    I hate it when coaches are like that. It's like they want you to good, but their good turns a little bad and they start freaking out and stuff. I hate it when you mess up and they sigh and turn away because that's when I knew we REALLY messed that one up. That's mean of your coach! If she wanted you to serve overhand she could've at least worked on it with your or something before the game. I can't serve overhand at all. I just gets to the net and doesn't make it over. I don't have enough power to overhand. I'm a weeeaakling. Oh I see. I played volleyball since I knew it existed so like....grade five I think. And I played junior basketball. I actually did a lot of stuff, I don't know why because I hated sports haha. Especially running but I joined the cross country club. I ran everyday and my body didn't get used to it so it was alway really hard. My mom told me I'd get used to it but I never did. Then after I went to high school I quit. I played volleyball because my parents expected me too after playing so long. Then I quit after I realized how much I hated the feeling I got when we went to tournaments and stuff. Bleeh I get so nervous now.
    November 28th, 2010 at 06:09pm